Chapter 798 Is it a spy?

   "Aunt Fang, you and Uncle Feng take care, I'll come back in two days."

   Wei Liangchen left after saying this, but Fang Xuan felt uncomfortable.

  Although she has decided to give up Wei Liangchen to Jiang Shiyu.

   But seeing Wei Liangchen being persuaded by Jiang Shiyu to leave with Jiang Shiyu on a motorcycle, like a close couple, she still felt very uncomfortable.

   After Wei Liangchen left, she laughed at herself, turned and entered the room.

   Looking at what Wei Liangchen brought, her eyes flashed, but she decided to eat it first.

   She and Fenghua have been busy looking for their daughter recently, so they can't go to work, and they can't even take care of eating.

   After half a month, my body has been boiled down.

   Now that she knows the whereabouts of Yibao, she can no longer care about her body like this.

   They have to eat well before they have the strength to find their daughter!

   So when Fenghua brought Shi Zan back, he smelled the delicious food as soon as he walked in the door.

  The two didn't think much about it at first, thinking it was the neighbors who did it.

  Who would have known that when he walked into the yard, he found out that the fragrance was actually wafting from their house!

  There are too many people living in the courtyard. Although there is a special kitchen, it is more troublesome when there are more people.

   It is impossible for a kitchen to be used by more than a dozen households at the same time.

   What's more, there are people with dirty hands and feet.

  Eating food is kept in the kitchen and can easily be stolen.

  Fenghua and Fang Xuan bought a coal stove, found some tools, and simply built a kitchen under the eaves.

   They usually cook and eat in this small kitchen.

   At this moment, I smelled the fragrance, and Fenghua was surprised.

   He knew that since her daughter disappeared, Fang Xuan couldn't even bother to cook.

  I did so much today!

  Is it possible that Yibao is back?

  Fenghua thought of this possibility, and hurriedly supported Shi Zan towards the house.

  Shi Zan felt a little embarrassed.

   He originally wanted to help find someone, but not long after he went out, he was too tired to breathe.

  Fenghua was afraid that something would happen to him, so he had to help him back slowly.

   So not only did he fail to help, but he did a disservice.

   However, he smelled the aroma of the food at this moment, so he also went with Feng Huaxiang.

   Fang Xuan cooked so many dishes, could it be that Yibao found it?

   However, after the two entered the room, they were disappointed to find that Feng Yi was not here at all.

   There were only Fang Xuan in the room.

   Seeing them, Fang Xuan greeted them immediately: "You guys go wash your hands and sit down to eat. I came here today on a good day and brought food. It happened that the teacher came too, so I did a lot."

  Fenghua looked at her suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask, "Did Yibao found it?"

  Fang Xuan pursed her lips, pulled him aside, and whispered, "Yibao hasn't come back yet, but I already have news of her. Keep your voice down, no one can know about this."

   Fenghua had a very bad premonition upon hearing this.

   He lowered his voice subconsciously: "Why can't people know? Could it be... Could it be that Yi Bao she..."

   Is something wrong with Yibao, or is the person who arrested her special?

   Is it a spy?

   Fang Xuan said more quietly: "Don't think about it too much, there are too many people living in our courtyard, and there are too many people, so people can't be heard.

   Also, the disappearance of Yibao has something to do with Jiang Shiyu. She still doesn't know that I have the news of Yibao, so I have to hide it from her! "

  Fenghua looked at her in shock: "Is it Jiang Shiyu?"

   (end of this chapter)

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