Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 706: Horror report letter

   Chapter 706 Thriller Report Letter

After    Ruan Tang left, he went to the Public Security Bureau first.

   But instead of going in directly, she wrote the report on a piece of paper, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it in through the window when no one was paying attention, hitting a police officer in the head.

   The man looked at the ball of paper that hit him in surprise, thinking it was a prank.

   Who knew that after opening it, it actually said help!

   followed by an address, said to be trapped in the basement of the master bedroom of the main house.

   Also, there are still six living people in the basement, it will be too late if you don’t go.

   What's even more terrifying is that the words on the paper are actually written in blood, which makes people feel horrified.

   The man was quite frightened, but he still called a familiar colleague and planned to go see it first.

   He was worried that it was a prank, so he didn't dare to report it, but he didn't go and worried that something would happen, so he only called a familiar colleague.

   There were three people who went last.

  Because this is a small county town, and the security bureau is not particularly staffed, this matter has not been reported, and there is no extra staff available.

   As soon as they got there, they found two people lying in the yard.

   A man with snarky eyes, and an old woman with gray hair.

   Both of them were seriously injured, and it was scary to look at.

   Seeing this scene, the three immediately realized that this was definitely not a prank.

  The public security who was hit by the paper ball quickly went to the master bedroom of the main house. According to the contents of the note, he found the basement, and there were indeed six young girls in it!

   Seeing that the six people were unconscious, he was so frightened that he quickly returned to the top and arranged for a colleague to go to the bureau to ask for support, while the other went to the basement with him to save people.

   As soon as the colleague left, they went to the basement and planned to move out the six girls inside.

  After all, the air in the basement is very bad. If you stay for a long time, it will be bad for people.

  Who knew they had just moved a girl out of the basement when they heard voices from outside.

  Someone is back!

  The two looked at each other, a little panicked.

   hurried to the window and looked out cautiously.

  I saw two people standing in the yard, a man and a woman, both in their 30s and 40s. Judging from their dress, they looked like an ordinary couple.

   However, the reaction of the two is obviously not what an ordinary couple should have.

   As soon as they saw Aunt Hua and Qiangzi falling to the ground, their expressions changed instantly.

   "No, Aunt Hua and Qiangzi have an accident!"

   "How could this happen? Who did it? Could it be a note?"

   "It doesn't look like it, Tiaozi didn't attack so hard, and neither of them was shot."

   "Come on, this place can't stay."

   When the woman said this, she turned around and wanted to run.

  The man said: "No, you have to take the things away!"

After   , he rushed to the east wing, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

   Seeing this, the woman hesitated for a while, then suddenly rushed to the main room. Obviously, she wanted to take the things in the main room.

  The two police officers hiding in the bedroom of the main room changed their expressions instantly when they saw this scene.

   The two looked at each other and quickly came to a decision.

   There is only one woman on the other side. They have two people. They can completely subdue the person first, and then go to catch the man!

   So when the woman entered the room, the two people in the room had already hid.

   She was frantically looking for something, but she didn't find anyone hiding in the room at all.

   Until something suddenly hit the back: "Don't move!"

   (end of this chapter)

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