What the hell?

Tan Qing had never heard of such a thing before, and was stunned for a moment, and said straightforwardly: "Did the kid run?"

Liao Xian looked like he was going crazy, clutching He Mingyu's sleeve, and glanced at Tan Qing: "Qing Qing, that's your son! What kid, he's only seven months old, where can he go by himself? !"

He Mingyu stood sideways in front of Tan Qing, and patted Liao Xian on the shoulder again. There was no extra expression on her face: "Mom, don't worry. I'll let Lin Yu take the guests back first. You can wait for me for a while. "

Liao Xian's eyes were red, and she stood there for a few seconds at a loss, before nodding numbly: "Your dad, yes, your dad has already set up the monitoring... Ming Yu, Jiji is still so small..."

"Mom, don't do this, we'll talk about it later."

He Mingyu gave Lin Yu who was standing in the corner of the stage a look, and Lin Yu hurried up to support Liao Xian.

When Lin Yu helped Liao Xian go down.

He Mingyu pulled the microphone again, and tried the sound test on the microphone with his palm: "Everyone, I'm very sorry. Because there are some sudden situations in the family that need to be dealt with urgently. This is the end of today's family dinner. I will arrange for the assistant and the driver to Please send it back first. I will apologize to you in person at another day after the family affairs are handled."

Liao Xian's expression when she first came to the stage was so alarmed that the people who came to watch the ceremony were naturally not fools.

Although I pulled the microphone far away and didn't hear what Liao Xian and He Mingyu had said, since it was not a good thing to make Mrs. He who had been sitting in the position of the head of the cultural and industrial troupe for so long to be shocked.

In addition, He Mingyu decided to end the banquet almost immediately, which confirmed the guests' conjecture.

Although I don't know what happened to He's family, He's family business is so big that no one would want to be in trouble at this stall.

So the guests said goodbye very quickly.

Within a few minutes, the originally lively banquet hall was silent again.

Only the buffet dinners that have hardly been passively left are placed on rows of European-style long tables.

Tan Qing's first thought was not that Tan Jiji was stolen, but that the little fat pup was growing up. There were so many people at this time, maybe she was scared and ran away.

Until I followed He Mingyu to the monitoring room upstairs, I saw Liao Xian, who was crying so much that her makeup was all over.

I realized that Tanjiji didn't become a little fox and went to play.

It was taken away by someone.

The goose-yellow floral cheongsam on Liao Xian's body has been stained dark with tears.

She fell weakly on the soft sofa in the lounge, holding the tissues and weeping silently.

Fifty computers in the monitoring room monitor He's old house in all directions.

However, I rummaged through all the surveillance cameras.

Tan Jiji did not appear.

He Qi specially wore his military uniform today, and he also hung a row of meritorious medals.

At this time, I was standing in front of the surveillance cameras, wearing reading glasses and the security guards in the surveillance room passed the shots frame by frame.


He Qi's face was getting darker and darker, and finally he slammed his palm on the table, and sternly said to the security guard: "With so many cameras, no one can capture useful things?!"

The people returning from the battlefield always have a kind of blood that is difficult to control, especially when He Qi is angry.

A few small security guards wanted to sneak out to watch the banquet today, but not only something went wrong, but also this kind of big thing happened.

At this time, He Qi was frightened again, and he was about to cry, and said pitically: "Old General He! Old General, you have to be reasonable in your words. The monitoring of the old house was installed almost six years ago. Such a big yard, there must be places that cannot be monitored..."

He Qi's face changed drastically, and he screamed: "You guys say another thing?!"

The little security guards stepped back, shaking like a quail.

"Okay, Dad."

He Mingyu stopped He Qi's words, and called some security guards back to his position, "Now it's useless to say this, you can come and stay with mom. Mom, what's the matter? You tell me in detail and I listen."

Apart from He Qi and Liao Xian in the entire monitoring room, there were Lin Yu and He Yao who had been with Liao Xian.

He Mingyu was just halfway through his last sentence.

