Chapter 850 Watching a good show

   Ruan Tang smiled like a fox.

   She glanced at 008 and said with a smile: "You've been monitoring Jiang Shiyu, right? If you see anything interesting, remember to share it with me."

  It's a pity that she doesn't plan to let the whole family move to Longjing for the time being, otherwise it must be very interesting.

   Jiang Shiyu is too greedy, and with the help of the system, he has already captured several excellent men.

   These men are all proud of the heavens, and each of them is very proud, and it is impossible to work with other men as a single wife.

  Jiang Shiyu was clearly aware of this, so she deliberately said that she regarded the other party as her brother.

   Waited until the other party's love was deeply rooted and unable to extricate herself, then she accepted it with difficulty and began to harvest the fruits of victory.

   Now that she has no system to help her, and has lost her memory, even if she has the intention to seduce her, she can no longer arrange it as carefully as before, like a spider weaving a web, and snares those excellent men into the traps she carefully crafted.

   What's more, there is now a man like He Yuanzhuo who is "assisted by God".

  He Yuanzhuo has a strong heart, and he was the first to see Jiang Shiyu.

  Jiang Shiyu has no memory. After seeing He Yuanzhuo, there will inevitably be some fledgling plots.

   For her now, He Yuanzhuo is about different.

   As a result, the remaining men will be willing to be spare tires without the system's bewitching?

   Not to mention, Jiang Shiyu's appearance is now completely ruined.

  He Yuanzhuo probably doesn't know what Jiang Shiyu's face looks like right now. When he drives the other men away, and then sees Jiang Shiyu's unrecognizable face, he doesn't know what he's thinking.

   Ruan Tang felt excited just thinking about it.

   I can't wait to witness this Shura Field.

   She thought for a while, and then asked, "Where's Wei Liangchen? What happened to him?"

  008 recalled how Wei Liangchen was beaten, and then asked gossip: [Do you want to see it? I show you the video. 】

   Ruan Tang said immediately, "Show me!"

  【You can see it when you open the system panel. 】

   Ruan Tang opened the system panel immediately after hearing this.

   Sure enough, as soon as the panel was opened, a video popped up on the screen.

  The video is high-definition, and everything in the ward is clearly captured.

   Ruan Tang watched it with glee, just like watching a TV series.

   She also took out a pack of caramel melon seeds and looked at the pictures inside while eating melon seeds.

   The location is, of course, the ward.

   I saw a man lying on the hospital bed, the man's face was wrapped in gauze, and he couldn't see clearly, only his eyes, nose and mouth were exposed.

   However, as soon as Ruan Tang saw those eyes, she knew she was Jiang Shiyu.

   The body that Jiang Shiyu took over the house looked very good, however, perhaps because Jiang Shiyu was too bad, the eyes she showed made Ruan Tang intuitively disliked.

   The eyes are too thief.

   In addition to Jiang Shiyu lying on the bed, Ruan Tang also saw He Yuanzhuo and Jiang Shiyu's biological mother, Tu Wei.

  Tu Wei looks very haggard, her eyes are red, and it is pitiful.

   She didn't know that the person lying on the bed was not her biological daughter at all, and even her biological daughter was swallowed up by Jiang Shiyu.

   Now he is still serving Jiang Shiyu, the culprit, like an old mother, making himself embarrassed.

   Ruan Tang sighed secretly when she saw it, and couldn't help thinking in her heart, do you want to find an opportunity to tell Tu Wei?

   Just when she hesitated, the door of the ward opened, and Wei Liangchen, who was also haggard, strode in.

   (end of this chapter)

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