Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 988: He Xiuqing was recruited

   Chapter 988 He Xiuqing's stroke

   It wasn't that the nurses deliberately left He Xiuqing alone, but they were not many, and Zhao Yuting screamed so miserably, it sounded like something big had happened.

   How dare they go there alone?

  What if there are bad guys?

   So He Xiuqing was left alone.

   gave Wang Zhaodi another chance to attack.

   She was afraid of being discovered by the nurse, so she sneaked back and wanted to go down the stairs.

   Who knew that as soon as his eyes swept away, He Xiuqing was alone in the ward, sitting weakly on the hospital bed.

   Seeing this scene, Wang Zhaodi felt that this was an opportunity given to her by God!

   Surely God is helping her!

   she thought with absolute certainty, and walked in without hesitation.

   He Xiuqing vomited for a while, still feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment.

   Hearing footsteps, she thought it was a nurse who came in, so she didn't care.

   It wasn't until the other party approached that she suddenly became alert.

   This is human instinct. If outsiders get close to a certain distance, the body will instinctively become alert.

  He Xiuqing is like this now.

   She felt that something was wrong, and quickly raised her eyes.

   As a result, she saw Wang Zhaodi, who had gray and messy hair and was sloppy all over.

   The moment she saw Wang Zhaodi, she, like Zhao Yuting, did not recognize Wang Zhaodi.

   Just seeing such a maniac-like woman suddenly was enough for He Xiuqing to be afraid.

   She instinctively shrank back, but now she is sitting on the hospital bed, where else can she hide?

   But when he hid like this, it was as if he had stimulated Wang Zhaodi. Wang Zhaodi rushed over, pressed He Xiuqing on the hospital bed, and stuffed the green pill into her mouth.

   He Xiuqing was terrified, and instinctively took a bite.

  Wang Zhaodi's fingers shrank very quickly, but they were still scratched by her teeth, which quickly broke the skin.

  The saliva irritated the wound, and the wound quickly stinged.

   Wang Zhaodi gave He Xiuqing two slaps in anger. Seeing that her chest was sticking out, she couldn't help but grab two **** top of her.

   This is what she learned from those old bachelors.

   Those old bachelors just grabbed her like this, and it hurt her every time. So when she saw He Xiuqing bulging, she couldn't help but imitate the old bachelor's movements and grabbed twice.

   Sure enough, He Xiuqing screamed in pain.

  Wang Zhaodi was proud and worried that the nurses would come over after hearing the sound, so she hurried away.

   She hurried out of the ward, then rushed down the stairs and ran out of the hospital.

   On the third floor, a male doctor hurried to the ward after hearing He Xiuqing's scream.

   However, as soon as he entered, he saw He Xiuqing lying on the hospital bed.

   Messy hair, beautiful face, evoking reverie.

  The male doctor didn't dare to come too close, but just stood at the door of the ward and asked, "Are you all right?"

  He Xiuqing burst into tears in pain, and the circles around her eyes were flushed.

   She gritted her teeth and sat up from the hospital bed with support. She said angrily and panicked: "A mad woman came here just now. She didn't know what she gave me, and I accidentally swallowed it."

   She is indeed beautiful, but there are two more slap prints on her face, and she looks like she has been dyed with rouge, which has a kind of abusive beauty.

  Fortunately, a nurse came over soon. Although the male doctor was so excited that he couldn't help but be distracted, he didn't dare to do unnecessary things.

The nurse just heard He Xiuqing's voice when she came, and said, "Zhao Yuting also said that she met a crazy woman who forced her to take a pill!"

   (end of this chapter)

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