Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 402: sturdy brother-in-law

   Chapter 402 Sturdy brother-in-law

   Zhao Guangyuan was so frightened that he walked over quickly and wanted to check Zhao Tiantian's body: "Tiantian, you...are you really kidnapped?"

   Zhao Tiantian was full of anger. She was very frightened when she was kidnapped, and she was relieved when she was rescued later.

   Who knew that Zhao Guangyuan was not at home after returning home!

   That's all, but he still ran to accompany the woman outside, trying to find a stepmother for her to come back!

   Zhao Tiantian felt aggrieved when she thought that Zhao Guangyuan was accompanying the woman outside when she was kidnapped.

She said excitedly: "What? Do you think I'm lying? If you don't believe me, go to the police station and ask. The two people who kidnapped me have already been arrested. Go ask! See if I'm lying to you. !"

   Zhao Guangyuan heard this, how could he still doubt it?

   He knew very well that even if Zhao Tiantian lied, it was impossible for him to tell such a lie.

  The kidnapped people have all been arrested, you can find out when you go to the police station and ask.

   cannot be a lie.

   So he was immediately terrified and hurriedly explained: "Sweet, Daddy is not suspicious of you, Daddy is just worried, are you injured? Did they do anything to you?"

   However, his words made Zhao Tiantian's grandparents and four uncles very dissatisfied.

   "Zhao Guangyuan! What do you mean by that? Didn't Tiantian say everything? She was rescued, what else do you ask? Do you wish she had an accident?"

   "That's right, don't you wish those people would do something to Tiantian?"

   "I tell you, sweet and good, don't forget to pour dirty water on her!"

   "The surname is Zhao, if you want to get beaten up, just say so!"

   Zhao Guangyuan was very depressed, he was worried about Zhao Tiantian, how could he have any bad thoughts?

   Zhao Tiantian is his daughter after all, can he still throw dirty water on her, hoping that she will be spoiled?

   He quickly explained: "Dad, don't get me wrong, I really didn't mean that, I was just too worried about Tiantian, afraid of her..."

Brother-in-law interrupted him rudely: "You have the courage to say it! If you are really worried about her, why would you run to accompany the woman outside? Zhao Guangyuan, you'd better be honest with me, if you dare to do this again, look at me I can't beat you to death!"

   Zhao Guangyuan's face sank instantly when he heard this: "Brother, I didn't expect anything to happen to Tiantian. Besides, you both agreed before. Let me find a woman to inherit the family and take care of Tiantian. Do you want to go back on it now?"

   Brother-in-law sneered: "The woman you are talking about is called He Xiuqing, right? Do you want her to live in your house because you want to hide her in a golden house?"

   Zhao Guangyuan was shocked when he heard this: " investigate me?"

   "If something hadn't happened to Tiantian, who would have bothered to check on you?" The eldest brother-in-law's face was ashen, "That He Xiuqing's daughter is about the same age as Tiantian. If you marry her, do you want to raise her a daughter?"

Zhao Guangyuan frowned and retorted: "She has a daughter, but her daughter is very sensible, and she will definitely get along well with Tiantian. Moreover, He Xiuqing has a good personality and culture. I asked her and her daughter's grades are very good. , I can also help Tiantian with her homework in the future."

The elder brother-in-law gave him a deep look and sneered: "Okay, since you are so optimistic about her, let her come to the house to be a nanny first. She hasn't married you yet, so what's the matter with you raising her? You even found a nanny to serve her, and the nanny doesn't want money!"

   Zhao Guangyuan was instantly dumbfounded and asked He Xiuqing to come to the house as a nanny?

   (end of this chapter)

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