Chapter 764 Terrible

When    was speaking, the old woman looked Ruan Tang up and down, her cloudy eyes shining brightly.

   Even though Ruan Tang was wearing sunglasses, she could still see that Ruan Tang was a superb, much better than the woman she had just caught.

   If you catch her, she will definitely sell for a high price!


  The old woman watched the thank you speech vigilantly, and sighed inwardly, feeling regretful.

   At the same time, I am a little puzzled.

   Before they started, they had seen it. After some selection and comparison, they set their sights on the woman they had just caught.

   This woman is good-looking, with a little bookish air on her body, and a bit of caution and panic in her expression, most likely a female educated youth who escaped from the countryside.

   This kind of person is best caught.

  Single alone, no protection. In addition, he escaped, and he was afraid in his heart, and he certainly did not dare to reveal his identity for the first time.

   This gives them a chance to get their hands dirty.

   As long as they rush for time to capture people, isn't this woman letting them round and flatten?

   did not expect that after they started, they would still encounter such a superb!

  Compared to the girl in front of her, the woman she just caught was like a foot-washing maid.

  It's a pity that they have already moved their hands, and they can't catch this girl now.

  Otherwise, if you can catch this girl back, you will be rich!

   Such top-quality goods, if they are sold in Xiangcheng, they will definitely be sold at high prices!

  It is such a pity.

   But it doesn't matter, they can't do it, and there are others.

  Since she has seen it, she cannot let this girl run away.

  The old woman was full of calculations, but she didn't know that Xie Ci looked at her, and she was already looking at a dead person.

   Before Ruan Tang could make a move, Xie Ci had already rushed out, grabbed the stout man in his hands in three or two strokes, and then used him as a weapon to smash the old couple to the ground.

   Now, the people around are a little dumbfounded.

   Seeing this, Ruan Tang swept his eyes away, then rushed into the crowd neatly, grabbed all the traffickers and accomplices hiding inside, and threw them on the ground.

   The comrades pretended to be innocent and cursed.

   "Hey, what are you doing!"

   "Who are you! Why beat me!"

   "I didn't do anything, what do you want to do?"

   They shouted, and the people around were even more confused about what was going on.

   Ruan Tang sneered: "They are all human traffickers, why are you pretending to be innocent?"

After   , she quickly found all kinds of weapons from the traffickers and threw them on the ground.

The people around    thought they were making trouble, but when they saw those weapons, they were dumbfounded.

   These people have knives hidden on them!

   also brought white pills!

   Although they couldn't recognize what those pills were, but looking at the things that Ruan Tang found out, they felt that this group of people didn't look like good people.

  Is it possible that they are really human traffickers?

   At this time, the rescued woman was also excited: "Yes, yes, they must be traffickers! I don't know them at all, they are talking nonsense!"

   At the end, she thought of the consequences of being taken away, and she burst into tears in fright.

   The people around saw her crying pitifully, and only then did they realize that what she said should be true, these people are really human traffickers!

   In other words, they almost watched this woman get caught by human traffickers just now!

  These hateful traffickers dare to commit crimes in front of so many of them!

this is too scary!

   How many people did they kill?

   (end of this chapter)

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