Chapter 395 Something Happened

   The sudden loud noise made Ruan Mingxin's heart tremble with fright.

   He was startled, and after reacting, he wanted to run inside, but was pulled by Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Mingxin was so anxious: "Don't hold me, there must be something wrong with the loud noise just now!"

   Ruan Tang sneered: "Didn't you just want to know, what did I make you wait for? Now you know."

   When Ruan Mingxin heard this, his face instantly turned pale.

   This is what she made him wait for?

   He looked at Ruan Tang in shock, a little afraid of her: " know..."

   Did she know something would happen?

how can that be?

   "I said, he deliberately tricked you, but you still don't believe it. Don't you want to go in? Now I'll go in with you."

   Ruan Tang dragged him in after he finished speaking.

   She never let go, just to prevent Ruan Mingxin from running around, and then something happens.

   Ruan Mingxin's face turned pale after hearing her words.

   Ruan Tang pulled him, and he stopped resisting, as honest as a puppet.

   As soon as he got in, Ruan Mingxin heard someone say to him, "Ruan Mingxin, something happened to Yang Youfu! The equipment broke down, and the car he was going to repair suddenly fell off. Yang Youfu was knocked unconscious!"

   Ruan Mingxin's face turned even paler, and he didn't know what to do at all.

   Then he heard someone say: "It's fortunate that you didn't repair it just now, or you'll be the one who got hit!"

   Ruan Mingxin heard this, his face was completely bloodless.

   He was pulled by Ruan Tang, and walked over step by step, he saw Yang Youfu fell to the ground, his leg was cut by a large slit, and blood flowed all over the place, looking scary.

  The people around are so messed up, I don't know what to do.

   He looked at Ruan Tang subconsciously and wanted to ask how she knew, but he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

   There are still many people in the factory, and he is afraid that if he asks, it will cause trouble for Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang looked coldly at Yang Youfu, who was lying on the ground. Seeing that the people around him didn't know what to do, he said, "Find a tape to tie his wound, and then send it to rescue immediately, otherwise the wound is so big, he will Bleeding to death."

   Yang Youfu is not as badly injured as Ruan Mingxin in the picture.

   His own hands and feet, of course, would not be stupid enough to fix it directly.

   So just now, after Ruan Tang took Ruan Mingxin out, he was afraid that others would suspect him, so he wanted to secretly deal with the hands and feet.

   did not expect that the equipment was malfunctioning, and the hoisted car suddenly fell.

  Although he was not hit, he was cut a big hole in his leg, and his head was hit, and he fainted immediately.

   Ruan Tang didn't want him to die like this, so he reminded him.

   Yang Youfu just had a feud with Ruan Mingxin. If he died directly, even if the people here knew that Ruan Mingxin was right, they would inevitably blame Yang Youfu for his death.

   Not to mention Ruan Mingxin is still so young, Yang Youfu is really going to die, it must be a big blow to him.

   This is what Ruan Tang did not want to see.

   But Yang Youfu almost made Ruan Mingxin maimed, and she could never save him.

   So he just mentioned one sentence and didn't try to save him.

   When those people heard it, they quickly followed suit.

   Then he rushed Yang Youfu to the hospital for treatment.

   Ruan Tang and Ruan Mingxin did not go.

   Seeing that Ruan Mingxin was hit hard, she decided to comfort him. She turned around and took out a lollipop, tore off the wrapping paper, and stuffed it into Ruan Mingxin's mouth.

   Ruan Mingxin widened his eyes in shock and looked at her stupidly.

   (end of this chapter)

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