Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 715: Cocoa's identity

   Chapter 715 Coco's Identity

   In Ruan Tang's memory, no one has ever been so nice to her.

   Although the Ruan family treats her well, they are her relatives now, which is different from thanking her.

   Every time I think of the good words of thanks, Ruan Tang dare not think about it any further.

   She hopes that she is the original owner, but for some reason, she is always a little uneasy.

   That's all, let's take a step by step, no matter what secrets she hides, why did 008 find her and bring her to this era, she will find out the reason one day.

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang restrained his thoughts and did not let himself continue to think wildly.

   She took the resignation to see Coco.

   When they entered, Cocoa's medicinal effects had not yet passed, so she was still asleep.

   She lay unconscious on the bed, her face covered with gauze.

   Ruan Tang walked in with Xie Ci, walked to the bed, gently untied the gauze on Coco's face, and then turned to look at Xie Ci: "Xie Ci, do you know her?"

  Xie Ci stood beside Ruan Tang, looking at Coco's exposed face, his face quickly showed surprise: "It turned out to be her!"

   Ruan Tang heard this and immediately realized that Xie Ci recognized Coco!

   She turned her head sharply, and looked at Xie Ci with burning eyes: "Do you really know her? Do you remember it wrong?"

  Xie Ci took a deep look at her and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, my memory is very good, and I will never make a mistake."

   When Ruan Tang heard this, he always felt like a pun, and there was something in his words.

  Thank you to say that he did not make a mistake, is she the original owner?

   Ruan Tang sank silently, pretending that he didn't understand, and continued to ask, "Then do you know who she is?"

  "I..." Xie Ci said a word and stopped, then continued after a pause, "I once saw a photo, she looked exactly like the person in the photo, it should be the same person."

   Ruan Tang looked at him puzzled, still not sure of Coco's identity.

   She was about to continue asking her thanks when she heard him say: "If Coco is the person in the photo, then she should be your cousin."

   Ruan Tang raised her eyebrows in surprise. She never thought that Coco's identity was actually her cousin!

   Xie Ci then said, "She is your uncle's daughter. When I saw the photo, she had been missing for a long time, and her whereabouts have never been found."

   After a pause, he smiled again, "Counting the time, she should have disappeared at this time. It's just that I really didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that she would be so lucky to meet you."

   Ruan Tang didn't speak, she also felt that this was really a coincidence.

  How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Xie Ci went on to say: "Judging from the blood scab on her face, her face was seriously injured. If it wasn't for luck that she met you and was rescued by you, you can imagine her situation. Tangtang , it was you who saved her and changed her fate."

   Ruan Tang's face was very ugly, and even a little scared.

   If Coco hadn't met her, what would have happened to her?

   When she met Coco, the wounds on Coco's face were festering, and she was likely to die.

   Even if she doesn't die, she will definitely not end well if she falls into the hands of those people.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that life is better than death.

   Xie Ci said that he had seen Coco's photos before, was it in his previous life?

   He also said that when he saw the photo, Coco had been missing for a long time.

   Does that mean that Coco has never returned home?

   (end of this chapter)

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