Chapter 822 White Lotus Characters

As soon as    Ruan Tang's words came out, He Yuanzhuo and Jiang Shiyu changed their faces.

  Jiang Shiyu blushed instantly and seemed embarrassed.

   He Yuanzhuo glanced at her subconsciously, and then roared at Ruan Tang: "What nonsense are you talking about! Shiyu is my sister! Besides, she is so old, how can you talk nonsense!"

   "It turned out to be my younger sister." Ruan Tang gave a meaningful laugh, anyone with long ears could hear the sarcasm in her laughter, "I thought she was your best friend."

  Jiang Shiyu burst into tears, she glared at Ruan Tang, and suddenly said, "Please stop talking nonsense! I just accidentally admitted the wrong person, and I didn't mean to offend you.

   There is also Brother Yuanzhuo, he and I are like brothers and sisters. Please don’t misunderstand our relationship and say these misleading words on purpose. "

   She looks like a good girl who has suffered all the grievances but is persevering.

   Ruan Tang wanted to applaud her.

   She said sarcastically: "Who cares about you, you are the one who refused to leave. You said that you have admitted the wrong person, why are you staying here and not leaving?

   Just now he was staring straight at my brother, and said he didn't want to seduce my brother? You Yuan Zhuo's brother is blind and blind, but my brother and I have eyes! "

   can be said to be unceremoniously debunking Jiang Shiyu's hypocrisy.

   Jiang Shiyu was obviously out of anger, and a trace of cruelty flashed across his eyes.

   At this moment, the cold mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded—

  【Scanning ends.

  Name: Liu Shengyu

Gender: Female

  Height: 1.65 meters

  Weight: 45kg

   Charisma: 100

   Luck Value: 100

  Recommended host strategy! 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She almost laughed when she heard the name.

   But when she heard the end, she couldn't laugh anymore.

   What does it mean to suggest a host strategy?

   Could it be that Jiang Shiyu is still coming to attack her?

Please do not!

   She asked 008 curiously: "You made this name?"

  008 said proudly: [Of course, this name is not bad, you look at her, her face is going to be crooked! 】

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but look at Jiang Shiyu.

   Jiang Shiyu's expression was a little stiff, but it wasn't to the point of crookedness.

   After all, she is a quest person. She has been attacked many times. She has amazing acting skills and is very good at disguising.

  How can you reveal your true emotions so easily?

   Ruan Tang was even more curious about what she would do next.

The    system suggests strategies, will Jiang Shiyu help her?

   Soon, she heard Jiang Shiyu's voice: "Remember to mark her, I want to know where she will go next! It's just a native, how dare to say that to me!"

  Jiang Shiyu's voice was cold, and he made no secret of his disgust and hatred for Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang felt amused when she heard her voice and looked at her white lotus flower with teardrops.

   She suddenly thought it was interesting too.

  Jiang Shiyu, in order to make it easier to understand, created a character for himself as a white lotus.

   It's not like she is a vicious female partner who is at ease.

   If Jiang Shiyu wants to continue the strategy, he has to work hard to maintain the white lotus character. Wherever she looks like, he will turn his face if he wants to.

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang looked at Jiang Shiyu mockingly, and asked again, "Now, can you all go?"

   Jiang Shiyu's expression stiffened, and he quickly said to He Yuanzhuo, "Brother Yuanzhuo, let's go."

   There were still tears on her face, and when she spoke like this, she seemed particularly aggrieved.

   (end of this chapter)

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