Chapter 975 Broken

   The class suddenly became noisy.

   "Who is she? Why are you looking for Ruan Tang?"

   "She looks pretty, could it be Ruan Tang's mother?"

   "I know her, she is Zhao Yuting's mother, I saw her when I signed up yesterday!"

   "Zhao Yuting's mother? Then why did she come to Ruan Tang?"

   "Didn't you say that Zhao Yuting was beaten? Could it be related to Ruan Tang?"

   "Impossible? Didn't you say that Zhao Yuting shamelessly seduced someone else's husband and was beaten when someone came to her door?"

   "Yeah, I also heard she's pregnant!"

   "My God, how old is she, she's actually pregnant!"

   "That's right, she seems to be fifteen years old this year!"

   "I don't know how to behave, right? No wonder I was beaten, I really deserve it!"

   "If you want me to say, this kind of broken shoes shouldn't come to school!"

   "That's right, if it were spread out, it would be very ugly."

  Some students have a relatively quiet voice, while others have a very loud voice.

   He Xiuqing heard it.

   She blushed instantly with anger, stared at those people and said angrily, "What do you know? My family Tingting has been slandered!"

   Having said that, she looked at Ruan Tang sharply again, and said sternly, "Ruan Tang, how long are you going to hide? Do you still have the face to sit here in class after making my Tingting so bad?"

"I did it?" Ruan Tang sneered unceremoniously, "He Xiuqing, if you want to convict someone, you must provide evidence! You have also studied, don't you even understand such a simple truth? Your daughter was beaten. Now, what does it have to do with me?"

   He Xiuqing's face became more and more ugly: "Who else is there besides you? You used to..."

"You still have the face to talk about the past?" Ruan Tang was too lazy to listen to her continuing to slander her, so she interrupted her and continued, "He Xiuqing, shouldn't you have forgotten what you have done yourself? Is it because of me? Then I'll tell you now, if I want to hit Zhao Yuting, I don't need to let someone else do it!"

   After she finished speaking, she turned around to get the broom, and strode towards He Xiuqing.

  He Xiuqing turned pale with fright, and instinctively hid behind the math teacher, pulling him in front of him.

   also screamed: "Ruan Tang, what do you want to do? With so many people watching, do you still want to hit someone?"

  The math teacher was also a little worried about Ruan Tang hitting someone, so he advised: "Yeah, Ruan Tang, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

   Ruan Tang sneered at He Xiuqing in disdain, and then snapped off the wooden handle of the broom.

   "He Xiuqing, you're optimistic, if you slander me again, it won't be a broom if you break it!"

   After she finished speaking, she threw the broken broom at He Xiuqing's feet, and continued: "Also, if you want to find out who killed your daughter, you can go to the police station to report the case and find someone.

  I want to throw dirty water on me, but there is no door! I haven't done it, just haven't done it! Even if you brought in the people from the security bureau, this is what I said! "

   When she said this, the eyes of the students looking at He Xiuqing changed.

   In the whole class, Ruan Tang and Zhao Yuting are the most beautiful.

   Even looking at the whole school, they are the best looking.

  The students inevitably had some thoughts in their hearts and compared them together.

   Now that something happened to Zhao Yuting, He Xiuqing ran and said it was Ruan Tang. They didn't know the truth, so they would inevitably suspect Ruan Tang.

   But after hearing Ruan Tang's powerful words, they all believed it.

   If Ruan Tang really did it, would he dare to say that?

   (end of this chapter)

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