Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 832: don't mess with her

   Chapter 832 Don't provoke her

   The system was silent for a while, and after eliminating the garbled characters, it continued: [Anyway, there is something wrong with Liu Shengyu, you have to be careful. Are you going back now? 】

  Jiang Shiyu didn't get the answer he wanted, so he couldn't help but feel extremely dissatisfied.

   But she also understood that there was indeed something wrong with that Liu Shengyu.

   It’s just that the system doesn’t say it, either it doesn’t know it, or it knows it but deliberately doesn’t say it.

   Jiang Shiyu tends to the second possibility.

   She was instinctively reluctant to think about the first possibility.

   She's not stupid. If it's the first possibility, doesn't it mean that Liu Shengyu is more powerful than the system?

   In that case, what will happen to her who is bound to the system?

   She doesn't like this world at all, the development is too backward!

  If it's good abroad, she is in China!

   In a place like this, she didn't want to stay longer for a moment.

   If it wasn't for the benefits of completing the mission, she wouldn't continue to stay in such a ghost place.

   If Liu Shengyu is more powerful than the system, it will be terrible.

   No, she can't think so, definitely not.

   is that she thinks too much.

   That Liu Shengyu looks like a spoiled eldest lady, self-willed, arrogant and domineering, looks amazing, but she is actually an idiot!

   If you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, you don't know how you will die in the future!

   No, she can't stay in this ghost place anymore, she has to go back!

   Thinking of this, Jiang Shiyu hurriedly said, "System, take me back!"

   She has to go back and wash her hands and disinfect her hands!

   The big mouse just now was really disgusting!

The    system is also the same, marking the individual can make mistakes, and let the mark fall on the mouse.

   The mark on Liu Shengyu must have been unsteady, and the mark fell off, just on the disgusting mouse.

   Jiang Shiyu quickly found a reason.

  【The teleportation fee is 5 luck, and the teleportation starts now. 】

   As the cold mechanical sound rang, Jiang Shiyu only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then returned to her familiar bedroom.

  The Jiang family lives in a building, and Jiang Shiyu spent a lot of thought on the decoration.

   After all, she is not aboriginal here, so she still knows some things about decoration.

  Have you ever been pampered and enjoyed it, even if you don’t understand anything, you’ll be familiar with it.

   So under her suggestion, the house was decorated very warmly.

   is just too much money.

  Jiang Shiyu's room is decorated in pink princess style. Not only is the big bed a princess style made by a carpenter, but even the mosquito net is made into a dome hanging style, which is full of palace style.

  Jiang Shiyu's room is also furnished with a separate toilet, which is convenient for washing.

   As soon as she stood firm, she rushed into the bathroom impatiently, washing her hands frantically.

   After washing for a while, Jiang Shiyu felt that her hands were clean, so she rushed into the bathroom and took a shower.

   She had already washed after she came back, but the place she went to was really disgusting.

  Jiang Shiyu felt that her body was covered in dirt, which made her very uncomfortable, so she took a shower again.

  After taking a bath, she felt a lot refreshed all over her body, which made her feel more comfortable.

   After drying her hair, Jiang Shiyu heard the cold mechanical sound of the system again: [Remember, Liu Shengyu is a little weird, it's best not to provoke her. 】

   Jiang Shiyu's anger rose when he heard this.

   Liu Shengyu is weird?

  Don't provoke her?

  Is it possible that she is still afraid of Liu Shengyu?

   Jiang Shiyu was very dissatisfied: "You mean, you are not even better than Liu Shengyu?"

   (end of this chapter)

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