Chapter 840 Male or female?

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci left very simply.

   The two went straight out of the window, and after landing, they walked out of the community all the way.

   After using the invisibility trick, no one can see them.

   The two looked back at the guest house where they lived before.

   They actually went back once before before sneaking out again to avoid suspicion.

   They live in a small guest house, the environment is not good, there is a faint musty smell in the room.

   Fortunately, the two of them do not need to sleep in the bed here.

   After returning to the guest house room, they entered the villa in the space.

   After sleeping in it, I didn't come out again until the next morning after washing up.

   Neither of them had breakfast in the space.

   After all, I finally made a trip to Longjing, and there are so many breakfasts outside, there is no reason to miss it in vain.

   The two went directly to the Longjing Hotel for breakfast, and after eating, they walked to the vicinity of Jiang's house.

   They are going to listen to gossip on purpose.

   Jiang Shiyu's face was so hurt that it was impossible to hide it.

   As long as the news spreads, everyone around will know about it.

   Ruan Tang guessed that there would be a lot of people gossip, but after she came to the neighborhood, she heard a lot of people talking.

   "Have you heard? Something happened to the girl in the Jiang family!"

   "I know! I heard it was disfigured!"

   "Yeah, I heard that the face is scratched, and I don't know who did it. This is too sinful!"

   "Who said it wasn't? I've seen that child many times. What a beautiful little girl, she actually scratched her face, hey!"

   "I heard that someone sneaked in while sleeping and scratched his face. I don't know who did it."

   "How did you touch it in the middle of the night?"

   "Yeah, it's terrible! Someone was able to touch someone's house, and even entered the girl's bedroom!"

   "I don't know if it's a man or a woman, if it's a man..."

   "It must be a man, how could it be a woman? Which woman is so capable that she can still touch someone's house?"

   "That's right, Jiang's house is on the fourth floor! I've called the security bureau to look at it, and they said that the door lock is good, and there is no sign that it has been pried open."

   "Oh, I also heard that someone said the window was open, and that person should have climbed in through the window."

   "What? Climbing in through the window? Isn't Jiang's house on the fourth floor? It's too powerful to climb in from the fourth floor, isn't it?"

"That's why I said it's definitely not a woman. Which woman can climb the fourth floor? It must be done by a man! It's so bad! I just don't know if he has done anything else, but that girl in the Jiang family is beautiful. Wow!"

   "But I heard that it doesn't look like you climbed in through the window? There is no sign of climbing outside at all."

   "Yeah, that's what I heard too."

   "Let me tell you, I also heard that after the girl in the Jiang family woke up, she kept screaming that there was a ghost! You said, could it be..."

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people around him changed.

   "Don't talk nonsense! Where is the ghost, that's feudal superstition!"

   "That is, there are no ghosts in this world, stop talking nonsense!"

   "It must have been done by humans, what the hell."

   Soon, no one took the initiative to change the subject: "You said, who did it? It's even smashed, what kind of hatred is this?"

  With these words, everyone fell into contemplation at the same time.

  Yes, who did it?

  Why are you so cruel to Jiang Shiyu?

   (end of this chapter)

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