Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 805: Photo of Feng Xi

   Chapter 805 Fengxi's photo

  Fang Xuan carefully found a flat wooden box from the box.

   After opening, there is an old photo album inside.

   Looking at this album, Fang Xuan couldn't help sighing.

  There are many precious photos on the album. After the accident, Fenghua carefully hid this album for fear of being destroyed.

   She knew that Fenghua had a younger sister named Fengxi, who was very beautiful and married a handsome man like a noble son.

   It was only later that they cut off contact with Fengxi, and they didn't know where Fengxi's family went.

   Every time Fenghua misses her sister, she will pull out the photos of Fengxi and look at it silently for a long time.

   Every time she saw her, she felt uncomfortable.

   It's not because of Fengxi's vinegar, or because of Fenghua.

  There are not many people in Feng's family. Fenghua has only one younger sister, Fengxi, who used to be able to get news, but now there is no news.

  No one is seen in life, no corpse is seen in death, and he doesn't know where Feng Xi has gone or how he is doing.

   However, before Feng Xi disappeared completely, he sent them a letter saying that he had given birth to a daughter.

  It's a pity that she doesn't look good, it doesn't look like her and Song Chaoyang at all, and I don't know if it will be better after it grows.

   At that time, she and Fenghua read the letter and thought it was funny.

  According to the letter, the child was born, how can you tell if she is beautiful or not?

   Aren't all children born like that? It looks ugly, but it's good to grow.

   Thinking of these pasts, Fang Xuan couldn't help laughing.

   Just thinking of Feng Xi, whose whereabouts are unknown, her smile soon turned bitter again.

   Then she restrained the wry smile on her face and pretended to be nothing. She walked to Shi Zan with the album in hand, carefully opened the album, pointed at Feng Xi's photo, and said, "Teacher, look, this is Feng Xi."

  Shi Zan narrowed his eyes, leaned back slightly, and deliberately stayed away: "Well, let me see..."

   He is getting older and has presbyopia. Although he is equipped with glasses, he has been on the farm for many years, and his eyes have become less and less useful. The original glasses have long been unsuitable.

   It only cost a lot of money for new eyes. He just came back, and he didn't have much money on him. Do you want to talk to Fenghua?

   can only be for the time being.

  Shi Zan thought of this and put his mind on the photo again.

   Fengxi in the photo is still a girl, wearing a beautiful dress and smiling, she looks very beautiful.

  Shi Zan was stunned when he saw this photo.

   When he saw Ruan Tang before, he always thought that she looked a bit similar to Fenghua.

   Now that he saw Feng Xi's photo, he suddenly realized that Ruan Tang looks more like Feng Xi than Feng Hua!

   He tried to recall Ruan Tang's appearance, and suddenly Fang Xuan said, "Axuan, take the drawing paper and pencil with me!"

  Fang Xuan looked at him in surprise and nodded instinctively: "Oh, okay, I...I'll give it to you right away!"

   After she finished speaking, she turned around, quickly found the pencil and drawing paper, and handed it to Shi Zan.

  Shi Zan is good at qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Fenghua is his student, so naturally he is also good at these.

   Although they are better at traditional Chinese painting, they can also draw sketches and oil paintings.

  Shi Zan started writing soon after getting the pencil and drawing paper.

   However, his hands have been deformed by years of hard work, and when he is holding the pencil, his hands are shaking.

   But despite this, he desperately controlled his right hand and gradually drew a face on the paper with a pencil.

   (end of this chapter)

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