Chapter 986 Dislike

   When Zhao Yuting retched, her stomach kept twitching, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

   She vomited a lot again before, her throat hurt, and now she's still hot.

   I finally drank some water and felt better, but who knows, I vomited again.

   Zhao Yuting retched uncontrollably for a while, and tears were streaming out of her uncomfortable pain.

   She looked at He Xiuqing for help, but seeing He Xiuqing hiding far away, she felt very uncomfortable.

   Actually, I can't blame her for her mental distortion. People are very sensitive when they are sick, especially when they are uncomfortable.

   Zhao Yuting is just a teenage girl, at the age of rebelliousness, how can it be difficult to understand others like a weathered adult?

   As the saying goes, those who are favored are always fearless. Zhao Yuting has been favored by He Xiuqing since she was a child.

   So she deliberately said: "Mom, I don't want this either, but... ugh... I... I just can't control it!

  You don't know, there is a particularly hateful old woman, she...she is too much, actually... actually spit a mouthful of phlegm on my face. I...I can't even forget that disgusting taste! "

  He Xiuqing had been enduring it all the time, but being stimulated by her like this, a picture instantly came to her mind.

   Zhao Yuting had been retching again, so she couldn't help retching.


   He Xiuqing had never vomited before, and when she vomited, she vomited out what she had eaten at noon.

   It's broken by stimulating Zhao Yuting.

   "Mom!!!" Zhao Yuting yelled in disgust, "Go to the toilet! Don't vomit here! This is the ward! You are so disgusting!"

   However, when He Xiuqing heard this sentence, he recalled the smell of the toilet and vomited even more.

   Zhao Yuting retched even more when she was stimulated.

   She endured it for a while, she couldn't stand the disgusting smell in the ward, she actually got out of the hospital bed with the pain in her ankle, bypassed He Xiuqing, opened the door of the ward and rushed out.

   startled Wang Zhaodi, who was hiding outside.

  Fortunately, after hearing the sound of vomiting, Wang Zhaodi was so disgusted that she did not continue to stay in the ward.

   Otherwise, when Zhao Yuting opens the door and goes out, she will definitely find her!

  Wang Zhaodi cautiously dodged, staring at Zhao Yuting's every move.

  I saw that she first ran to the nurse to borrow water to rinse her mouth, and then told the nurse about He Xiuqing and asked the nurse to help.

   But when the nurse went to deal with it, Zhao Yuting didn't go with her, obviously she wanted to avoid this and was unwilling to go back to face those dirty things.

  Wang Zhaodi saw this scene, and somehow felt sympathy for He Xiuqing, and felt that Zhao Yuting didn't know what to do.

   When she was in the village, she knew how much He Xiuqing loved Zhao Yuting as a daughter.

   Zhao Yuting was ill, and she was still guarding in the ward.

   It's not like Sun Ximei, she doesn't care about her life or death, and even wants to exchange her life for the stillbirth in her womb!

  Compared with Sun Ximei, a mother like He Xiuqing is really good.

  Wang Zhaodi once imagined that it would be nice if He Xiuqing was her mother.

   or Tang Hongxiu is also fine.

   Now seeing that Zhao Yuting actually disliked He Xiuqing, Wang Zhaodi felt that Zhao Yuting didn't know what to do, and she felt more dissatisfied.

  This world is still unfair.

   (end of this chapter)

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