Chapter 758 is surrounded

   Seeing that Ruan Tang refused to agree, the waiter couldn't help but look at Xie Ci.

   As a result, he suddenly found that Xie Ci was more difficult to deal with than Ruan Tang!

   What's even more terrifying is that when this man looked at him, he had a creepy feeling.

   The waiter was so frightened that he quickly retracted his eyes, not daring to look any further.

   He looked at Ruan Tang again and said deliberately, "That's right, the guest who came this time is a friend of our manager. So look, can you understand?"

   "Your manager's friend?" Ruan Tang heard the threat in his words, and felt a little amused, and simply stood up, "Thank you, let's change place."

  The service attitude of this restaurant, she can be regarded as taught.

   Instead of staying here to eat, it is better to change to another place to clean up.

   They are here to consume, not to get angry. Why do you get angry and send money to these people?

  Xie Ci listened to her and stood up.

  The waiter just thought they were finally getting soft, so he didn't care, turned around and opened the private room door: "Come with me."

  Xieci glanced at the waiter disdainfully, and asked Ruan Tang in a low voice, "Do you really want to change places?"

   Ruan Tang said sarcastically, "I don't think the food here is to my liking."

   Thank you and say no more, and drag her out.

  The waiter took them to the lobby and walked over to the corner table: "Just sit there."

After    finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong and turned around quickly.

   Only then did I realize that Ruan Tang and Xie Ci did not follow him!

   The two walked directly towards the door, clearly wanting to leave!

   The waiter was in a hurry. He hurried over and looked at the two with some dissatisfaction: "Is the food you ordered still being made? Where are you going?"

   Ruan Tang didn't expect that he would dare to chase after him, and even stopped them from leaving, his face instantly turned cold.

   She didn't care whether this was the lobby, there were a lot of diners, and she said directly: "You drove us out of the private room, do you still want us to go?"

   Her voice was not too loud, but the lobby of this hotel was only over 100 square meters, and everyone was relatively quiet, so they naturally heard Ruan Tang's words clearly.

  The diners in the lobby looked at them one after another.

   His eyes were full of gossip and curiosity.

   The waiter immediately felt that something was wrong, and he stared at Ruan Tang dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing? Do you want to make trouble here?

   Let me tell you, we are not far from the Public Security Bureau. If you dare to make trouble here, don't blame us for calling the police and arrest you! "

   He said this very loudly, so more people watched.

  The waiters in the lobby came towards them one after another, forming a faint siege.

   Ruan Tang glanced coldly, not taking these people to heart. These waiters are ordinary people, and they can't be her and Xie Ci's opponents at all.

   If she really did it, these people wouldn't be able to beat her with one hand.

   It's just that she and Xie Ci bought train tickets to Longjing, and the train will leave at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. If something goes wrong, they will definitely be invited to the Public Security Bureau.

  In that case, I don’t know how much time it will take.

   So she didn't do anything, she just asked sarcastically: "So you really are a black shop here? Drive us out of the private room and don't let us go? What do you want to do?"

   At this time, the driver who was sitting and waiting for the food saw that something was wrong and came over.

   Immediately afterwards, the manager of the restaurant also came out.

   (end of this chapter)

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