Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 838: Ruan Tang's bad taste

   Chapter 838 Ruan Tang's Bad Taste

   Of course, these are all speculations by Ruan Tang based on the fast-moving novels he has read in the past.

  Whether this is the case, she is not sure now.

  You have to ask Jiang Shiyu to find out.

   Anyway, in the Kuaichuan novels she had read before, some of them were that the protagonist of Kuaichuan helped the original owner to fulfill his wish, and then he could get the original owner's soul.

   What made her speechless was that some of the original owners had a crush, but unfortunately the other party didn't like her, and was willing to give up his soul to let the transmigrator pursue the male **** she had a crush on, or even be with the male god.

   Isn't this so stupid?

   Every time I see this setting, Ruan Tang can't help but complain.

   Now that I think about it carefully, what if those original owners were tricked?

   is like the kind of cannon fodder who has failed too much, how can his brain be so smart?

   Being fooled by someone, wouldn’t you be fooled?

   Coupled with obsession, it is easier to be fooled.

   Anyway, as long as you agreed at the time, there was a contract. Even if you want to go back on it later, you can't do it.

   can only be swallowed obediently.

   Now, Ruan Tang suspected that Jiang Shiyu did this with her system.

   She and the system belong to outsiders, so it stands to reason that they should be restricted by the way of heaven here.

   But if they succeeded in fooling the original owner and devoured the soul of the original owner.

   can use the breath of the original owner to cover up the investigation of the heavenly way.

  Which is as miserable as she was?

   inexplicably entered Fengxi's belly. When she was in her belly, everything was fine.

   As a result, as soon as he was born, he was noticed by Heavenly Dao, and it was too miserable.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but feel jealous when she recalled her former self.

   So she thought about it, and suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Jiang Shiyu's neck very wickedly.

   For better effect, she also used spiritual power to make her hands cold.

   So, Jiang Shiyu, who was already panicking, was instantly terrified.

She stared in horror and screamed loudly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

   The extremely sharp cry made Ruan Tang frown.

   She secretly rejoiced that the barrier had been set up long ago, and the sound could not get out at all.

   Otherwise, let alone the Jiang family, I am afraid that the whole building will be awakened by Jiang Shiyu!

   However, hearing Jiang Shiyu's cry, Ruan Tang's bad taste suddenly became stronger.

   She deliberately changed her voice and said faintly, "Jiang Shiyu, I died so miserably, why did you want to hurt me?"

   Jiang Shiyu screamed again when she heard the voice.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah-"

   She screamed frantically, and her body was constantly struggling, like a fish out of the water, trying to get back into the water.

   Ruan Tang secretly rejoiced that if she hadn't gained a lot of strength after cultivating, she might not have been able to hold Jiang Shiyu down.

After    Jiang Shiyu screamed for a while, he probably understood that screaming was useless.

   So she started calling the system frantically: "438! 438 Come out! Where are you! Come out!"

  438 is now dormant, of course it is impossible to respond to her.

   Ruan Tang was a little worried, Jiang Shiyu screamed so loudly, wouldn't he wake up the system?

   However, her system was originally called 438?

  Tsk, this number really fits the occasion.

   is so suitable for Jiang Shiyu.

After    Ruan Tang slandered, he quickly asked 008: "Xiaohua, she won't wake up 438 if she keeps calling like this?"

  008 was immediately dissatisfied: [How is that possible? The virus I gave it messed up its programming and it couldn't have woken up without two years! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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