Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 912: What if the thank you speech is messed up?

   Chapter 912 What if the thank you speech is messed up?

  Xie Ci saw that Ruan Mingli was not happy at a glance, so he laughed deliberately: "I'm here to find Tangtang."

"You—" Ruan Mingli wanted to say, "You are sure to come to Tangtang", suddenly seeing Ruan Tang looking over, he quickly swallowed the words, took Xie Ci and walked out, "You go out with me, I have something to say to you. Say!"

snort! Don't think he can't see it, this stinky boy must be hitting on his sister's idea!

   actually came to kidnap his sister while he wasn't there to see how he would deal with this kid!

   Ruan Mingli made up his mind to teach Xie Ci a lesson, so he took Xie Ci to a remote corner of the backyard and planned to beat Xie Ci.

   And then without any suspense, he was beaten by thanks.

Of course,    Xie Ci didn't do anything ruthless, and Ruan Mingli couldn't even find a single mark on his body.

   But it just hurts.

   made Ruan Mingli feel bad.

   Xie Ci beat him and left him and left. He felt the pain was so bad that he took off his clothes and looked at it.

   In the end, no trace of injury was found.

   In this way, he even went to sue without any evidence, can he not be embarrassed?

   Fortunately, the pain goes away quickly.

   When Jiang Chunshui was drinking and starting the meal, Ruan Mingli heard the voice and was worried that Jiang Chunshui and the others would see it out when he was eating later.

  Who knew that when he walked to the dining room, he found that his body was no longer in pain!

   As if the pain just now was all his illusion.

   Ruan Mingli secretly opened his clothes again and glanced at the place where he was beaten. When he saw that there was still no trace on it, he was stunned.

what happened?

  Why don't you have any prints at all?

   It doesn't hurt anymore.

   Is he dreaming?

   Xie Ci never beat him at all?

   Ruan Mingli was stunned for a while, until he smelled the tempting aroma of the food, and he suddenly woke up.

   That's all, let's eat first, he's been tired all day, and he's starving to death.

   During the meal, the atmosphere was a little weird.

   After all, there are two more people, and neither of them are very familiar with each other. Isn’t it strange that we sit down and eat together now?

  Women are better.

  Fang Xuan was helping to cook in the kitchen. She was already familiar with Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu, so she didn't feel embarrassed when eating.

   It was not long after Ruan Aihua and Ruan Mingli came back, they were not used to it.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were not there. When Ruan Tang sneaked to Longjing, they returned to Shanhe Village.

   They can't do anything here, so they're uncomfortable.

   It happened that Ruan Aizhou came here once. He came to deliver mushrooms. Because the mushrooms were well raised, he and Ji Wanying planned to grow mushrooms in the village, and the two boys went back to help.

   So not today.

   If they were there, it would have been even more lively.

   Ruan Aihua wanted to have a drink with Fenghua, but seeing Fenghua's bony and sickly appearance, he didn't dare to open his mouth.

   Fenghua's appearance is obviously not suitable for drinking.

   After dinner, Ruan Aihua took the initiative to invite Fenghua out for a walk, and Fenghua agreed.

   Ruan Tang saw what they were trying to say, but didn't care.

   She can guess what these two people are talking about even with her feet, what should I care about?

  Compared to this, she was more concerned about the previous driver.

  So after watching Ruan Aihua and Fenghua leave, she said to Xie Ci: "The roses in my house should be trimmed, thank you for helping me."

  Xieci nodded and followed.

   When Ruan Mingli saw this, his face instantly turned ugly.

   It's time to cut flowers?

  Lonely men and widows, what if the thank you speeches are messed up?

   (end of this chapter)

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