Video Game Designer

Chapter 73 Surprises brought by Jianghu

Someone discovered it so soon? Although it's not a hidden gameplay, it was discovered just after the trial game was opened. The player's ability is really amazing.

Sitting next to him, Chuhe watched what happened in his game exhibition area like a spectator.

In the "Jianghu" exhibition area, Wang Luo, who was standing in line behind to watch, opened his eyes wide and stared straight at the scene in the game.

The trial players, including the people next to them, were all looking straight at the game scene.



"Try and see if the others can be destroyed as well!"

The trial players are still reminiscing about the battle just now, the plot of rescuing the hostages in a cottage, in a small room, the protagonist of the game controlled by the player encountered a miscellaneous soldier, and accidentally knocked the candle on the table It was overturned, and then the flame touched the weeds on the ground, and then there was a raging fire. The player and the miscellaneous soldier were burned to death directly, and the house collapsed at the same time.

The performance of the physics engine in the game is really amazing, is everything in the game scene like this?

Or is that just a detail setting?

Is it a case where a particular environment cannot be replicated?

The hearts of players are full of curiosity.

"Haha, it's really possible, everything in the game can be destroyed!"

"Absolutely! You can still set fire to the mountain!"

At this time, the players who were trying to play next to them also noticed this scene, and started their own experiments one after another. With one player using the flint and steel in the package to set the forest on fire, watching the burning forest, the surrounding players were extremely excited Said.

But then the player who set fire to the mountain was prompted on the interface that he was set as a suspected wanted criminal by the government.

These are also some settings in "Jianghu". If you do some evil things, you will be wanted by the government and the martial arts. Originally, Chuhe planned to set it so that if no witnesses saw it, you would not be arrested. Wanted, but after discussion with the team, as well as some procedural and plot issues, this more realistic experience was canceled by the team.

After all, this is a game that seeks to give players a real experience, but it is not true everywhere.

Excessive hardcore may attract a large number of hardcore diehards, but this will only bring some niche players. This type of game will probably be like a work of art. People who like it will especially like it, and players who are not interested At most, I can say one thing, how powerful this game is.

But really want them to play? Sorry, too hardcore, really not for them.

Therefore, although a small number of manufacturers continue to follow the road of niche hardcore, more manufacturers are beginning to simplify the gameplay of the game, making it less and less difficult to get started, and gradually becoming a popular game.

You can get a glimpse of it from the gameplay of RPG games. Early RPG games were all about exploration.

But later on, the practice of automatically leading the way has become an iconic system in RPG games.

good or bad?

Who can tell?

In "Jianghu" there are also automatic guides and map settings, but these Chuhes are all for players to choose. If you want to experience a more hardcore gameplay, you can turn them off in the settings options.

Even the blood volume of the monster, and the attack power value, etc. can be turned off.

It all depends on the player himself.

"It looks like we should have succeeded!"

Seeing the "Jianghu" booth slowly lined up, Xu Chang, Prote and other team members who had been paying as much attention as Chuhe all clenched their fists with excitement.

Accompanied by the bursts of exclamation in the trial area, let them understand that their game has its own unique features, and its success is surprising.

But what surprised Chuhe and the others even more was that many foreigners who tried to play next to them showed surprise expressions.

"My friend, do you want to line up again? I think you've already played once." Discovering something, Chu He stood up and walked towards the exhibition area, and said to a white guy with a backpack on his back.

Probably did not expect someone to ask me this question, the other party was stunned for a moment, and then said in a very excited tone: "Yes, I want to play again, it is really cool, I have never seen any The physics engine of the game is so real, and the most surprising thing is that each player's character starts with a different experience, which is too surprising, just like their game name, it is a real world, of course, if I think I'd be more fascinated if the game wasn't based on oriental culture."

Speaking later, the white guy is a bit regretful. Although the translation in the game, Chuhe and the others have already found a relatively well-known translation team in the industry to translate, and there are many Chinese who participated in the translation, but obviously even this is not good for people who do not understand Chinese martial arts. This is still too complicated for foreigners of foreign culture.

Even in the game, Chuhe didn't adopt the I Ching gossip setting like the domestic stand-alone game, but just told a heart-stirring chivalrous story with the background of an oriental martial arts.

Speaking of the story of Jianghu, Chuhe had to praise Luzhou, a professional editorial team, coupled with Luzhou's general control, made the story of Jianghu more complete.

Unlike Western RPGs, where the grand story of the demon god destroying the world and the dragon descendants saving the world, the story in Jianghu is very simple, and the time span is less than thirty years.

But the content is very rich. The plots of various branches are not the ones added in most domestic games to make up the length. Most of the branches are very important and are closely related to the background and main story of the game.

These branches are crucial to understand what the game's story is about.

In the end, what makes Chuhe more satisfied is that although the game has a marriage system, you can pick up girls, and even have a high enough favorability, and you can open a harem in the game openly.

But the story of the overall game does not revolve around the plot of love between men and women, but really revolves around the disputes between swords, lights, swords and shadows in the rivers and lakes.

This probably has something to do with Lu Zhou's original work as a screenwriter for the Pili Puppet Show. The various character creations in the entire game's plot are very impressive, and generally speaking, it gives people a very compelling feeling.

Pretending to be a melon-eating passer-by, Chuhe asked the players in line about his experience in Jianghu, and most of the information he got was very gratifying.

Including foreign players, they are very surprised by this game. Of course, they also have a common problem, that is, the background story of the game, but this is also a helpless thing. After all, Chuhe positioned the game in the Chinese market from the beginning .

But apart from these, one of the views of these players in Jianghu made Chuhe feel a little surprised.

Forget it, there are too many chapters, and I can’t learn. Still get used to a chapter and write a short story.

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