Vicious Male Match Raising Cubs Online

Chapter 122: Their lives (9)

Whether it is the program group or the invited guests, even Shengjing Entertainment did not expect it.

After the three episodes were broadcast, it was not one of the four guests who attracted the most fans.

It is the CP of He Mingyu and Tan Qing.

Three short episodes are broadcast in the order of one episode each month.

Less than a month.

The "He Tan" CP not only overwhelmed Tan Qing's "Silent" CP formed by Ji Yanxiu in "Xuanwu" with an overwhelming momentum, and even quickly caught up with the number of Tan Qing Wei fans.

The most terrifying thing is.

He Mingyu's Weibo originally had a large number of straight male fans who followed him in business and finance because of financial publications and well-known foreign alumni records.

Every time the enthusiasm for comments that He Mingyu just posted on the blog has passed, these straight male fans can also exchange their own recent insights on international financial investment in the gradually cooling comment area, hoping to have a chance to get He Mingyu's reply.

——After all, Boss He once lost six stocks in the comment area on the day of the official announcement of his marriage.

Then every day after the market opens, this stock is in the daily limit state.

But more than half a month later.

The poor straight male fans finally completely lost their one-third acre of land in the comment area.

And also was forced to eat a lot of Amway from "He Tan" CP fans.


Many straight male fans even begin to feel that Boss He and Tan Qing are also sweeter from the perspective of a straight guy.

In order to prevent themselves from breaking, the straight male fans temporarily withdrew from the small forums in the comment area of ​​He Mingyu's Weibo.

If it is said that when He Mingyu and Tan Qing disclosed the news of their marriage on Weibo, many netizens had only a very vague concept about the relationship between the two.

Then the variety show "His & Her Life" made the two people come to the front of netizens in a sweet and sweet manner.

At the beginning, the number of "He Tan" CP army was developing rapidly.

Soon, he successfully captured He Mingyu's Weibo and established a two-person station. Even under Tan Qing's Weibo comment area, CP fans often began to appear.

But soon.

"He Tan" CP found that neither He Mingyu nor Tan Qing are the kind of people who take the initiative to send food to fans.

For example, one of them has only posted two Weibos after registering for six years.

The other hasn't updated blogs for almost three months.

Are there fans who are more humble than being a CP fan?

That must be gone.

But fortunately, the "He Tan" CP fan has a wealth of CP experience. Since the two masters cannot be summoned, then they can only step back to the second place-

The first choice is to go to the official blog of "His & Her Life".

Be rigorous, civilized, friendly, eager, and enthusiastic about seeking official benefits.

Soon, the program team found out.

After the last episode of the program was broadcast, the hot searches that were voluntarily topped by fans were almost all related to Tan Qing and He Mingyu.

XX: Qing Zai and Boss He, ah, ah, I love it! Can you cut two more episodes of his video?

XXX: deideidei, I don’t mind using tidbits! Ballball, official blog, look at father, okay!

XX: Guan Bojun, I'll give this palace one hundred catties of dog food.

XXXX: The rich woman upstairs explained, are you still short of mildew, rich woman hug me!

XXX: We all still want to see Qingqing and He Dadao Duck, can we let him start a live broadcast?

XX: Sister Dingding, I want to see if Boss He enters Rou Qingqing, can he bleat bleat? Just watch it once to be satisfied #小红脸#

XXX: Check the water meter and warn, the sister upstairs, I can understand the word you represent the verb!

XX: Are you here again? Is it here again? I'm different. I want to see Qingqing move by herself #美兹兹#

XXXX: I want to see it too, sisters, take me! Don't drive me out of the car! Does He Dong and Qing Zai’s 18×Fan Humanities let me have an eye addiction, the kind that is super intense!

XXX: Selling the movie v10086, he is so big, so fierce, so amazing.

XX:? ? ? What are you doing?

XXX: The sisters who have been targeted by pornography, please reflect on yourselves!


Since there are three video sessions in total, a three-day shooting plan was initially formulated when the contract was signed.

The scattered shots are divided into three phases and edited, plus small tidbits that are usually sent out as a welfare.

The operator of the program group was extremely bald and reported several groups of hot comments on Weibo to the producer and director, and sincerely and sincerely told the two that the situation was almost out of control.

If you don't send sugar to the Weibo comment area, you may be arrested by the Internet police.

The director and producer worked hard to appease the fragile emotions of the official blog operation team. The two sat down together and contacted Rong Sheng for instructions.

After approval by Rong Sheng, the director and producer decided to ask Tanqing and He Mingyu what they meant.

Since there are no new highlights for all the previous shots, the audience who want to see Tan Qing and He Mingyu in the comment area accounted for the majority.

The chief director and producer mustered up the courage and decided to try to call He Mingyu.

I want to ask if He Mingyu can spare half an hour to start a short live broadcast with Tanqing.

Because this is the one most asked in the comment section of the official blog.

