Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 843: Can not remember

   Chapter 843 Can't remember

  In the ward of the hospital, Jiang Shiyu was about to go crazy in pain.

   There are too many wounds on her face, and after stitching, it is still shocking.

  Especially when the strength of the anesthetic wears off, the whole face is no longer numb, replaced by dense pain.

   And the whole face is hurting, as if there is no place that doesn't hurt!

   Jiang Shiyu couldn't see her face, and she didn't know what was going on.

   After she woke up, her mind was full of chaos, and she couldn't remember anything.

   Only some blurry images.

   She looked at everything in the ward and instinctively knew that this was the ward.

   But somehow I felt something was wrong.

  How could she be in this place?

  This ward is too bad. In my impression, the ward she stayed in before was much better than this one.

   Did she go to some backward little place?

  But why?

  Who brought her here?

   Or, did she cross again?

  Jiang Shiyu thought about it for a while, but the pain was so painful that he could no longer think about it. Because of the pain, she screamed involuntarily.

   The voice was like crying, which was heart-wrenching.

Next to the hospital bed, her mother Tu Wei kept guarding, and after hearing her whimper-like screams, she quickly held her down: "Xiaoyu, don't move, your wound has just been stitched up, don't let it go. Do you know? The wound will be bad if it is torn."

   She didn't dare to say the word "face", for fear of irritating Jiang Shiyu.

   Jiang Shiyu blinked in confusion when she heard her voice, and looked at her.

  Tu Wei found the wound on her face when she went to wake up Jiang Shiyu in the morning.

   In the past, although Jiang Shiyu was well behaved, he rarely did housework.

   After Tu Wei made breakfast, she went to wake her up.

   Who knew that after entering today, she saw Jiang Shiyu's face covered in blood, so she screamed out on the spot.

The    screams alarmed her husband and son, and the two quickly rushed into Jiang Shiyu's room.

   After seeing Jiang Shiyu's face covered in blood, he was also frightened.

   After that, they rushed Jiang Shiyu to the hospital, and they didn't even care about eating.

  Tu Wei was in a hurry, and there was still some mess on her body.

   When she got to the hospital, she was always worried about Jiang Shiyu, how could she have the heart to clean up herself?

  So when Jiang Shiyu looked at her, she saw Tu Wei's hair was messy and she looked a little haggard.

   The clothes on her body are even more rustic, making her eyes hot.

  Longjing is a big city with department stores and a lot of fashionable clothes.

  With Jiang Shiyu, Tu Wei usually wears more fashionable clothes.

   When she was just doing housework, she was worried about ruining those fashionable and beautiful clothes, wearing old clothes from before.

   So it looks very rustic.

After    Jiang Shiyu's accident, she was so busy coming to the hospital that she didn't have time to change her clothes, she just took off her apron and came out.

   Jiang Shiyu's memory is vague at this moment, and he can't even remember his own identity, only some vague impressions.

   After seeing Tu Wei's rustic clothes, she couldn't help but dislike it.

   didn't even recognize Tu Wei's identity.

   "It hurts so much." Jiang Shiyu whimpered in pain, "Why is my face like this? How did I get hurt? I can't remember."

   She faintly felt that she had passed through again, and the Tu Wei in front of her was probably a relative of this body.

   Afraid of being seen by the other party, she did not dare to ask Tu Wei's identity directly.

  Tu Wei didn't see Jiang Shiyu's abnormality at all. After hearing her words, she remembered Jiang Shiyu's **** face.

   (end of this chapter)

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