Chapter 954 Destined

   Ruan Tang said with a smile: "Well, I won't tell you first, you will know later."

  Xieci narrowed his eyes: "So, you won't say it?"

   Ruan Tang looked at him proudly: "Yeah, I won't say it. Why don't you guess?"

   Who knows Xie Ci suddenly pulled her and hugged her from behind: "Will you say it? If you don't say it, I won't let go."

   Ruan Tang felt the scalding temperature behind him, and instantly became uncomfortable: "What are you doing, this is outside, someone will see it!"

  Xie Ci's arms wrapped around her waist: "Then tell me now, and I'll let you go."

   Ruan Tang was about to turn her head to stare at him, when she suddenly heard a voice not far away, which scared her so that she quickly activated her spiritual power and pushed Xie Ci away.

   Sure enough, not long after I pushed the thank you away, a middle-aged man and woman walked out from the corner.

   looks familiar, they are neighbors who live nearby, and the two are a couple.

  The moment the other party came out, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci immediately returned to their serious looks, and even the distance between them was farther away, and there was no sign of intimacy at all.

   After the couple approached, Ruan Tang found that they both had sad faces on their faces, and didn't know what happened.

   She is not a nosy, and although she is a little curious, she doesn't use her eyes to peep into other people's privacy.

  The couple obviously had something on their minds, they didn't say hello when they saw Ruan Tang and Xie Ci, and they quickly left.

   Ruan Tang glanced at the back of the two leaving, turned around with Xie Ci, and went in the opposite direction.

   When he was farther away, Xie Ci secretly stretched out his hand and held Ruan Tang's hand.

   Ruan Tang glanced at him and struggled slightly, but Xie Ci didn't let go, and gave her a voice transmission: "You haven't said that just now, how are you going to make them last forever?"

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but ask: "Then if I don't tell you, you won't let go, right?"

  Xieci shook the hands they held together triumphantly, and nodded: "That's right."

   Ruan Tang was completely speechless.

   She felt that Xie Ci had become naive recently, and she didn't know what stimulated her.

   After thinking about it, she still said it, otherwise if she really didn't let go of her thank you, she would go home later and let Jiang Chunshui and the others see it, they must say her!

   Ruan Tang smugly said: "Zhao Guangyuan is a patriarchal man, but he has no son in his life. As for me, I didn't do anything, so I gave him a sweet dream."

  Xie Ci's expression changed, and suddenly he felt sympathy for Zhao Guangyuan and He Xiuqing.

  Although Ruan Tang didn't say what kind of dream she sent, it is not difficult to guess that this dream must have something to do with He Xiuqing and her son.

   So Xie Ci guessed: "This beautiful dream you mentioned, shouldn't it be He Xiuqing who gave him a son?"

   Ruan Tang added with a smile: "This son later became a high-ranking official, and since he was born, the Zhao family's life has been getting better and better."

  Xie Ci suddenly did not know what to say.

   Ruan Tang’s method is really…

   Zhao Guangyuan had such a dream, and he would definitely take He Xiuqing to give birth to a son.

   But he is destined not to have a son, what will happen?

  Xie Ci thought of this and couldn't help but say: "If He Xiuqing can't have a son, Zhao Guangyuan will definitely find someone else to give birth to."

   Ruan Tang shrugged indifferently: "That wouldn't be now. Zhao Guangyuan had such a sweet dream, and he wouldn't be reconciled if he didn't give birth to a son."

   However, in a few years, Zhao Lanting should be back.

   (end of this chapter)

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