Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 702: girl in the basement

   Chapter 702 The Girl in the Basement

   Ruan Tang walked towards Aunt Hua.

   Aunt Hua remained motionless.

   She got closer and closer, and finally came to Aunt Hua. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Aunt Hua, who was lying motionless on the ground, suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Ruan Tang's ankle very hard.

   The result was an empty one!

   Immediately afterwards, a foot wearing a cloth shoe suddenly stepped on her wrist!

   Aunt Hua was suddenly shocked, and then instinctively wanted to fight back.

   But I only heard a "click", followed by a sharp pain in the wrist!

   She couldn't help raising her head, her eyes widened, and she looked at Ruan Tang in shock: "You..." Who the **** are you!

   Ruan Tang knocked him unconscious.

   Then he swiftly kicked her legs off.

   This time, Aunt Hua didn't respond at all.

   She looked at the man with sharp eyes again and found that the man had passed out.

  It probably hurts.

   After all, the spine is broken, the taste is definitely not something normal people can bear.

   packed up these two people, she planned to leave, but thinking of the task, she decided to explore this place.

   It looks like an ordinary courtyard, or a simple version.

   What kind of secrets are hidden inside?

   Ruan Tang glanced curiously, then walked into the main room.

  The main house has a main hall and a bedroom. After Ruan Tang opened his eyes, he easily found a basement in the bedroom.

  The environment in the basement is very bad, but there are seven girls hidden in it, all of whom have fallen asleep.

   Ruan Tang took a look and found that these seven people were strange. Six of them were crowded together, and the remaining one was shrunk far away in the corner, looking like he was being squeezed out.

   The six girls all look pretty good, ranging from fourteen to fifteen to twenty years old.

  Because they were all in a coma, Ruan Tang opened his eyes to look at them and found that they were fine, just inhaled poisonous smoke and had some drowsiness, plus they didn't eat much and were weak, so they fell asleep.

   But the girl huddled in the corner seems to be in a bad situation.

   The man shrank inward, Ruan Tang couldn't see her face at all.

   But she smelled a rancid smell.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help frowning and walked over cautiously.

   That person isn't dead yet, she's pretty sure. But the rancid smell was clearly emanating from her.

   Ruan Tang hesitated for a moment, but still grabbed the man's shoulder with his hand and broke her over.

   The next moment, the man's face was revealed.

   Ruan Tang was taken aback. Her face was actually marked with criss-cross scars, and they were very deep!

this is too scary!

   She also found that the person's right eye was also swollen, and there were knife marks on the eyelid. It seemed that the person who started it wanted to gouge her eye, but for some reason, he gave up later.

  Because the wound has not been treated well, it is now inflamed and festering.

   That rancid smell emanated from the festering wound.

   Ruan Tang frowned.

   She couldn't think of who on earth would give such a heavy hand to this person!

   Taking a closer look, this person is clearly a young girl, and her original appearance should be very good.

   The person who started the attack was too ruthless.

   Ruan Tang hesitated for a while, and decided to use the eyes of the sky to see what happened to this person.

   Who knows, when she looked at it with her heavenly eyes, a layer of frost-like mist was cast in front of her, making her unable to see anything clearly!

   Ruan Tang was immediately stunned. When she used the Sky Eye, this had never happened before!

How could this be?

  I added six chapters today~I feel great~

   (end of this chapter)

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