Chapter 824 Caught a mouse

   Seeing Jiang Shiyu being pulled away by He Yuanzhuo and walking towards the private room, Ruan Tang smiled mockingly.

   After Jiang Shiyu entered, she immediately refined the bad luck shrouded in her body.

   As for the mark, it didn't move.

   Not long after Jiang Shiyu and He Yuanzhuo left, the waiter finally brought the dishes.

   Ruan Tang was already hungry, but now he smelled the smell of the food and felt even more hungry.

   She immediately lost interest in Jiang Shiyu and He Yuanzhuo, picked up the chopsticks and started to taste.

  Longjing Hotel's cooking skills are very good. Ruan Tang liked it after one bite, so he concentrated on enjoying dinner.

  Xie Ci saw that she didn't speak, so he didn't say anything.

   The two of them were not slow to eat, and they finished the meal quickly.

   Ruan Tang took a look and found that Jiang Shiyu and He Yuanzhuo hadn't come out yet, so he didn't care.

   turned his head to Xie Ci and said, "Let's go out first."

  There are too many people in the Longjing Hotel, and the conversation they had with Jiang Shiyu had probably already been noticed by those who were interested.

   If you continue to stay, it will attract too much attention.

   Better to leave first.

   Anyway, she didn't plan to attack Jiang Shiyu here.

  Xieci nodded, and suddenly took the initiative to hold Ruan Tang's hand.

   Ruan Tang glanced at him in surprise, and heard him say of course: "There are a lot of people, I will pull you, don't go away."

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   With her strength, how could she be separated?

The excuse of    thank you is really not distracting at all.

   But forget it, it’s just a hand.

   Again, thank you for the beautiful hands.

  Xie Ci saw that she had no objection, but raised the corners of his lips excitedly, and then pulled her out.

   Ruan Tang didn't take out the motorcycle. That motorcycle was too eye-catching. If it was parked outside, it would definitely attract attention.

   So she and Xie Ci came by taxi.

   At this time, there are already taxis, but the price is much more expensive than the bus, so there are not many people willing to take them.

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci didn't care.

   The two called a taxi and got out of the car after leaving the Longjing Hotel two or three kilometers away.

   Then, the two walked to a place where no one was and took out the motorcycle.

   Next, Ruan Tang rode a motorcycle and drove around Longjing with Xie Ci.

  Longjing is so big that you can’t just walk. It’s too expensive to take a taxi all the time.

  Although Xie Ci was rich, Ruan Tang also had a sum of money that he had earned from blackmailing.

   But the money was the unscrupulous money that the traffickers made by selling people, and she didn't intend to waste it on taxis.

  I also don’t want to waste money on thanking me.

   So after thinking about it, it is more convenient to ride a motorcycle.

   But before riding the motorcycle, she also caught a mouse and placed the mark Jiang Shiyu put on her on the mouse.

  In this way, it would be interesting if Jiang Shiyu wanted to settle the account with her after dinner.

   Ruan Tang finished doing bad things, so he walked around with a thank you.

   It was only seven o'clock in the evening when she and Xie Ci came out of the hotel, and it was still dark.

   But after walking around for a while, the sky gradually darkened.

   At this time, there were not as many street lights as later generations. Perhaps it was to save money, and there were no beautiful neon lights in the city.

   So Ruan Tang felt bored after walking around with the thank you speech for a while.

   She rode a motorcycle and went to Feng's courtyard.

   At this time, the sky hasn't completely darkened, so it's not suitable for Jiang Shiyu.

   So Ruan Tang planned to visit Shi Zan before starting.

   (end of this chapter)

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