He Hui also walked in through the outside door and intervened, "Yes, sister-in-law. You are careful to talk from beginning to end, if the child is there, why would you lose it! What's the matter with you? Say!"

He Qi didn't like He Hui at first. He was angry again at this time, and his tone was even more unkind: "What are you doing here?"

He Hui grinned unceremoniously, and Da Lala took a seat: "My nephew has something such a big deal. Of course, my third uncle has to come and see it. I can help if the child is lost. Look, second brother, do you say what I said makes sense?"

He Qi said coldly: "Do you still have this kindness?"

He Hui's head swayed: "Of course, we are all a family..."

"Three uncles don't have to force a relationship."

He Mingyu interrupted He Hui and glanced at him indifferently, "Is it a family? You must know better than us."

"Well, you all think I'm superfluous anyway."

He Hui took a turn around the house in disgust, and stretched his waist slowly, "Then I'll go, eldest sister, second brother, then I'll go?"

"piss off!"

Everyone in He Qi was shaking, picked up the glass vase on the table and threw it at He Hui.

Didn't miss it, smashed it on the door that was closed the second before.

It broke apart with a "bang—"

He Mingyu didn't blink, as if he had never seen He Hui at all. He walked up to Liao Xian and squatted down, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Liao Xian's face was pale after her makeup faded, and the tears in her eyes were falling down.

I don't know if it was because of crying for too long, the whole person's reaction seemed a little slow, and it took a long time to recover.

Just about to speak, he choked his throat again, and buried his head in tears, "Blame me, blame me..."

The shock was too great for a time, and Liao Xian's spirit couldn't keep up.

He Mingyu waited for a while before Liao Xian spoke again.

Just about to ask again, He Yao who listened to the side said: "Let me speak for Aunt Liao. I was there just then."

He Mingyu twisted his eyebrows: "Are you there?"

He Yao was so scared by He Mingyu that he waved his hand and took a step back: "Uncle, uncle, don't look at me like this! I came over to chat with Aunt Liao at the time."

"At that time, Aunt Liao was holding the baby, and there was no one else in the lounge upstairs except me and Aunt Liao."

He Mingyu looked at Lingling: "Then?"

He Yao swallowed his saliva: "Then Sister Zhong came up to deliver Jiji's rice cereal. Aunt Liao just had something to tell Sister Zhong to do, so she put Jiji on the sofa and went to open the door in person. The rice cereal is back..."

"Take the rice cereal and come back, Chichi is gone!"

Liao Xian suddenly took He Yao's words and repeated it in a sharp voice, "Ming Yu, I only said a few words to Xiao Zhong, and I disappeared when I came back!"

The atmosphere in the entire monitoring room was suddenly cold.

The few little security guards who had been scared to death suddenly heard of the secrets of this almost dissimilar wealthy family, and they were about to lose their face.

He Mingyu's expression became colder and colder. He glanced around, fell on He Yao, and said coldly: "What were you doing when she went to open the door?"

He Yao laughed angrily: "Uncle, don't you doubt me! I went to the bathroom before Aunt Liao opened the door, and Aunt Liao can testify to me. I rushed out of the toilet only when I heard her screaming. ."

He Mingyu paused: "Mom?"

Liao Xian looked sad. After a while, she nodded in a daze, then raised her head and looked at He Mingyu and He Qi as if asking for help: "Aqi, Mingyu, let's call the police, huh?"

He Mingyu didn't speak yet.

Tan Qing, who just stood by and flipped through the video recording, stretched her neck and turned to ask: "Brother Security, the top screen, yes, the third one on the right. The person who just walked past, can you give it to me? Zoom in a little bit?"

How could the little security guard who was on the verge of death dare to bear the big brother of Mrs. He’s boss, and hurriedly rushed over: "No problem, Mr. Tan, which one do you want to look at?"

Tan Qing obediently pointed to a person who walked past on the lawn: "That's her."

The security guard enlarged the screen and zoomed in on that position, and said with some shame: "Mr. Tan, all this house uses this old system. It can only be so big... Can you see it?"

