Chapter 745 Huge Price

   Ruan Tang was completely shocked by Xie Ci's face.

   When he asks such a question, does he dare to give her time to answer?

   She was so angry that she grabbed his waist and twisted it hard.

   "Ah!" Xie Ci immediately exclaimed, "Tangtang, you don't have to be so impatient, right? It's not good for people to see."

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She was so angry that she twisted again: "Can you point your face? Who acquiesced!"

   What about the former Gao Leng Fan?

How come    looks like a neuropathy now.

   was reborn once, and he didn't even want his face.

   No, Xie Ci was originally a tasker, can he be reborn at this time?

   Ruan Tang narrowed his eyes: "I remember you were not like this before."

  Xie Ci suddenly felt a little guilty.

   Of course he remembered how he treated Ruan Tang in the past. Although he never cheated on her, his previous attitude was always cold.

   Ruan Tang recalled that memory now, and it seemed that he was going to settle accounts in the autumn.

"Everyone can change, I'm no longer the me I used to be." Xie said after a pause, then he added, "Tangtang, you made me like this, so you have to be responsible for me. ."

   Ruan Tang: "..." I suspect that you deliberately tricked me while I lost my memory!

   She gritted her teeth: "I agreed to what you said before, but don't regret it."

   Maybe because she remembered that memory, her feelings about thanking her are very complicated now.

  Deep love is not a thing, but if you say you don't like it at all, that's not necessarily the case.

   When Xie Ci's previous rotten peach blossoms targeted her, she felt that she had suffered a big loss. Obviously, it had nothing to do with Xie Ci, but she was always targeted by his rotten peach blossoms.

  If she doesn't make up for it, how can she be worthy of the targets she encountered in the first place?

   Ruan Tang had already made a decision in her heart, but thinking of the attitude of thanking her, she didn't want to take advantage of him.

   So she deliberately said: "If I become your girlfriend, wouldn't your rotten peach blossoms be more aimed at me?"

   She just met two in that department store!

   This is because they didn’t shop much. If they continued to shop, there might be more!

   Xie Ci, shouldn't there be some kind of halo around him?

   There are too many rotten peach blossoms!

   Ruan Tang kept slandering in his heart, but he also understood that the reason why there were so many rotten peach blossoms in thanking speeches was entirely because he was too good.

   Whether it is looks, temperament, or ability, Xie Ci is the kind of man who is so good that others can't match.

   As long as the idols of later generations have a good face, they can gain tens of millions of fans.

   What's more, thank you for such a proud son of heaven?

   But she understands the truth, what should she do if she is just very upset?

  Xie Ci suddenly said: "Then...what do you want me to do? Why don't I kill them all?"

   When he spoke, there was still a smile in his voice, just like the big pervert who kills without blinking in the movie.

   Ruan Tang somehow knew that Xie Ci was serious.

  If she dared to nod, he really dared to do it!

   As a quest player, everything in the quest world is like a game to him.

   Not to mention, thank you is still a magician.

   How can you put human life in your eyes?

  Magic cultivators have always acted casually, only to be happy for themselves, but not to care about the lives of others.

  Thinking of this, Ruan Tang couldn't help but think of the law chains and terrifying scars he had seen on Xie Ci.

   She suddenly got angry and blurted out: "Thank you, do you want to court death?"

   With the strength of Xie Ci, killing those rotten peach blossoms must be an easy task for him.

  But he has already been targeted by the Heavenly Dao of this world. Once he starts, he must pay a huge price!

   (end of this chapter)

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