In Beijing Beiruan, in the office of the Swordsman Legend project, Yao Daxian was not in charge of following up the Swordsman Legend 8 project, but opened "Meteor Butterfly Sword" with the computer in the office, and started the stand-alone mode and multiplayer mode. play.

An hour later, Yao Daxian sighed inexplicably looking at the game made by his former colleagues or friends.

As a senior practitioner of domestic games, Yao Daxian can be said to be an old fossil in the industry. He has been a game producer for almost 20 years, and it can be said that he has truly witnessed the development of domestic games.

But Yao Daxian also has to say that compared with the current Swordsman 8 developed by Beisoft, "Meteor Butterfly Sword" is indeed more innovative and more fascinating to players.

It is no secret in the industry that one year requires tens of millions of investments.

Of course, ordinary players look and feel very good. After making such a game in a year, are all the domestic manufacturers eating Xiangxiang?

But in fact, this is not the case. In terms of the strength of the team, Longzu Studio is definitely the top name in the domestic rankings.

Most of the employees are elite personnel who used to be in the soft company, and I don't know how that guy Zhang Ke poached them.

Anyway, the game development capabilities of Longzu Studio are definitely top-notch.

"But for this optimization, is the optimization team of Tianhe Network so strong?"

In the multiplayer mode, in the melee scene of 50 people, the frame drop will only be felt under the full-high special effects, but even under such high special effects, the 1070 graphics card can still maintain 50~60 frames, which is obviously not easy to handle textures and models able to do.

Most domestic manufacturers do not want to optimize, but do not have the ability to optimize. In terms of Huaxia game program technology, people who can have optimization capabilities are basically one in a thousand, and most of them are in Penguin and Wangyi. Inside the factory.

And the projects responsible for optimization are mainly its ace online game projects.

Therefore, most domestic game development programs carry out so-called optimization, but only use the logic optimization processing that comes with the development engine, which also leads to the fact that some games, whether your graphics card is 1060 or 1070, are the final frame rate performance of TITAN all the same.

Domestic players refer to this phenomenon as the equality of all beings, and the mainstream configuration can play the game as smoothly as possible, which is the goal they strive for.

As for machines with lower specs, they can also play games with low special effects. It's not that they don't want to, but there is simply no way to do it.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Yao Daxian feels incredible that the game "Meteor Butterfly Sword" has been optimized so well.

If it is only relying on the strength of the 'Longzu Studio' itself, it is of course impossible to optimize in such a short period of time. In fact, in terms of game optimization, "Meteor Butterfly Sword" also invited a foreign optimization outsourcing studio to assist them Optimized for games.

Among them, a large part of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" was spent on it.

Just like Yao Daxian's astonishment, the entire industry felt incredible when "Meteor Butterfly Sword" came out.

In Wangyi's office...

Ding Shi listened to the project report of Chen Jing, the chief planner of his Thunder Studio.

Ding Shi frowned, looking at Chen Jing rather displeased.

This project started two years ago, and now two years have produced a nondescript egg, and you still want a lot of money to promote it?

"It's been two years, and no less than 200 million yuan has been invested in this project. What did you make?" Ding Shi patted the table and said.

I was taken aback, but then Chen Jing quickly said: "Mr. Ding, our original game is still traditional 2.5D, but now the mainstream games are all 3D, and martial arts games are very popular recently. "Jiang Hu" project, as well as the current "Meteor Butterfly Sword" project of Longzu Studio, have all heated up the theme of martial arts."

"So the studio rebuilt the 2.5D game and reworked it to 3D, and I can say that the game screen is definitely the top-level existence in online games, even comparable to the screen of some 3A masterpieces. Nowadays, martial arts online games in the game circle are high-quality goods. There are not many, and our project still has the classic martial arts story authorized by Master Wen Rui as the background, and now is a good opportunity for us to launch it.”

Listening to Chen Jing's words, Ding Shi still frowned, and thought for a while: "Go to the finance department to apply for promotional funds, and the operation of the game in the early stage will be done by your Thunder studio. Since you said the prospect is so good, the first month The turnover KPI is not required, but the number of players should be more than twice that of the current "Fantasy Westward Journey" project."

"Fantasy Westward Journey" is an old-fashioned online game under Wangyi. Although it is still a 2D turn-based game, it has been popular for more than ten years. Today, there are still hundreds of thousands of active players, and the game ranking has always been among the top three. Never fell out.

At first, I was a little scared, but Chen Jing quickly showed a confident expression: "No problem, Mr. Ding."

After getting the answer he wanted, Chen Jing returned to work, called the team together and re-stated the request.

"Boss, are you kidding me! Twice as much as "Fantasy Westward Journey"? You must know that its highest online number exceeds 1 million every day, and the average number of online users is 400,000, let alone running water." After listening to Chen Jing's words, the responsible A young man in numerical planning said incredulously.

"Don't worry, the funds we applied for this time are not a small amount. The entire network is covered and bombed, just like the Legend of the Red Moon on Tianhe Network back then. What's more, the quality of our game is much better than most games on the market. , even if it is 2.5D to 3D, how many players can see it?" Chen Jing pouted and said.

"As for the number of people, don't forget that there are also studios, hunger marketing, and network effects. First, the popularity of the game will be heated up, and then a large-scale studio will naturally settle in. Do you think that "Fantasy Westward Journey" can maintain such a high PCU Why is it with DAU? Half of them are the number of the studio."

There has never been a game that can maintain and break through the vitality. Whether it is an online game or a stand-alone game, with the improvement of game development technology and the impact of new games, the number of players lost in the end is far more than the number of fresh blood added. It's an unavoidable thing in any game.

Perhaps an excellent planning and operation team can keep the vitality of the game for several years, or even longer, and maximize the retention rate of players.

But there is absolutely no game that dares to say that not only will it not slowly lose its vitality over time, but its popularity will become more and more prosperous, and it will never be cool.

As for the studio, there are a large number of zombie accounts, which exist in any online game, even including cheats.

To detect these things, even if you don't use any automatic technical means, it is impossible to find out if you just rely on the simplest method to look at the abnormal data in the background.

Why do some games have many studios and cheats, but they are not blocked in a short period of time, but concentrated in a period of time?

It's very simple. When it is not closed, the planning and operation team has KPI tasks, but when it is closed, the KPI assessment has passed. (Think about it carefully, some of the games you have played, including some foreign games, are not like this. Don’t think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than domestic ones. This is the case, and many companies do this.)

Parallel world, don't take your seat according to the number, of course you have to sit, so I don't know.

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