Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 905: the cause of evil

   Chapter 905 The reason for doing evil

  Tang Hongxiu looked at Ruan Tang in shock and exclaimed: "Is this true? It's because of her! That woman is really a sinner!"

   She had long guessed that Sun Ximei had lost her baby, but she never thought that there was actually He Xiuqing here!

   He Xiuqing gave birth to Ruan Yuting at that time. She has a daughter herself. Don't she know how painful it is to separate flesh and blood?

   What kind of family is the Wang family?

   When the children arrive at their house, can they have a good life?

  He Xiuqing is doing a big sin!

   How can she be so cruel?

   At that time, how old was she? But at the age of nineteen, how could he be so cruel!

  Tang Hongxiu calmed down after a while, and she asked Ruan Tang, "Tang Tang, are you sure she really said such a thing?"

   Ruan Tang nodded affirmatively: "It's exactly what she said."

  Those words, but what she saw when she observed Sun Ximei with her heavenly eyes, she definitely did not wrong He Xiuqing.

   Tang Hongxiu's face became more and more ugly after hearing her say that.

   She's not stupid, so how could she not hear that He Xiuqing's words were seducing Sun Ximei?

  What life did Sun Ximei live in the Wang family?

   What life did her daughter Wang Zhaodi live?

   At that time, Zhang Cuihua also said that if she gave birth to a girl, she would throw it away.

  Sun Ximei had a big belly at the time, how scared should she be when she heard this?

   At this time, He Xiuqing told her that Dr. Song's child was good, how could she be worried?

  He Xiuqing is really vicious!

   She deliberately said those words to Sun Ximei, no matter what Sun Ximei did or not, those words would pierce Sun Ximei's heart like thorns.

  Tang Hongxiu is also a mother, she knows very well what a mother can do for her children.

"No wonder." Tang Hongxiu suddenly realized, "Sun Ximei's temperament really doesn't seem to be able to do such a thing. It turned out that He Xiuqing gave her a trick! But I don't understand, what is He Xiuqing trying to do? Huh? What's in it for her?"

  Tang Hongxiu said this, and fell into memory again.

   After a while, she said again: "Yes, He Xiuqing seems to have always disliked Fengxi, and Fengxi doesn't seem to like her very much. Could it be because of this that He Xiuqing did such a vicious thing?"

   She felt that if she was Fengxi, her daughter who had been born so hard was unwrapped and abused, she would be mad!

   Ruan Tang smiled sarcastically: "He Xiuqing was pregnant when she arrived at Shanhe Village, she didn't dare let anyone know, so she was in a hurry to find someone to take over.

   At that time, Dr. Song was the most outstanding one in Shanhe Village, so He Xiuqing fell in love with him and wanted to seduce Dr. Song and let Dr. Song marry her.

   But Dr. Song already had Fengxi at that time, but Fengxi was not in Shanhe Village, and of course he would not be with He Xiuqing.

   He Xiuqing failed to seduce, and was afraid that he would be discovered after a long time, so he had to choose the honest man, the fourth uncle.

   Later, Feng Xi came to see Dr. Song with a big belly. He Xiuqing was of course uncomfortable. Only then did he deliberately encourage Sun Ximei to take revenge on Feng Xi.

   As long as Sun Ximei does it, no matter if she succeeds or fails, this will be the biggest blow to Feng Xi. "

   Tang Hongxiu fell into memory once again when he heard this.

   This time, she recalled it not long ago, and quickly said: "I remembered that when He Xiuqing first came to Shanhe Village, he was really interested in Dr. Song.

   At that time, many people in the village liked her, for fear that Dr. Song would agree. Later, Dr. Song rejected He Xiuqing, and your fourth uncle was relieved. "

   (end of this chapter)

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