Video Game Designer

Chapter 26: During the Interview

The next day, the Tianhe Network welcomed the editor of Game Star.

It has to be said that in China, there is a reason why no game media can surpass Game Star.

Just one night before Chuhe gave the news, early the next morning, Youxingkong called to make an appointment for an interview.

"I heard that Tianhe Network has only been established for about half a year, but it is already a big company in terms of profitability!" Zhang Da took the elevator to the first floor of Tianhe Network's office, and said with emotion.

He is the editor-in-chief of the Starry Sky Jinling Department of the game, and beside him is a young man in his early twenties with a camera hanging around his neck. The young man named Ye Qing is a newcomer to the job.

"Relying on a Legendary of the Red Moon, they made a lot of money directly." Ye Qing nodded and said.

Although, as a qualified game player, Ye Qing has sincere disdain for Legend of the Red Moon, and even the manufacturer that developed this web game, but on the surface, he will not show any other emotions. After all, he is not stupid.

When I was at home alone in private, I could scold or disdain, but now I want to interview people, so playing disdain is not to make life difficult for my future? He is not mentally retarded.

"This is also someone's ability. There is no one who can be successful in the game industry. Seven points depend on strength and three points depend on luck." As an old fritter who has been engaged in the game media industry for about seven or eight years, Zhang Dake needs to understand too much.

In the game industry, no matter how lucky you are, if you don't have the strength, you will never succeed.

Many people say that the popularity of handed down more than ten years ago is just because it appeared at such a good time, when there were no other similar products in China, which led to its popularity.

This is a large part of the reason, but it is also related to the games of Handed down itself. After Hands down became popular, there are not a few companies that represent foreign online games, but why no one can reach the height of Handed down, not even half of his height? No?

It is simply because of the operation of the game company and the setting of the game itself.

The success of a game, luck, the setting of the game itself, the company's operation planning in the later period, and even the promotion and release, if any link goes wrong, it may lead to the complete collapse of an otherwise good game.

Of course, these thoughts just passed through Zhang Da's mind. They didn't come here today to review the history of domestic game development.

After entering the studio of Tianhe Network, after explaining their identities at the front desk, the two of them soon came to Chuhe's office under the leadership of the lady at the front desk.

"Hello, Mr. Chu, we are reporters from Game Star." After seeing Chu He, Zhang Da said with a smile on his face.

They also did their homework before they came here. Ordinary players may not know what Chuhe looks like, but Chuhe just showed up at Shanghai’s Game Developers Conference a few days ago, so it’s natural for game media reporters like them to get the photos It's not difficult.

But compared to the experienced Zhang Da, Ye Qing next to him didn't do such a comprehensive preparation work, he just learned about the deeds of Tianhe Network, and most of them are from Baidu.

Seeing that Chuhe was so young, Ye Qing was shocked.

Then silently compared with himself, Ye Qing sadly found out that it is true that people can piss people off more than others.

About the same age, the other party is the president of a game company with a monthly turnover of over 100 million, but he is just a editor of a game media.

Pretending to glance at Chuhe inadvertently, Ye Qing had to face a more cruel reality, that is, in terms of appearance, he doesn't seem to be as tall as the other party!

"Mr. Chu, we plan to do an exclusive interview for Tianhe Network in this issue, and we also have an early trial game about the famine. I wonder if there is any problem?" Zhang Da looked at Chuhe and asked.

These have been communicated in advance, but Zhang Da asked again in person.

"No problem, but before sending the manuscript, we have to look at the finished manuscript. There are still some contents that cannot be sent." Chuhe nodded. As for what it is, it depends on how the other party wrote it.

"Of course, this is basic." Zhang Da nodded.

Although he didn't say anything, Zhang Da also understood what the other party meant.

The interview with the game media is not so formal as the interview with the regular media. It is just a simple question and answer. By the way, Chuhe is taking the other party to visit the inside of the Tianhe network.

After the visit, I returned to the office and started today's theme.

"Mr. Chu, Tianhe's Legend of the Red Moon can be said to have created a phenomenon in the web game world. I believe that the majority of players are also curious. Why did you want to make this game in the first place?" Zhang Da asked.

Ye Qing next to him is in charge of recording, after returning, he will sort out these and write them into a press release.

"It's okay. It's no different from ordinary web games. The main reason is that we care about the players' feelings and try to make their experience the best."

That's right, to be honest, as long as you charge money, you can enjoy the feeling of an emperor.

Zhang Da didn't ask too much in this regard. After all, what the audience of the game starry sky is interested in, he couldn't be more clear. Asking about the page game is just a beginning: "Also, I want to ask, Mr. Chu, are you so interested?" You are young, how did you get the first fund to create the Tianhe Network?"

"This is crazy to say. I sold my two houses in Shanghai. Now that I think about it, I am a bit of a gambler. If the project fails, I guess I will have nothing and become a homeless man. " Chuhe said with a smile.

After asking a few unimportant questions, Zhang Da and Ye Qing entered the Famine project studio, ready to try out Famine that had not yet been fully developed.

after one day……

"Hey, this news, Gaming Starry Sky also specially went to try Tianhe Network games?" As a qualified college student on Tuesday, after skipping class and taking a late sleep, Zhang Qian just moved his laptop to the bed without brushing his teeth. Log in to the website of Game Star, and look at the red headline with a surprised expression on his face.

"We tried Tianhe Network's new Famine, and chatted with the producer and Tianhe's boss"

Zhang Qian didn't want to complain about the title of the standard headline format of Starry Sky, but what interested him more was the content.

Of course, Tianhe Network is well aware that it is the company that produced the most offensive Legend of the Red Moon that appeared on the Internet.

"What exactly is written?"

Out of curiosity, Zhang Qian clicked into the headline news, read the content and couldn't help muttering to himself.

In the news, Game Xingkong wrote in detail their trial editor's impressions of the game experience. The article is written like this:

Looking at the legend of the year from the current perspective, well, it is indeed a mess, but it is undeniable that the legend of the year really had its own uniqueness, so he became a legend, whether it is good or bad does not matter. Having said that, but as a milestone of online games in China, it can be said to have influenced one online game after another until the birth of WOW. But even now, legends still have their place, such as legendary mobile games, which still account for 60% of the market share, or even more

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