Tan Qing is a good fox who never embarrass people. He only pursed his lips when he heard the words: "Well, Xing Ba."

He Mingyu walked to Tan Qing's side and glanced at the vague figure that could no longer be vague: "Do you think this person is suspicious?"

Tan Qing shook her head, turned her head, took several paper towels from the drawer and folded them, and carefully handed them to Liao Xian: "Auntie, don't be sad. Can I ask a question? Just ask one. "

The auntie called He Mingyu frowned slightly, but it was hard to say anything at this time and had to endure it.

Maybe Tan Qing's question about the video just now gave her some confidence, and Liao Xian's condition is slightly better than just now.

Liao Xian took over Tan Qing’s tissue: "I'm sorry... Qingqing, Mom didn't mean to attack you on stage just now... What do you want to ask?"

Tan Qing hadn't noticed that Liao Xian was fierce to her, and after a few seconds, she stuck her tongue out.

Then stretched out his hand and pointed to the window, "When you went to open the door, was the window open?"

Liao Xian was stunned for a few seconds: "Yes...Is it."

He Yao was full of disbelief: "Auntie, don't you think someone came in from the window so quickly and picked Chichi away? Even if there is, the outside surveillance will definitely be able to take pictures!"

Tan Qing tilted her head and showed a crooked smile: "I didn't say that, but in this weather, it's easy to catch a cold with the window open."

Liao Xian: "..."

He Yao: "..."

Liao Xian was dizzy by Tan Qing, and she lost her breath when she was about to become Tanqing, so she sighed silently: "Qing Qing, I know you are also kind, but at this time, how can I care about catching a cold? …"

"Of course you can't catch a cold."

Tan Qing smiled, "He Mingyu will be very worried if you have a cold."

He Mingyu: "..."

Tan Qing sold out an untimely cute, and then opened the door to go out.

He Mingyu stretched out his hand to hold Tan Qing, and lowered his voice: "What's the matter?"

Tan Qing blinked his eyes: "Pee. Are you with me?"

He Mingyu: "..."

No more.

This kind of occasion is indeed not suitable for showing affection, nor is it suitable for going to the bathroom arm in arm.

He Mingyu stretched out his hand to help Tan Qing fix the light purple bow that had been twisted into a twist: "I will go to the police with my parents first, and see you downstairs."

Tan Qing's little chicken nodded: "Hmm."

He Mingyu always felt that something was wrong, so he bowed his head and kissed Tan Qing on the forehead: "Hey, be more obedient, don't run around by yourself."

Tan Qing: "Good."

He Mingyu: "Go and come back quickly."

Tan Qing firmly remembered He Mingyu's request to go and return quickly.

The next second he opened the toilet door, his body suddenly changed.

It was almost instantaneous.

A slender and agile white fox jumped out of the side window on the third floor of He's old house.

At a speed that the camera simply cannot capture.

It disappeared into the visible field of vision in an instant.

And the other side.

He Huigang returned to the luxury villa in the suburbs in a sedan.

This is one of his private homes, which was once bought by the old man when his economy was still rich.

I have raised a few lover, and later I got older and raised a little less lover, and this place was empty.

I haven't lived in a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be some dust.

He Hui covered his nose with a wet tissue, and while pushing the door to go upstairs, he wondered if he had to wait for things to be done before giving this house as a gift to Master Yan.

Although it's a bit expensive, Master Yan does seem to be a little real, and he should have a good relationship...

He Hui walked to the position.

Opened the door on the very edge of the top floor, which had been agreed before.

It's a quiet night.

The silent moon pours down a few rays of light from the jet black sky, and bleakly hits the eaves of the roof tiles.

The person sitting on the bay window looked slender and eye-catching.

A pair of slender legs swayed and swayed, as if they had already waited impatiently enough.

The man slowly raised his head.

The moonlight reflected a gorgeous and ruthless face.

"I'm finally back, waiting for you for a long time!"

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