Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 789: turn against each other

   Chapter 789

   Ruan Tang smiled mockingly and couldn't help but think of Wei Liangchen who he had seen before.

   Wei Liangchen's family background is very good, and he is handsome and handsome. It can be said that he is a high-quality stock.

   So as soon as Jiang Shiyu met him, he set his eyes on him.

   In order to get Wei Liangchen, she did not hesitate to get rid of Feng Yi, and then stayed by Wei Liangchen's side.

   She didn't know the relationship between Wei Liangchen and Feng Yi at first, but to deal with Jiang Shiyu, she specially investigated her and the people around her.

  As a result of this investigation, she found the Feng family.

   and then know that she and the Feng family are still related.

   It was only when she was investigating that it had been several years since Feng Yi disappeared.

   Even if Wei Liangchen liked Fengyi, he was gradually conquered by Jiang Shiyu's continuous efforts.

   However, maybe there are too many men around Jiang Shiyu.

   Or maybe, he never let go of his feelings for Feng Yi.

   Wei Liangchen and Jiang Shiyu have a close relationship, but they have always maintained a brother-sister relationship.

   He treated Jiang Shiyu as his own younger sister. Perhaps Jiang Shiyu was worried about tearing his face with him, so he never dared to take any further action. Instead, relying on this relationship, he took a lot of benefits from Wei Liangchen.

   Later, she found out that Fengyi's disappearance had something to do with Jiang Shiyu, and gave the evidence to Wei Liangchen, who turned against Jiang Shiyu because of this.

  Otherwise, relying on her alone would not be able to deal with Jiang Shiyu so smoothly.

   It's a pity that although she remembered her cultivation in her previous life, she had too few memories back, and the system on Jiang Shiyu's body was too evil.

   Although she killed Jiang Shiyu, she died in the system's self-destruction.

   However, compared to her, Wei Liangchen was even worse.

   Jiang Shiyu has a system, how can Wei Liangchen, an ordinary person, be her opponent?

  Because she is Fengyi's cousin, Wei Liangchen hopes that she can avenge Fengyi and get rid of the scourge of Jiang Shiyu.

   In the end, in order to protect her, he died in the hands of Jiang Shiyu and the system.

   So she doesn't feel bad about Wei Liangchen.

   Just thinking of Jiang Shiyu makes me feel sick.

   Ruan Tang said sarcastically: "Just because he likes Yibao, that's why some people are dissatisfied with Yibao and want to get rid of Yibao as a roadblock. Do you remember, are there any girls who are close to Wei Liangchen?"

   "No!" Fang Xuan said decisively, "Liangchen is a good boy. I can see that he likes Yibao and has never been intimate with other girls."

   Ruan Tang: "..." That's not what she asked!

   She pursed her lips helplessly, and asked again, "Then...what about the closer sister?"

  Fang Xuan was dumbfounded: "Sister...Sister..."

   She whispered these two words, and quickly thought of something, "Wei Liangchen has a sister next door named Jiang Shiyu! When he comes to our house, that girl often follows him!

  You mean...the one who killed Yibao was she? This... how is this possible? She looks beautiful and well-behaved, how could she do such a thing? "

   Ruan Tang smiled: "This Jiang Shiyu you said is very attractive, right? Do you also like her very much?"

  Fang Xuan subconsciously wanted to say "yes", but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

   She also came from a big family, but she was later defeated.

   Growing up in a big mansion, she is naturally not the kind of simple ignorant person.

   So as soon as Ruan Tang reminded her, she realized something was wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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