Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 391: I saw a **** catastrophe

   Chapter 391 I saw the disaster of blood light

  The location of the auto repair factory is a bit out of the way. The factory building is quite big, but it is broken and looks messy.

  Ruan Tang had just parked his motorcycle at the door when someone came over and asked, "What are you doing?"

   Probably because Ruan Tang was dressed too much like a social sister, not a serious person, and the person who asked the question was very vigilant, like a thief.

   Ruan Tang glanced at him with an arrogant attitude: "I'm here to find someone, do you have an apprentice named Ruan Mingxin here? I have something to do with him."

   When the man heard this, his attitude became more vigilant: "What are you looking for him for?"

   Ruan Tang lied casually: "He did me a favor, I'll thank him, any questions?"

   She is wearing a small vest today, so she definitely can't say that she is Ruan Mingxin's sister.

   also cannot make people think that she is here to trouble Ruan Mingxin.

   said that she came to express her gratitude. It would neither cause trouble for Ruan Mingxin, nor make people feel that she came to trouble Ruan Mingxin. The excuse is perfect!

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but gave himself a like.

   Sure enough, when the person heard that she was here to thank her, her attitude became less vigilant: "Ruan Mingxin is inside, I'll call him out."

   Ruan Tang replied softly, which was considered an agreement.

  This place is messy, so she can't go in rashly.

  Otherwise, what should I do if someone touches porcelain?

   However, Ruan Mingxin was only in his teens, and he went to such a place to be an apprentice. What did he think?

  Apprentices don’t get paid, and they have to do chores for others.

   And the work in this kind of place is dirty and tiring, which is not a good job for a teenage boy.

   Ruan Tang waited patiently for a while, thinking that the man would come out with Ruan Mingxin.

Who knew that after the man came out, he looked at her vigilantly again, and said, "Ruan Mingxin is busy, I asked him, and he said he doesn't remember helping anyone, you are definitely here to find him. ?"

   "He can't remember what he did, so can't I come to thank him?" Ruan Tang said angrily, "Since he's busy, I'll find him myself."

  The man stopped her immediately: "No, you can't go in! This is where we work. There are many important equipment and parts. You are now suspicious and can't go in!"

   "My identity is suspicious?" Ruan Tang grabbed 008 and held it in his arms, "Have you ever seen someone who brought a son of a **** to do bad things?"

  008 instinctively wanted to struggle, but was held down domineeringly by Ruan Tang: "Be honest!"

   Then she raised 008's head, made it look at the man, and said in her mouth, "Look at this dog, how pure his eyes are. If I were a bad person, would I be able to raise such a pure bastard?"

  The man looked at the stupid 008 and suddenly didn't know how to refute: "..."

   Ruan Tang pointed at the motorcycle again: "Take a good look, do you still think I'm a bad guy?"

  The man looked at the cool motorcycle eagerly, and his eyes lit up all of a sudden.

   As long as it's a man, there are not many people who don't like this cool motorcycle.

   Ruan Tang saw that he was dumbfounded and walked in directly.

  The man hesitated for a while, but still did not stop him.

  This motorcycle is very expensive at first glance. The identity of someone who can afford this kind of car is definitely not simple, and he can't afford to offend him.

   Might as well take the opportunity to take a look at this motorcycle.

   Maybe even sneak a few.

   After Ruan Tang entered, he saw Ruan Mingxin soon.

  The boy was wearing dark blue coarse work clothes, and the clothes obviously didn't fit well, making him look thin.

   But that's not the point.

   The point is, why did she see the disaster of blood on Ruan Mingxin?

   (end of this chapter)

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