Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 895: Ruan Tang in the photo

   Chapter 895 Ruan Tang in the photo

  Shi Biyun felt a little uncomfortable when she went to work today. Because she kept coughing and was out of breath, the factory gave her a holiday and asked her to visit the hospital.

  Shi Biyun went to the hospital, but unfortunately nothing was found out. She just gave her some medicine and let her go home to rest.

   On her way back, she met Shi Xiuxiu. Seeing that Shi Xiuxiu seemed to be crying, she took her home, fearing that something would happen to her outside.

  Shi Xiuxiu was in a bad mood, and her family introduced another person to her. She didn't like it. Her parents actually said that she had too much vision.

  Where did he expect that he would meet his aunt Shi Biyun, and Shi Biyun saw her embarrassed.

  Shi Xiuxiu was depressed, but it was too sunny outside, so she didn't want to be outside all the time.

   So as soon as Shi Biyun invited her, she agreed.

   She doesn't want to go home at all, so go to Shi Biyun's house and sit down.

  Shi Biyun's house is not as big as hers, but it is kept neat and tidy.

  Shi Xiuxiu glanced at it, but felt a little disgusted in her heart.

   Unexpectedly, she glanced at the photos hanging on the wall.

   It was a family photo, but besides the Shi Biyun family, there was actually a young girl in it.

  The girl looks only in her teens, but she is extraordinarily beautiful, prettier than the female stars in the pictorial.

  Shi Xiuxiu just glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned.

   That girl turned out to be the one she met last time!

   She is a salesperson in a department store. Not long ago, two people came to the department store to buy paints and brushes. They were a man and a woman, and they were very good-looking.

   She fell in love with the handsome boy at a glance, but unfortunately the girl he was with was very annoying, she didn't have time to talk to the boy, he was pulled away by the girl.

   At that time, she felt that the girl looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

   Looking at the photos on the wall at this time, she finally remembered why she felt familiar.

   She had seen this photo when she came to Shi Biyun's house before!

   She remembered that she had asked at that time.

The girl in    is the daughter of Uncle Ruan's eldest brother.

   At that time, she was quite jealous when she saw the girl in the photo was so beautiful, but when she heard that she was a country girl, she lost interest at all.

  Who knew that he would meet her in a department store!

   However, she is a country girl, how can she dress so beautifully?

   also bought so many paints and brushes!

  Where did all the money come from?

   No, that girl must not have that much money, and it must be the money given by the boy who was with her.

   He spent money at that time without blinking a single eye. The conditions should be very good, right?

  Shi Xiuxiu thought of this, and her heart pounded wildly.

   Then he couldn't wait to find Shi Biyun: "Aunt, who is that girl in the photo?"

  Shi Biyun was still a little uncomfortable at this time. She drank some water, and she couldn't help thinking of what Ruan Tang said at the beginning, and she felt a little uneasy.

   Hearing Shi Xiuxiu's words, she glanced at it subconsciously, and realized that she was asking Ruan Tang, and said, "She is the daughter of your uncle's eldest brother, her name is Ruan Tang, she is very beautiful, right?"

  Shi Xiuxiu felt as if her heart had been stabbed, and couldn't help but said, "It's pretty, her family is in the countryside, right?"

   Who knew that Shi Biyun said: "Her family used to live in the countryside, but they moved to the county town not long ago."

   (end of this chapter)

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