Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 961: Zhao Guangyuan's brain is broken

   Chapter 961 Zhao Guangyuan's brain is broken

   Zhao Tiantian saw Zhao Guangyuan standing alone in the car and suddenly felt that it was not easy for him.

   So I was even more dissatisfied with Zhao Yuting, if it wasn't for Zhao Yuting's car could it be broken?

   Now that the car is broken, it costs a lot of money to repair it.

   "I heard that your car broke down, so I came out to see you."

Zhao Yuting thought for a while, and then added, "I met Zhao Yuting when I came out. I was walking faster at the time, and she kept her head down and didn't look at the road. I accidentally knocked him down, and her feet seemed to be sprained."

   Zhao Tiantian felt that instead of waiting for Zhao Yuting to complain later, she might as well say it herself.

   If Zhao Guangyuan dares to blame her, she will go to her uncle to support her!

   Although she thought so, Zhao Tiantian was still very nervous.

   Zhao Guangyuan was her biological father after all. If she really blamed her for Zhao Yuting, an outsider, she would be so angry.

When    summoned up the courage to say this, Zhao Tiantian thought that Zhao Guangyuan would say that she was wrong.

   Sure enough, Zhao Guangyuan changed his face when he heard this.

   Zhao Tiantian saw it, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

  Who knew that Zhao Guangyuan then said, "Are you all right?"

   Zhao Tiantian was stunned for a moment: "I'm fine."

   Zhao Guangyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "You're fine, she doesn't need to worry about it."

   Zhao Tiantian was dumbfounded, thinking she heard it wrong, and couldn't help but emphasize: "But Zhao Yuting's ankle is sprained."

   In the end, Zhao Guangyuan actually said, "Isn't it just a sprain? It's not a big deal."

   This attitude of indifference is like a different person.

   Zhao Tiantian was completely dumbfounded. She looked at Zhao Guangyuan worriedly: "Dad, are you alright?"

   Could it be that the car broke down, so I was so angry that my brain was broken?

   "What can I do?" Zhao Guangyuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Didn't you say it? She doesn't see the way, what does it have to do with you?"

  Actually, Zhao Guangyuan had already reflected on it just now.

   He is not sure if Zhao Yuting is sincere, but Zhao Yuting is not his biological daughter, so he will not tolerate her like Zhao Tiantian.

   No matter how bad Zhao Tiantian is, he was born.

   So after thinking about it carefully, he felt a little stupid.

  Why is he so nice to Zhao Yuting?

   Zhao Yuting is now 15 years old, which is not too young. She is so old, no matter how good she is, she is not familiar with her.

How can    be compared with his own daughter?

   Anyway, he just wanted He Xiuqing to give him a son, as long as he was okay with Zhao Yuting, there was no need to be nice to her at all.

   Now that Zhao Tiantian has bumped Zhao Yuting, can he still blame his own daughter for Zhao Yuting?

  How stupid he was to do it.

   What's more, his car was really bad today.

  What if Zhao Yuting is really a disaster star? This kind of thing would rather be trusted than not.

  Otherwise, if something happens next time, who will he cry for?

   So after thinking a lot, Zhao Guangyuan decided to stay away from Zhao Yuting in the future.

   He has already figured it out, where else could he blame Zhao Tiantian for Zhao Yuting?

   Zhao Tiantian didn't know about his inner drama, but Zhao Guangyuan didn't blame her for Zhao Yuting, but it made her feel much better.

   Zhao Tiantian even secretly hopes that Zhao Guangyuan's brain has been so bad all the time.

  As a result, Zhao Guangyuan suddenly said: "It's none of your business here, go back to class, don't be late."

  Zhao Tian dessert nodded: "Then I'll go back."

  Ha, she has to go back and see how Zhao Yuting is doing!

   (end of this chapter)

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