In this era of traffic supremacy, webcasting seems to be the best tool to draw the distance between celebrities and netizens.

Every action in the camera cannot be changed later, nor can even be undone. It is also possible to communicate through barrage, so that the netizens and artists in front of the screen can almost face-to-face contact.

However, now that more and more celebrities frequently open live broadcasts, Tan Qing has never even started a live broadcast.

To be precise, in addition to seeing him in the film and promotional activities, as well as this variety show.

Tan Qing almost never took the initiative to establish any contact with the outside world.

This also makes more and more fans want to be closer to idols.

At the same time, I also want to carefully review the husband of idols in accordance with the high standards and strict requirements of the prospective mother-in-law.

The chief director worked hard to formulate a day's rhetoric, and then dialed the phone to He Mingyu's cell phone in the morning of the next day.

He Mingyu usually uses two mobile phones, one of which is basically the phone of his family.

The other is used for office work. If it is not an emergency, it is usually handed over to Lin Yu for safekeeping.

The temperature has slowly warmed up for a while.

It is probably about to enter the summer, and the deep scars on Tan Qing's body that were already growing are itching again, and she often feels uncomfortable and can't sleep in the middle of the night.

Waking up once a night.

After discovering that Tan Qing was dishonestly uncovering that scar bloody, He Mingyu never dared to sleep well at night.

It wasn't until the first three or four days that Tan Qing's wounds finally healed, and He Mingyu stabilized his time in the company.

Lin Yu glanced at the caller ID on the phone screen.

Finding the name of the person is relatively unfamiliar, he picked it up by himself first: "Hello. I am He Dong's special assistant Lin Yu."

The director-in-chief heard Lin Yu’s name mentioned by others, and didn’t plan to find He Mingyu directly on the phone. He said very politely: "Help Lin, hello. There is something I want to discuss with Dong He... it’s about Talking about Qing's variety show..."

Lin Yu roughly listened to the self-information on the other end of the phone. Usually, he would not give the call to He Mingyu for such entertainment activities, but would simply refuse it.

But it involves Tan Qing.

Lin Yu thought for a while: "Please wait a moment, I ask Dong He for instructions."

He Mingyu was sitting in a round-table conference room with a frown, looking through the financial statements for the second half of the month.

Not satisfied with a few photos.

When it was about to happen, he saw Lin Yu walk in under his cell phone and explained his intentions in a low voice.

He Mingyu was silent for a few seconds, signaled the meeting to be suspended, and answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

He Mingyu's voice was initially indifferent, perhaps because his mood was not so clear at this time, and he sounded a bit harsher and indifferent on the other side of the phone.

The chief director was sweating a little bit of sweat, and the trembling future intention was reduced to three sentences, and he asked tentatively: "He Dong, don't know if it's okay with you?"

He Mingyu responded quickly: "Sorry, I don't think this is a very good idea."

Director: "..."

Haven't waited for the chief director to speak.

He Mingyu continued with the next sentence: "Live broadcasts cannot select audiences. Anyone can enter the live broadcast room freely. Freely publish barrage, attack arbitrarily and be irresponsible. I don't want to talk about any unreasonable harm caused by unreasonable troubles."

Director: "..."

They are all grown-ups.

Is your family Tanqing the most vulnerable in the world?

And have you forgotten the more than three thousand five hundred naval forces that you killed before?

Of course, the chief director did not dare to say this to He Mingyu, so he had to change his routine: "We can negotiate with the live broadcast platform over the bullet screen to make sure that the management is always online during the live broadcast, and to ensure that the uncivilized bullet screen is immediately clear. He Dong , Do you think this is okay?"

He Mingyu rubbed his eyebrows tiredly.

It rained last night. Before going to bed, Tan Qing called out that his leg hurts. He leaned into He Mingyu's arms and asked him to rub his leg.

This kneading lasted all night.

Tan Qing had a good night's sleep, and He Mingyu came to the company with a dark complexion.

The director didn’t get a response. He thought He Mingyu was busy, and then asked softly: “Mr. He, don’t know if you can agree to it? The fans in the comment section are really very enthusiastic. Of course, if you are If we are embarrassed, we can also think of other ways!"

If the negative barrage can be completely eliminated.

So Tan Qing has just healed recently, so it's okay to take him out for a walk.

He Mingyu thought for a few seconds, and finally asked, "Is there a rule for how long to broadcast live?"

This is a relief.

The chief director Xi Da Pu Ben was overjoyed and wept with joy, and said with tears: "There is no rule! It is the best benefit for you and Tan Qing to have a live broadcast. I don't know when it will be convenient for you and Mr. Tan?"

"This Saturday, live broadcast for half an hour."

He Mingyu hesitated for a short moment, and said to the other end of the phone, "Not live at home, I promised to take Tan Qing to the amusement park. Oh yes, and my son. Remember to avoid the child's face in the camera."

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