Chapter 835 Dangerous!

  The dream was interrupted, Jiang Shiyu was full of anger.

   She said to System 438 dissatisfiedly, "Why are you suddenly waking me up?"

  438 was scolded by her, and the program was garbled again.

   At this moment, Ruan Tang had already walked to the bedside.

   She looked at Jiang Shiyu who was sleeping with a blushing face, smiled mockingly, and said decisively to 008: "Xiaohua, didn't you say you can implant a virus into Jiang Shiyu's system to make it go dormant? Let's start now."

   Although 008 can block her and Xie Ci's existence, Jiang Shiyu's system probably won't find it, but Ruan Tang doesn't want to waste time, let alone gamble.

   She has played against Jiang Shiyu many times, and she knows very well how difficult her system is, and of course she will not give it a chance to fight back.

   So it is best to do it directly, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

  008 was very excited: [You wait, I'll implant a virus into it! 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   To be honest, she actually didn't understand what 008 was excited about.

   But it doesn't matter, as long as she knows that 008 has already started.

   The rest depends on whether 008 can succeed.

  438 is clearing the garbled characters, and who knows that just after the garbled characters are cleared, it finds something wrong.

   Something is planting a virus on it!

  438 was instantly furious, and it began to resist frantically.

   However, he was quickly surprised to find that it could not resist!

   So it instinctively asked Jiang Shiyu for help: [Host, wake up quickly, there is danger! 】

  Perhaps there was a strong sense of crisis, and the originally cold mechanical sound became sharp at this time.

   Ruan Tang felt a little happy when he heard the voice.

   Although the sound was harsh, this harsh sound gave her a strong sense of familiarity.

   When Jiang Shiyu's system exploded, the sound was similar to what it is now.

  It's sharp voice means it's panicking.

   This is a good thing.

  Perhaps, 008 can really succeed.

   Probably because 008 is usually too spicy chicken, Ruan Tang has never been able to believe it. Even if it said that it could implant a virus into Jiang Shiyu's system, Ruan Tang couldn't believe it could really succeed.

   But now, 008 seems to be okay?

   Did she underestimate it?

   But, can't blame her for that?

   Jiang Shiyu's system is so powerful, with so many functions.

  Which is like 008, most of the time she only sells cute and beeps, and it all depends on her.

  Not what is spicy chicken?

   Now it is finally useful.

   Ruan Tang thought with disgust, but secretly made up her mind that if 008 can really succeed this time, she will treat 008 a little better in the future.

   At this moment, Jiang Shiyu suddenly opened his eyes.

  Unfortunately, Ruan Tang used the invisibility trick, so she couldn't see at all.

  Jiang Shiyu widened his eyes, but found nothing.

   She instinctively turned on the light, but found nothing.

   However, even though she couldn't see anything, her heart kept beating fast, and there was an inexplicable sense of panic.

what happened?

   Was it frightened by 438?

  Where is the danger?

   Why can't she see anything?

  Jiang Shiyu couldn't see Ruan Tang, and couldn't think of what the danger in 438's mouth was.

   This made her even more panic, so she asked in a panic, "438, are you there? What danger are you talking about? Hurry up and speak!"

   However, 438 is frantically resisting the invasion of the virus at this time, where can Jiang Shiyu care?

   In fact, it did not find the existence of Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang used the stealth technique, and 008 helped to block it, but 438 couldn't find her at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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