Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 779: may be relatives

   Chapter 779 may be relatives

  Fenghua was shocked when he heard the words: "She? Teacher, what are you talking about..."

  Shi Zan immediately said: "Didn't I just say it? On the way back, I fell ill. Fortunately, I met a little girl who saved me."

   Having said that, he approached Fenghua and lowered his voice to a very low level, "That little girl has a special identity, but she has extraordinary abilities! If you ask her to help, she might be able to find Yibao!"

  Fenghua immediately realized something when he heard this. He looked at Shi Zan excitedly, his eyes were terrifyingly bright: "Is this true? Could she be..."

  Shi Zan covered his mouth and whispered in his ear, "Don't say it, be careful that others will hear you."

  Fenghua nodded hurriedly.

   He was so excited just now that his brain was hot and he asked.

Now that Shi Zanyi said it, his mind was also awake, and he turned to ask: "Teacher, did the little girl you mentioned meet on the train? Did she come to Longjing too? Then she is now Isn't it in this train station?"

  Shi Zan shook his head: "Let's go out first, this is not the place to talk."

  Unfortunately, Fenghua couldn't hear him at all. Before he could finish his words, his eyes were already swept across the crowd, and he asked, "Teacher, can you tell me what that little girl looks like?"

Shi Zan reluctantly held him and whispered: "Don't look for it first, she has something to do, so she leaves first, it's useless for you to look for it. What's more, now we are asking for others, but we can't offend them. already."

  Fenghua calmed down again.

   He looked at the people around him in disappointment, but unfortunately he didn't find anything, so he had to leave with Shi Zan.

   But I didn't know that Ruan Tang and Xie Ci were actually not far from them.

   It's just that the two of them used a trick, every time Fenghua saw them, he would subconsciously ignore the past, and would not leave any impression, just like he had never seen them before.

When the two of them walked out of the train station, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci followed behind them.

  Many people in the train station were walking out. They were among the crowd, and they used blindfolding techniques to avoid attracting attention at all.

After    went out, Fenghua took Shi Zan to take the bus.

   There is a bus stop not far from the train station. When they walked past, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci followed silently.

   On the way, Fenghua asked curiously: "To be honest, you said earlier that that little girl looks a bit like me, is it true?"

  Shi Zan didn't expect that he would ask this impatiently, nodded and said, "It's a bit similar, maybe you have a relationship with you."

I don't want Fenghua to directly shake his head: "Impossible, I have only one younger sister, and I have no other relatives. Teacher, you know that our family has always had few children, and when it was passed down to my generation, it was only me and my younger sister. ."

   Having said this, he suddenly sighed, "My sister's family is far away now, speaking of which, I haven't seen her for many years.

   The little girl you mentioned should be a coincidence. After all, people are similar, but they don't look alike, they must be relatives. "

  Shi Zan couldn't help but feel a little regretful after hearing him say this: "That's true, I think too much."

  Just then, the bus came.

  Fenghua quickly grabbed Shi Zan: "Teacher, I'll help you up."

   There were a lot of people waiting for the bus in front of the platform. After the two got up, several others followed, and then Ruan Tang and Xie Ci got on the bus.

   (end of this chapter)

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