Chapter 743 Fate

  Xie Ci recalled the past, and couldn't help but want to travel back and slap the self at that time.

   After he first crossed into this mission world, he did not take the people of this mission world to heart.

   may have been through too many times. Even if you know that these mission worlds are real worlds, the people here are all living people, not NPCs set in the game.

   But he is a ruthless person. After traveling a lot, he will not put his feelings into the mission world.

   In his eyes, the people here are no different from the NPCs in the game.

   So after coming here, after checking the original owner's memory, he taught the original owner's adoptive parents a lesson, and then quietly left the small mountain river village and went to Longjing.

   No matter how many people he meets, he never takes it to heart.

   Even if he met Jiang Shiyu, who was also a tasker, he never cared.

   Until later I met Ruan Tang.

   After he saw Ruan Tang, he recognized her at a glance, until she was from Shanhe Village. It was just a little accident that she would fall into that kind of place.

   But even if he recognized it at the time, he didn't care.

   I didn't even think about saving people.

  Even though, he knew what Ruan Tang would encounter in that kind of place.

   But what does the life and death of others have to do with him?

   He didn't take Ruan Tang to heart at the time. Who knows, just when he thought Ruan Tang would end miserably, she turned against the wind and became powerful.

   After discovering Ruan Tang's changes, he thought she was being given up too much and paid more attention to her.

   even deliberately created a chance encounter to try to find out her identity.

   But she is too mysterious, he took the initiative to test, but he didn't take advantage!

   had to create a second encounter.

  The result has been out of control since then.

   He was unknowingly attracted to Ruan Tang, and became more and more interested in her. As a result, after several encounters, she remained the same, as indifferent as a piece of ice that could not be melted.

   He didn't even know his mind until he died.

   But he was also at fault, he was so stupid that he never knew he was moved.

   Even those idiots could see that he had a crush on Ruan Tang, but he couldn't see it himself, so that those people always targeted her, and she later died in the hands of Jiang Shiyu's system.

  Xie Ci recalled all these things in the past, and couldn't help but hate that he was too stupid back then.

   Fortunately, both he and Ruan Tang came back here.

   This time, he will never be stupid again, giving Jiang Shiyu a chance to hurt Ruan Tang!

   It's just that Jiang Shiyu's system is indeed a little troublesome, and in order to get Ruan Tang back, he has been targeted by the heavens of this world, and he can no longer do anything to Jiang Shiyu.

   I can only give that woman some trouble first, lest she be too busy.

  Xie Ci thought about his thoughts secretly, but did not forget what Ruan Tang just said.

   He tasted it carefully, and always felt that Ruan Tang's tone was sour, so he couldn't help asking with a smile, "Tang Tang, do you remember them?"

   Ruan Tang snorted unhappily: "You should know that I have always held grudges. Your rotten peach blossoms have provoked me a lot, can I forget?"

  Xieci felt that the words were even more sour, and couldn't help laughing more brilliantly: "Then will you take revenge when you meet them in the future? I can take you back."

   Ruan Tang asked sarcastically, "They are all your peach blossoms, are you sure you want to help me?"

  Xie Ci immediately said with disgust: "They are just coveting my beauty, what kind of peach blossom?"

   (end of this chapter)

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