Chapter 939 Keep hinting

  The old man Ruan gave Zhao Lijuan a deep look.

   This woman's words are very interesting.

  The old man Ruan smiled cheerfully: "This house belongs to a friend. It is entrusted to us to help take care of it. The rent is not expensive."

   Zhao Lijuan is still looking at the house and yard.

   The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Thinking that the Ruan family was just a bunch of villagers, she felt that it would be a waste for them to live in such a good house.

   So she said, "This house is so well furnished, it's not easy to take care of, right? You guys are sincere. For the trust of your friends, you actually moved from the country to the city. Life in the city is not easy.

  I want to say that instead of staying here, it is better to sublet it to the right person, so that you can still farm when you return to the village. It's hard to find a job in the city. It's not easy to ask for money for everything. "

  Old man Ruan pretended not to have heard the hint in her words, and smiled like a shrewd man: "It's not easy to find a job in the city, but my son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren have found work, which is not bad."

   Zhao Lijuan's face stiffened when she heard this.

   She still wanted to rent the house, but a group of villagers actually found jobs!

   Isn't this hitting her in the face!

   Zhao Lijuan was not reconciled, so she couldn't help but ask: "What kind of job are you looking for? Good jobs are not easy to find. Is the place reliable? Don't let people be deceived."

The old man    Ruan shook his head: "I can't deceive, it's all introduced by friends, it's reliable."

   does not say what the job is.

   Zhao Lijuan didn't find out anything, and she was even more reconciled, so she asked again: "How about this, sir, first tell me what kind of jobs you are looking for?

  My family is in the county seat. I have lived in the county seat for decades. I am familiar with many places in the county seat. You only need to say it and I will know. If something is not right, I can remind you too. "

  The old man Ruan smiled honestly: "I'm just like that, I don't understand what you're talking about. Anyway, they all have jobs, so I won't bother you about it. By the way, what's the matter with you coming to thank you?"

   Zhao Lijuan didn't ask anything, so she couldn't help sulking.

   She thought that an old country man like Ruan, who didn't know anything, should be very foolish. Who knew that this old man didn't know anything.

   He doesn't understand, so what's the use of her asking?

   It’s okay to ask someone else later.

   Zhao Lijuan made up her mind and said perfunctorily: "I have something to do with thanking me, but it's not easy to tell outsiders about it."

  Once the old man heard this, he didn't ask any more questions.

   He took Zhao Lijuan to the living room to let her sit, and then said, "You sit here for a while, and I'll let Xie resign."

   Zhao Lijuan sat on a chair, looking at the furnishings in the living room, her heart couldn't help getting even hotter.

   She has some relationships with her family, so life is pretty good.

   But the furnishings at home are still a lot worse than here.

   I don't know who arranged it.

  To be arranged like this, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money, and there are even electrical appliances.

  Really, the house is so well laid out that I don’t live in it myself, but rent it out.

  It’s fine to rent it out, why don’t you pick some good urbanites to rent it, and rent it out to the villagers?

   Those rural mud legs are so dirty, what's the use of renting them?

   No matter how good the house is, they have to ruin it.

   Zhao Lijuan covered her nose in disgust when she thought of this.

   (end of this chapter)

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