Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 996: He Xiuqing beat Zhao Yuting

   Chapter 996 He Xiuqing beat Zhao Yuting

  He Xiuqing felt a little flustered when he saw that Zhao Guangyuan was going to leave!

   Zhao Guangyuan must have an opinion on their mother and daughter!

   No, if I just let him go back like this, and let Zhao Tiantian say a few more words, Zhao Guangyuan's heart will be even more biased!

   She immediately shouted: "Guangyuan, wait for me, I'll go back with you!"

   Zhao Yuting was dumbfounded.

  He Xiuqing actually wants to go back?

   Then what will she do? Do you want to leave her alone in the hospital?

   Zhao Yuting hurriedly shouted: "Mom, don't go! I'm scared alone!"

  He Xiuqing thought about it and felt that it was really unsafe to leave her alone in the hospital, so she said, "That's ok, you pack up and we'll go back together.

  I'll let them wait first, you should clean up quickly, don't linger. "

   Zhao Yuting felt very aggrieved.

  He Xiuqing not only wanted to go back, but actually wanted her to be with her!

   Zhao Yuting got angry, so she didn't want to go back: "Mom, the doctor said that we are going to stay in the hospital for observation, so we don't know what the medicine is!"

   "But you can't stay in the hospital all the time, you have to go back?"

  He Xiu said as a matter of course, "And what kind of medicine can Wang Zhaodi come up with? We are all fine so far, and it must have been washed out by gastric lavage."

   Zhao Yuting said again: "What about my feet? What about my feet?"

   She doesn't want to go back to see Zhao Tiantian's face now!

  What is Zhao Tiantian? She looks like a fat pig, yet she dares to look down on her!

  He Xiuqing frowned: "Tingting, you have to be obedient!"

   "Be obedient and obedient! You know how to make me obey! Am I not obedient enough? What else would you do besides make me obey?"

   Zhao Yuting exclaimed excitedly, "Mom, you were not like this before! When you were at Ruan's house, you said that I was a girl, you should be spoiled, and you never let me work!

  You don't need to do anything, just read and write. Occasionally dance.

  Why did everything change when I arrived at Zhao's house! I have to do the laundry too! Look at my hands, calluses are growing!

  Mom, let's not stay at Zhao's house, let's go back. Dad, he likes you so much. As long as you are willing to go back, he will definitely be happy! "

  He Xiuqing couldn't help feeling a little shaken.

  If she could go back to the days when she could go back to the old days when she could stretch her hand to eat and open her mouth, why should she stay in the Zhao family and suffer?

   Who knows at this moment, she suddenly heard a sneer!

   "So this is the bullying you've been talking about, it really opened my eyes today.

  Dad, did you see that you are so devoted to them, they still want to go back and suffer! "

  He Xiuqing turned his head stiffly and saw Zhao Guangyuan standing at the door of the ward with a black face.

   At that moment, she only felt a chill rushing from her feet.

How could this be?

  Why are Zhao Guangyuan and Zhao Tiantian outside?

   Don't they already have it?

  My God, what did Tingting just say!

   Zhao Yuting didn't feel scared.

   Probably already made up her mind to go back to Ruan's house, she is quite safe now.

   "Zhao Tiantian, you actually eavesdropped on us, you have no shame..."


  He Xiuqing suddenly slapped Zhao Yuting hard.

   Zhao Yuting was stunned by her beating, and looked at her blankly, as if she didn't know her: "Mom?"

  He Xiuqing looked at her eyes full of shock and felt heartache.

   But she can't help it, she must be ruthless now.

   (end of this chapter)

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