Chapter 903 The culprit

   In the quiet and elegant courtyard, Ruan Tang did not know the small twists and turns of Shi Biyun and Shi Xiuxiu.

   After she confessed to Jiang Chunshui, she felt like she had put down a stone in her heart.

  Jiang Chunshui has a bad heart. Now that she knows that the house belongs to her, she will no longer be so worried in the future and can enjoy her happiness.

   After they finished speaking, it was too late.

   Ruan Tang went to see Tang Hongxiu again, and also comforted her.

   However, with Jiang Chunshui's advice, she didn't tell Tang Hongxiu about the house, only that she would always be her daughter, which made Tang Hongxiu cry again.

   made Ruan Tang feel very sorry.

   When she went to see Tang Hongxiu, Tang Hongxiu's eyes were all red, clearly hiding and crying.

   Who knows and cried again.

   She was afraid that Tang Hongxiu would cry too much and her eyes would feel uncomfortable, so she secretly soaked a handkerchief with spiritual spring water and applied it to her eyes.

The   ling spring water is cool and comfortable to apply on the eyes.

After    about ten minutes, Tang Hongxiu's eyes were fine.

   Ruan Tang told her that the Feng family would temporarily live at home, but Tang Hongxiu did not object.

   Although she didn't say it clearly, Ruan Tang could see that Tang Hongxiu also wanted to take this opportunity to get in touch with the people of the Feng family.

   She has raised Ruan Tang for more than ten years. She has grown from a skinny little baby to such a big age that she has long been regarded as her biological daughter.

   Now Ruan Tang's relatives have suddenly recovered, even if it is not for Ruan Tang, but after all, it is impossible to completely sever the relationship, definitely not possible.

   What's more, the family looked at it well for the time being. Ruan Tang was given the bag by Sun Ximei, not Feng Xi and Dr. Song who abandoned the child on purpose.

   People wanted to recognize them back, but she had no reason to stop them.

   Now that everyone is here, and she plans to stay, of course she wants to take this opportunity to help Ruan Tang take a good look at them.

   In case the family has bad thoughts, she can protect Ruan Tang so that Ruan Tang will not be deceived by them.

   Tang Hongxiu's thoughts, of course, will not tell Ruan Tang.

   After all, Ruan Tang has the blood of the Feng family on her body. If she expresses these thoughts, wouldn't it make it difficult for Ruan Tang to do it?

   Even pushed Ruan Tang to the Feng family?

  She's not that stupid.

   Ruan Tang saw that she had agreed, and remembered one more thing.

  Sun Ximei will give up the child, in addition to Zhang Cuihua's threat, it has nothing to do with He Xiuqing's encouragement.

   If it wasn't for He Xiuqing's deliberate instigation, Sun Ximei's stupid brain might not have done it.

   Ruan Tang never told her family about it. Looking at Tang Hongxiu, she was hesitating whether she should say it.

  Tang Hongxiu saw Ruan Tang's hesitation at a glance, thinking that she was doing it for the Feng family, so she was very concerned.

   So she quickly said, "Tangtang, just say what you have to say, I'm your mother, what can't you say to me?"

   Ruan Tang thought about it, and decided to say it.

  He Xiuqing did evil, how could it be so cheap for her?

   She looked at Tang Hongxiu and asked, "Mom, do you remember He Xiuqing?"

   Tang Hongxiu was stunned.

  He Xiuqing?

   She looked at Ruan Tang in surprise, wondering why she asked an outsider.

  Hasn't He Xiuqing divorced Ruan Aizhou?

   has nothing to do with them, why do you still mention her?

  Tang Hongxiu quickly guessed a possibility: "Have you seen her?"

   Apart from this, she couldn't think of any other possibility.

  Tang Hongxiu didn't think Ruan Tang would specifically look for He Xiuqing, and He Xiuqing didn't need to specifically look for Ruan Tang.

   So she thought Ruan Tang saw something.

   (end of this chapter)

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