Chapter 704 Black Eats Black

   Ruan Tang glanced at the woman and saw that she was so uncomfortable that tears were streaming down her face, and she didn't know how long she had been locked in that basement, so she asked her, "Do you want to wear sunglasses?"

   The woman whispered, "Thank you."

Ruan Tang thought for a while and felt that she should have wanted it, so she put the sunglasses on her face, and then asked her: "Your wound is a little troublesome and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. There are six people in the basement, and they also need security. Someone from the bureau will handle it. Do you remember your name?"

  The woman said in confusion: "Name...I...ah...I...I can't remember..."

   Halfway through speaking, she suddenly screamed in pain and kept supporting her head with her hands.

   Ruan Tang was stunned when he saw this scene.

   Her relative has not only been disfigured, but now she has amnesia? Then she... what is she going to do?

   In this day and age, and there is no Internet, if she doesn't know the identity of this person, it is useless for her to go to the police station.

   "Are you all right?" Ruan Tang glanced at her worriedly, hesitated for a moment, then took out a bottle of spiritual spring water and said to her, "Drink some water first."

   The woman seemed to trust her very much, and she had a headache now and had no time to think about anything else, so she drank the water obediently, and didn't even realize where Ruan Tang got the water from.

   Ruan Tang waited for her to drink water, then helped her to sit under the shade of a tree, and then said, "Wait here for a while, I'll find something, I'll be right here."

After   , she searched all the rooms.

   As soon as I looked for her, I found that this seemingly ordinary courtyard house actually had quite a few people living there.

  Apart from Aunt Hua and that greedy man, there are other people living here.

  This place is indeed a den of thieves, but those people have gone out and haven't come back.

   So Ruan Tang was not polite, and used the eyes of the sky to cheat, found all the hidden money, and directly hacked.

   These people still have a lot of money hidden, especially the auntie Hua, who has hidden tens of thousands of dollars and a lot of tickets.

  In this era, the wages of ordinary workers are only 20 to 30 yuan. It is conceivable that tens of thousands of yuan is definitely not a small amount.

  Compared with that, the man with the sly eyebrows was much worse, and the money he hid was less than a thousand. I don't know if the status is too low, too little money, or too much has been spent by him.

   In addition to the two of them, there are four people living in this place, obviously a gang.

   The money Ruan Tang found added up to a total of 20,000, which was really enough.

   It's a pity that the money is too dirty, so she didn't plan to spend it herself, and was thinking about finding an opportunity to use it for charity.

  Otherwise, spending this kind of money would make her feel at ease.

After    found the money, she asked 008 to install a monitor in an inconspicuous corner, then removed all traces, and took the injured woman away.

When    went out, she also donated her hat and found a silk scarf to cover her face.

   After that, I was thinking about what to do.

   This woman is her relative, and the wound on her face must be treated as soon as possible.

   If she was sent to a hospital, with the current medical conditions, her face would definitely be disfigured, and she would have to be hospitalized for observation, which would cost a lot of money.

   She only has 20,000 yuan from the black and black, which is enough for hospitalization, but she doesn't want to use this money.

   And once she entered the hospital, if she tried to help this man's face, it would be easy to expose.

   Therefore, it is best not to go to the hospital, but to find a place for her to live first.

   (end of this chapter)

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