Chapter 935 Dislike

  Shi Xiuxiu couldn't help feeling guilty when she looked at Zhao Lijuan's blushing face.

   She felt uncomfortable just now, and then she thought about how hard she had been standing outside the gate of Ruan's house for so long, but it was all in vain.

   felt very aggrieved.

  She has never suffered like this since she was a child.

   So when Zhao Lijuan asked, she couldn't help but complain.

   But Zhao Lijuan was really angry, and she was still guilty.

   After all, what she said is not the whole truth.

   She just waited outside on purpose, trying to use a bitter trick to move her thank you, but who knows it's useless at all.

   It's all about suffering for nothing, she actually suffered from heatstroke, and now she's almost dying of discomfort.

  Shi Xiuxiu became more depressed the more she thought about it, so she didn't speak.

   She is a young girl after all, and she can't do it if she is asked to maliciously plot others.

   But she didn't want to tell her the truth.

   That would be too embarrassing.

   So she simply didn't say it.

   Zhao Lijuan saw that she had been silent, she thought she had suffered a great grievance, and immediately became even more angry.

   She glared at Shi Xiuxiu: "Mom asked you something, tell me quickly, what happened to the Ruan family?"

  Shi Xiuxiu still didn't want to say it, but Zhao Lijuan suddenly reacted: "Wait, you said the Ruan family? Could it be Ruan Aijun's family? Your aunt won't let you in?"

  Shi Xiuxiu heard this and was afraid that she would misunderstand, so she had to explain: "It's not my aunt, it's my uncle's sister-in-law. Their family moved to the county town and rented a pretty big house."

"Is there such a thing?" Zhao Lijuan was very surprised, "I remember Ruan Aijun's hometown is in the countryside, why did he suddenly move to the county seat? Did he find a job in the county seat? Not cheap."

   Having said this, Zhao Lijuan looked at Shi Xiuxiu suspiciously again, "What are you doing at their house? We haven't walked around before, a group of mud-legged people in the countryside, I don't know how messy the house is."

  Shi Xiuxiu heard what she said, and subconsciously remembered the big house where the Ruan family lived, and her face became strange.

   When she went with Shi Biyun before, she went in there.

  The yard was beautifully tidy up, with grapes and a lot of Chinese roses planted. It was very beautiful, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of Chinese roses.

  The floor in the room is even covered with wood, which is clean and bright.

  The furniture is beautiful and stylish, and there are even many electrical appliances.

  The Ruan family really had a bad luck. A group of mud-legged people in the countryside could live in such a nice house.

   However, the house was kept very clean, and it didn't look like a country muddy.

  Shi Xiuxiu thought about it, and couldn't help but think of the words of thanks.

Aunt    said that Xie Ci’s family is also from the countryside, and the family is still poor. But when she looked at Xie Ci, she didn't look like a villager.

   I don’t know if it’s because the thank you speech is too good, or if people in the countryside are like this.

   It should be because the thank you speech is too good, right?

  If all the people in the countryside are like this, what kind of mud legs are they?

   It is said that the people in the countryside all face the loess and turn their backs to the sky.

   How dirty and disgusting.

  Country people are smelly, not like their city people at all.

   However, Xie Ci and the Ruan family did not look like they were from the countryside at all.

   is really weird.

  Shi Xiuxiu was thinking about things in her heart, but she still explained to the Ruan family: "Mom, you are wrong, the Ruan family is not messed up at all."

   (end of this chapter)

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