Chapter 970 Infighting

   Zhao Yuting recalled that Wang Zhaodi wanted to sell Ruan Tang, and combined with what she said just now, she felt that Wang Zhaodi was too vicious, she was simply a lunatic.

  Although she also wanted to take revenge on Ruan Tang, it was too easy to trap herself in such a vicious way.

  She's not that stupid.

   Those people that Wang Zhaodi was looking for, who knows if they can be trusted?

   What if you think she is beautiful and want to catch her?

   Furthermore, if things fail, who will confess her?

   Thinking of this, Zhao Yuting felt that she couldn't mix with Wang Zhaodi.

   She said: "Since you have already thought about it, then I will wait for your good news."

  Wang Zhaodi was a little dumbfounded, but she didn't expect that Zhao Yuting, a little slut, wanted to run away.

   She grabbed Zhao Yuting subconsciously: "What do you mean, Zhao Yuting? Didn't we talk about it together?"

   Zhao Yuting was so frightened that she opened her hand and said excitedly, "Go away, don't touch me!"

   This is her inability to reflect.

   She is obsessed with cleanliness, but Wang Zhaodi is too sloppy.

   The nails of her hands were covered with black mud, and the palms on the backs of her hands also looked black. She didn't know how long she hadn't washed them, yet she dared to scratch her wrists!

   is really dirty!

   Zhao Yuting was very excited when she was excited.

  Wang Zhaodi was beaten by her, and her hand still hurt.

   She was so angry that she rushed forward and pushed Zhao Yuting hard.

   Zhao Yuting's ankle was injured, and it was very uncomfortable to stand for so long, and her injured foot did not dare to exert force, so she could only bear the force on one foot, and the center of gravity was a little unstable.

  If Wang Zhaodi didn't push her, she could barely stabilize her body.

   But being pushed by Wang Zhaodi like this made her miserable.

  Wang Zhaodi has been working since she was a child. Even if she is weak now, her strength is much stronger than that of a squeamish little girl like Zhao Yuting.

   She pushed Zhao Yuting to the ground.

   Her **** sat on the ground hard, and the sudden pain made her scream.

  The passers-by around saw this and felt that something was wrong, so someone came over.

   Zhao Yuting is beautiful and pure, her appearance is really deceptive.

   Unlike Wang Zhaodi, who is like a mad woman.

   When someone who doesn't know sees it, they will definitely favor Zhao Yuting subconsciously.

   What's more, Wang Zhaodi just pushed Zhao Yuting.

   Zhao Yuting was pushed to the ground by her, looking even more pitiful.

   So there are passers-by who can’t watch it anymore.

  Wang Zhaodi was a little flustered when he saw someone walking over.

   She glanced around again and found that many people were looking at her and Zhao Yuting, and those eyes seemed to blame her for not being good, and she was even more flustered.

   Just when she was extremely nervous and didn't know how to explain it, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she suddenly remembered something!

   After she came to the county seat, she once saw a woman in her forties grab a young woman and fight, calling the woman a broken shoe, saying that the woman was shameless, and seduced her man!

   After seeing the people around at that time, they all felt that the woman who was beaten deserved it.

  Thinking of this, Wang Zhaodi immediately rushed towards Zhao Yuting, sat on top of her, grabbed her hair with one hand, and slapped her face hard.

   also shouted: "Zhao Yuting you little bitch, you dare to seduce my man, you are shameless!"

   Zhao Yuting was about to get up, but who knew Wang Zhaodi would suddenly sit on her!

   (end of this chapter)

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