Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 979: Tell Wang Zhaodi the truth

   Chapter 979 Tell Wang Zhaodi the truth

  Wang Zhaodi felt extremely uncomfortable, a fiery heart seemed to be being tortured by Ling Chi, and instantly became riddled with holes.

   She also doesn't want to become such a ghost, but what can she do?

   When she woke up in the hospital, it was already like this!

The    man smiled more tenderly: "Don't worry, I said, I will help you. You are my princess, how can the princess not be beautiful?"

  Wang Zhaodi's heart skipped a beat: "But I..."

The    man interrupted her with a smile: "I said, don't worry, you will be beautiful in the future, trust me."

   After a pause, he suddenly changed the subject: "You know, you actually have a younger sister."

  Wang Zhaodi subconsciously frowned: "She is already dead!"

   She used to think that Ruan Tang was her sister, but now she doesn't think so.

   In fact, what Ruan Tang said was also true to her appearance, which was indeed not like the Wang family.

The    man smiled meaningfully: "No, she didn't die, but lived well.

  Do you remember that Doctor Song? When Sun Ximei gave birth to your sister, she deliberately transferred the child.

  Your sister was taken away by Dr. Song and lived like a little princess.

  Sun Ximei was worried that the bag transfer would be revealed, so she deliberately starved Ruan Tang into a skinny so that she would not be recognized.

   Later... After Dr. Song and his wife left with your sister, Zhang Cuihua threw the dying Ruan Tang out, but she was lucky enough to be picked up by Ruan Mingcheng and survived.

   And you... The reason why you are like this is because Sun Ximei doesn't want to use your sister's life in exchange for the life of the child in her womb.

   So she decides to sacrifice you.

  My princess, you are really suffering. "

  Wang Zhaodi was stunned by his words.

   Her mother transferred the child?

   No, it's not her mother, it's Sun Ximei!

  Sun Ximei actually did such a thing! How dare she?

   No wonder Ruan Tang has been denying it all the time. It turns out... it turns out that the truth is like this.

  But, why is it my sister?

   She has suffered so much in the Wang family since she was a child. She is like a slave as an ox and a horse!

  Her sister, but living a life like a little princess?

How can    be so unfair?

  Wang Zhaodi frantically questioned in her heart, but she heard the man say, "However, the reason why Sun Ximei would transfer children is because of one person."

  Wang Zhaodi hurriedly asked, "Who?"

   "He Xiuqing, you should know about her. She encouraged Sun Ximei to do it. Otherwise, with Sun Ximei's brain, she would never have come up with such a solution."

   He sighed, and then continued, "If there is no transfer, your sister will stay at home.

  Sun Ximei would not deliberately starve her, and Zhang Cuihua would not throw her out.

   She will grow up like you, help you share the farm work, and be beaten with you.

   But because of He Xiuqing's words, she has lived a good life that you can't even imagine. "

  Wang Zhaodi gritted her teeth with hatred: "He Xiuqing! Of course I know her! That woman is not a good thing! The daughter she gave birth to is also a cheap ~ goods!"

The sarcasm in the    man's eyes disappeared for a moment, and then he nodded: "Yeah, so you just hit her."

  Wang Zhaodi heard this, instinctively felt guilty, and defended: "I didn't do it on purpose, it was her who moved first!"

   She didn't want this man to think that she was actually a vicious woman.

The    man looked at her with a smile: "Don't be afraid, as I said, you are my princess, and I will help you."

   (end of this chapter)

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