Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 739: he looks so handsome

   Chapter 739 He looks so handsome

  Xieci explained with a serious look: "Don't worry, I really didn't think about it, I just wanted to thank you."

   His expression looked very sincere, but what he said was clearly nonsense.

   Ruan Tang gritted his teeth dejectedly, and simply asked, "By the way, can you lend me some money? I'm going to buy some brushes and paints."

   "Buying brushes and paints?" Xie Ci had long guessed that Ruan Tang had something to do with him. He was not surprised to hear her say that, "Is it for Fengyi?"

   Ruan Tang nodded: "Well, I'll buy some for my mother first."

  Thank you and said, "After eating, I'll go with you."

   Ruan Tang hesitated, but agreed.

   Thinking about business, she didn't go to see the thank you speech again, and quickly finished her portion.

   Seeing that Xie Ci had also finished eating, she put the bowl in the space and walked out with him.

  Xie Ci glanced at the dazzling sunlight outside, took an umbrella and handed it to Ruan Tang: "The sun is a little big, I'll ride you over there, you come to hold the umbrella."

   Ruan Tang did not refute this time.

   Not long after she rescued Fengyi, Aunt Hua and Qiangzi might talk about the bicycle. Her car should not be ridden now, otherwise it will be easy to be targeted.

   Xie Ci pushed the bicycle and went out. After Ruan Tang sat firmly, Xie Ci quickly rode out.

   She held up an umbrella and tried her best to block Xie Ci's head to help him block the scorching sun.

   The umbrellas at this time did not have many patterns. Unlike later generations, there were all kinds of patterns, and they were much more beautiful.

   Ruan Tang held up an umbrella and sighed inwardly as he watched the plainly dressed pedestrians coming and going on the street.

   This era is still too backward.

   Even the county seat still looks very broken.

   Maybe it's because the decoration of the home is too modern, and living in it makes her feel like returning to the modern age.

   Now looking at the buildings and pedestrians on the street, she has a sense of time and space disorder.

   Fortunately, they soon arrived at the department store.

   It is said to be a department store, but it is actually not very big.

   After all, this place is only a small county, and it is still incomparable with a big city.

   However, compared with the supply and marketing cooperative in the town, it is much better.

  Xie Ci parked his bicycle under the shade of a tree and locked it before entering the department store with Ruan Tang.

   She glanced curiously, then lost interest.

  Because compared with the major shopping malls in later generations, the department store in front of me is really too ordinary.

  Xie Ci took Ruan Tang to the place where brushes and paints were sold, and said lightly, "It's all here, you can choose whatever you want."

   Ruan Tang took a look, took out the note Fengyi gave her, and began to choose brushes and paints.

   Behind the counter not far from the two of them, two girls dressed as salespersons were talking.

   "Xiuxiu, have you met the person your dad introduced to you? How are you feeling? Do you like it?"

   "I don't like it, I'm getting bored."

   "What's wrong? He pestered you? I heard from you before, that person's conditions are quite good, and he is handsome."

   "Where is handsome, so be it."

   "Then your requirements are too high, right? But yes, you are so good-looking, you graduated from high school, and your family's conditions are not bad, so you really have to choose a good one."

   She was talking about this when she suddenly saw the thank you speech, and her eyes lit up.

   "Xiuxiu! Look at Xiuxiu!"

"what are you looking?"

   "Look at that man, he looks so handsome!"

   "I don't believe it, everyone thinks it's handsome!"

  Shi Xiuxiu said dissatisfiedly, and then looked dumbfounded.

   (end of this chapter)

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