Chapter 398 Two Ends

   Ruan Tang did nothing to Yang Youfu.

   Because when Yang Youfu was injured, she saw the end of this person.

   She saw two endings.

   One is that the rescue was not timely, and he died from excessive blood loss.

  The other was fired from the factory, turned into a lame man, disliked by his son, and finally fell ill from exhaustion, but his son refused to take care of him and let him starve to death.

  Because of her reminder, Yang Youfu did not die of blood loss. Unless he can meet a noble person to help him later, his ending will be the second.

   Yang Youfu was injured this time, and the incision was not only large, but also deep, and the tendon was injured.

   With the current medical level, even if cured, there will be many sequelae.

   For example, it becomes lame, it is inconvenient to walk, and it will hurt on rainy days.

   If only he could take good care of him, he still has an ignorant son of a bastard.

   So the ending is doomed.

   Ruan Tang didn't sympathize with him. Yang Youfu didn't teach his son well, so he couldn't blame others.

   As the saying goes, sow melons and reap melons, and sow beans and reap beans.

  What kind of son he teaches, what kind of reward will he get.

   It was obvious that his son made a mistake and was fired from the factory, but he took his anger on the innocent Ruan Mingxin.

   Just to get his ignorant son back!

   If Ruan Tang just happened to see Ruan Mingxin and discovered the **** disaster on him, Ruan Mingxin would have been really disabled this time.

   For this kind of person, it would be nice if Ruan Tang didn’t take revenge on him, how could he sympathize with him?

   If it wasn't for knowing that this person would not end well, Ruan Tang would have wanted to take care of him personally.

   Encountered such a thing, it should have been scared by others.

   Ruan Tang seemed to be nothing.

   She rode the bike to a location one kilometer away from Shanhe Village like last time, and then changed back to the dress of a good girl.

But this time, instead of going straight home, she went into the villa, steamed a basket of buns, made crispy duck, carefully packed it in a basket, and covered it with wild vegetables, and then returned with a basket on her back. Family.

  It takes a lot of oil to make crispy duck. Oil is still expensive these days. Many people are reluctant to put too much oil in cooking. Where can they be willing to use it to make crispy duck?

   Ruan Tang wanted to eat it for a long time, but he didn't dare to make it at home, for fear that Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu would feel distressed.

   So today she deliberately made it in the villa before taking it back, pretending to buy it outside.

   The prepared crispy duck is fragrant and crispy, which is especially delicious.

   Steamed buns have chicken and mushroom fragrant stuffing, pork cabbage stuffing, and sweet red bean paste stuffing. They have just come out of the cage and are fragrant and soft.

   After Ruan Tang brought it back, Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were full of oil.

   She did a lot, but she didn't take it all out, she even reserved it for thank you.

   I plan to give it to him in private, and ask him for a favor by the way.

  Otherwise, they will bring too much home at once, Tang Hongxiu and the others should be suspicious.

   She didn't tell Ruan Mingxin, for fear that Tang Hongxiu and Jiang Chunshui would be worried. Especially Jiang Chunshui, she now has a heart attack, so she can't be frightened.

  The Ruan family was eating so much that their mouths were full of oil. He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting in the hospital were a little miserable.

   Zhao Guangyuan was also very unhappy.

   He was at a critical time recently, so he was especially afraid that Wang Jinxue would cause trouble.

   had to take out a thousand yuan and let He Xiuqing return it to him.

  He Xiuqing was very unwilling, and when he handed over the money to Wang Jinxue, tears fell directly.

   Wang Jinxue's reaction surprised her.

   (end of this chapter)

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