Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 733: Actually poisoned!

   Chapter 733 Actually Poisoned!

   Ruan Tang recalled the contact with Jiang Shiyu, and her face became colder and colder.

   She didn't believe Jiang Shiyu didn't know that this was the real world, not a virtual game at all.

  Jiang Shiyu did that, but because she felt that she was high above, so she didn't take them seriously.

   In the end, it is still too selfish and greedy!

  It is her business that Jiang Shiyu wants to attack men, but why does she hurt those innocent people?

  What did Fengyi do wrong?

   Just because her boyfriend was attracted to Jiang Shiyu, because of her existence, Jiang Shiyu's strategy mission was not smooth.

  Jiang Shiyu is going to kill her and get rid of her troubles!

   Disfigurement and amnesia for Feng Yi, but she has a lot of tricks!

   Ruan Tang's face became more and more ugly when she thought of the evil things Jiang Shiyu had done.

   However, the immediate priority is obviously Feng Yi's injury.

   So she took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and then looked at Feng Yi's injury in more detail.

   Fengyi's brain damage should have been caused by a mental attack.

   Such damage is not irreversible, but it can be troublesome to treat.

   The point is, she has no medicine for this kind of injury right now.

   And the medicines she could think of, all needed special medicines, and now there are no medicines at all.

  This means that she has no way to cure Feng Yi for the time being, so she can only give her other medicines and let her recover slowly.

   Ruan Tang thought of this, and simply gave Feng Yi a full body check.

   But she was shocked when she checked.

   Fengyi was actually poisoned!

   And the poison gave her a very familiar feeling!

  When she was reincarnated in Fengxi's belly, she found that Fengxi had been poisoned, and there were more than one.

   Later, she met Fenghua. At that time, Fenghua was exhausted. When she checked Fenghua's body, she found that he had been poisoned, and the poisoning had been in place for a long time. It should have been brought from the mother's womb.

   Now, Feng Yi is also like this.

   The poison in her is clearly the same as that of Fenghua, and it is likely that Fenghua passed it on to her.

   Moreover, Fengxi also had this kind of poison in her body, but she was also infected with other poisons at the time, so her health was even worse.

   Ruan Tang quickly remembered something.

  The Feng family seems to have a difficult child, and the health of the Feng family has always been bad.

   There was a very bad guess in her heart.

  Is it possible that all the Feng family members were poisoned, so the body became weak and the children were difficult?

   But who will poison them?

   This poisonous person can be traced back to the time when Fenghua was in the womb at least.

   I just don't know if her grandfather, who she never met, was also poisoned.

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang felt that things were very difficult.

  The reason why she was able to solve the poison on Fengxi's body at the beginning was because when she was just reincarnated in Fengxi's belly, she still had some strength.

   It was also after that detoxification that her strength was greatly reduced.

   will lead to the fact that when he was born, he could not resist the influence of heaven, and failed to prevent Sun Ximei from giving birth to a child.

   In the end, even the memory was sealed.

   is really miserable.

   It is not easy to solve this poison now.

   Although she has been practicing for a while, her strength is not even as good as when she was just reincarnated in Fengxi's belly.

  If you want to detoxify, you can only do it step by step.

   Fortunately, Feng Yi was young, she had just disappeared not long ago, and Feng Hua's body should not be that bad.

   As long as she takes people over, she can help them detoxify slowly.

   (end of this chapter)

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