Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 792: Wei Liangchen is here

   Chapter 792 Wei Liangchen is here

   Wei Liangchen is not a fool, once Jiang Shiyu does too much, it is easy to reveal flaws.

   At that time, he might be able to steal chickens without losing rice.

   That's why she chose to take the bottom line and get rid of Fengyi directly, so that Wei Liangchen would not have a deeper affection for her.

  As long as Fengyi is gone, she doesn't need to do anything to destroy Fengyi's image in Wei Liangchen's mind.

   Just keep attacking Wei Liangchen while Feng Yi is away.

   I have to say, Jiang Shiyu is quite smart, and she is ruthless!

   Anyway, Ruan Tang thought that she couldn't go out to be a mistress, and even in order to grab a man, it was the other party's real girlfriend.

  Jiang Shiyu wants to attack a man, it doesn't matter, as long as the other party is single.

   But she is too arrogant.

   Just because Wei Liangchen is a high-quality stock, she refuses to let go.

   He will also kill Wei Liangchen's real girlfriend!

   Such a person should not live in the world at all!

  Unfortunately, the system on her body is too weird.

  Otherwise, she really wanted to destroy that system and see how Jiang Shiyu would attack men in the future and become a group favorite!

   Thinking of what Jiang Shiyu had done, Ruan Tang's face turned cold.

   At this moment, Fang Xuan suddenly said: "I remember it all, thank you, I will go there as soon as possible. As long as I find Yibao, my husband and I will definitely repay your great kindness in the future!"

After   , she bowed gratefully to Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang didn't want to accept her gift. After all, she was an elder, and there was no reason for the elder to bow to the younger.

   So she slammed on the accelerator and rushed out, not letting Fang Xuan finish the ceremony smoothly.

  Fang Xuan only thought she was cold enough, but she didn't doubt anything.

   She glanced at the direction Ruan Tang left, then took a deep breath again, adjusted her emotions, and then turned to go home.

   It's really close to her house, it's only one kilometer away.

  It will be there after a walk.

   Fang Xuan saw the familiar door not long after he walked away.

   She involuntarily quickened her pace, impatiently wanting to meet her husband and share with him the joy of finding her daughter.

  Although she has not seen Fengyi yet, she got the photo.

  There are photos, Fengyi is definitely safe.

   There is really nothing worth calculating about her and Fenghua. There is no need for the other party to just show them a photo and kill Fengyi.

   This makes no sense.

   What's more, she didn't feel any malice from that girl.

   Although the man was indifferent, she just couldn't feel any malice.

   She was willing to believe that what the girl said was true.

   Now, she has to tell Fenghua the news.

   Ever since Yibao disappeared, Fenghua has been as worried as she is. In just half a month, Fenghua lost several laps of weight.

   He used to be very good-looking, but now he is very terrifying.

  So, she had to tell Fenghua quickly, she couldn't let him worry so much.

  Fang Xuan kept thinking about it in her heart, but as soon as she opened the door and walked in, she saw a very familiar motorcycle!

   That motorcycle belongs to Wei Liangchen!

  Since his car is here, it means that Wei Liangchen is here!

  Since Wei Liangchen is here, what about Jiang Shiyu? Is she here too?

   After realizing this, Fang Xuan only felt cold all over, and a strong hatred burst out in her heart.

   I can't wait to rush in now and kill the scourge of Jiang Shiyu.

   But she knew she couldn't do it.

  She cannot kill.

   (end of this chapter)

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