Chapter 899 Not my brother

After   Shi Biyun finished speaking, he found a photo album, and found the photos of Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli in it, and pointed it to Shi Xiuxiu: "Look, they are both Tangtang's brothers, are you seeing them that day?"

  Shi Xiuxiu looked at the photos of the two and couldn't help but feel mixed feelings.

   She was very depressed to find that Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli looked very good.

  The two brothers are wearing shirts and trousers, one is elegant and the other is sunny, and they don't look like rural mud legs at all.

   She has always liked handsome and handsome young people, and when she saw the photos of Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli, she couldn't help but feel happy.

   But thinking that both of them are villagers, she disliked them again.

   Thinking about it again, these two were actually Ruan Tang's older brothers, and she couldn't help pantothenic acid in her heart.

   She also has a brother, but in terms of looks, it is a lot worse than Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli.

   Her parents' looks are relatively average. She is lucky and inherits the advantages of her parents, so she looks pretty good.

   Her brother's luck is not good, he looks very ordinary.

   Ruan Tang has two handsome brothers, why?

   The more she thought about it, the more dissatisfied she became, and soon she found out that neither Ruan Mingcheng nor Ruan Mingli was the one who was with Ruan Tang that day, so she became even more dissatisfied.

   "It's not them." Shi Xiuxiu shook her head, looked at Shi Biyun's face again, and said deliberately, "The people that day looked older than them, and they looked different."

   "It's not them?" Shi Biyun was very surprised, she thought it was Ruan Mingcheng or Ruan Mingli. But if it weren't for them, who would it be?

   A thank you speech is also possible, but he should be about the same age as Ruan Mingli.

   Could it be wrong?

  Shi Biyun didn't think that Ruan Tang would be so easy to deal with, and listening to Shi Xiuxiu's meaning, he also spent a lot of money on the other party.

   This is not good.

   But she thought of Ruan Tang's appearance, and felt that Ruan Tang's appearance would lead to many people chasing her.

   So she was unsure again.

   After hesitating for a moment, she looked at Shi Xiuxiu and asked, "Xiuxiu, did you read it wrong? Is it really not them?"

  Shi Xiuxiu was originally dissatisfied, but when she heard her words, the anger in her heart was ignited again.

   She had already lied, and when she heard Shi Biyun's questioning, she naturally couldn't help but feel guilty.

   But she is spoiled, not the type to change when she knows she is wrong.

   Thinking that Shi Biyun was suspicious of her, she felt guilty, but instead became angry.

What does   Shi Biyun mean?

   Don't believe her words?

  Shi Biyun, but her aunt, is actually partial to Ruan Tang!

   "Auntie, don't you believe me? It was in a department store at the time, and the place where they bought things was not far from me. How could I be wrong?"

   She paused when she said this, and then pretended to be worried and said, "I'm not worried for you, auntie? She is your auntie, your niece, and that's my sister.

   As a big sister, I can't just watch her have an accident, right? She is only fourteen years old, so how can she be suitable to talk to someone so young?

   At her age, I'm afraid she doesn't understand anything. What if she was tricked by someone?

   She had been living in the countryside before, but she must have been very unaccustomed to moving to the city suddenly. It is understandable to be coaxed when she sees a rich man.

  Auntie, don't be angry yet, let's figure this out quickly, in case she was really deceived, it would be good for her if she found out earlier. "

  Shi Biyun couldn't help falling into contemplation after hearing what she said.

   (end of this chapter)

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