Video Game Designer

Chapter 81 Two Brothers

It's okay to have one or two soft-text advertisements like this, but there are so many popping up all of a sudden, it's obviously planned.

If it's just a simple way of rubbing the heat, Chuhe doesn't bother to pay attention to it, but it makes people very unhappy if they have to step on themselves.

After learning about it from Xu Chang, Chu He silently turned on his mobile phone, logged on to Weibo, and silently posted a Weibo.

‘The game is quite fun, the crowds of people at the scene, the two brothers, let’s get to know~’

Then, under the Weibo text, Chuhe posted two pictures, one was a photo of the Wangyi exhibition area at that time, in addition to a few staff members, there were even a large number of trial machines idle in the empty area.

The other picture is a photo of the demo area of ​​Tianhe Network on the last day, all of which are photos of foreign players taking long queues to try out the game.

Not long after the Weibo was posted, it was blown up by various melon eaters below.

"Huge crowd, two brothers, you're dying of laughter, there's nothing wrong with you!"

"I'm still in the mood to post on Weibo! What about the game! The promised summer release, why hasn't the exact time been announced yet! Why hasn't it been pre-ordered!"

"I beg you, stop tweeting and start playing games!"

"There was a leak at the Cologne Games Show. There was no news at all. The information on the game's official website has not been updated for a long time. I'm afraid I have already prepared for skipping tickets!"

Brushing the comments below, Chu He pursed his lips.

Really, do you not believe in yourself so much? I've said it and I'm doing it, why are you in such a hurry?

On the other side, in Thunder Studios of Net Billion...

Looking at the latest finished game, Chen Jing looked satisfied.

The graphics of the game are almost the best among martial arts online games of its kind, and the optimization of the game is not bad, although the 1060 graphics card can only maintain 40 frames in the main town under the condition of full special effects.

But it doesn't matter, it can just be used as a promotional selling point. Our game screen is too good, so the configuration of the food should be higher, and the optimization is not strong? nonexistent.

"Who is responsible for this? The game prompts have not been changed? I am afraid that others will not know, are we changing the skin of the previous game?" Suddenly seeing a user prompt in the game, Chen Jing's face turned dark Everyone in the studio behind reprimanded them.

"Check if there are any major bugs, and open the unlimited number test at the end of July!" Chen Jing said to everyone in the team after about a try.

"Boss, is our charging system for the game still an in-store purchase like the previous one?" A young man from the operation team asked Chen Jing.

"Go to the game's official website and launch a voting event. There are two modes of point card and free, allowing players to choose by themselves. If the free mode is mostly free, follow the previous method; Fashion and horses are all put in."

While talking, Chen Jing glanced at his subordinates, didn't they understand after such a long time?

And in the Thunder Studio, after the research project is launched, how to get profit.

Chuhe, who had just finished posting Weibo in the Tianhe network, received another message.

Penguin wants to make "Jianghu" an exclusive game of WEGAME.

Not just the monopoly of domestic platforms, but the monopoly of global platforms, including not being able to board the steam platform.

One day later, in the Tianhe Internet office, Wang He talked to Chuhe about Penguin's conditions.

"Penguins are really rich and powerful!" Chu He said with a smile.

Although it is a sigh, in fact Chuhe has already refused.

The price that Penguin can offer is indeed very superior. If it is the other game companies, it is likely that they have already agreed.

On the one hand, Penguin will do its best to promote it, and at the same time, there will be a large amount of exclusivity fee, and there is no need to even sell it. Just the exclusivity fee can recover the cost and even make a fortune.

The most important thing is your own interests, in fact, you won't lose much, and it seems that there is no need to refuse.

But for Chuhe, these temptations are not actually temptations.

Tianhe Network is not short of money, or to be more accurate, the money that Tianhe Network has is not given by Penguin.

And for his own game, Chuhe has enough confidence.

Why does Penguin want the exclusive rights to Jianghu?

There is no doubt that this is to promote WEGAME, even including promoting the WEGAME platform internationally.

Looking at the smiling Chuhe, Wang He couldn't help but sigh inwardly as he stood up.

Regarding the new work of Tianhe Network, he also quietly experienced it at the Cologne Game Show, for which he queued for nearly an hour.

But when he got to experience it, he knew that the hour of waiting was definitely worth it.

Unlike foreigners who don't understand Chinese martial arts culture, Wang He, who has experienced "Jianghu", clearly understands what kind of game it is.

The innovation of domestic games is not an exaggeration, Tianhe Network has created a monster in domestic games!

For a long time, whether WEGAME supports independent games or represents masterpieces, a lot of coins are distributed to promote the platform, not just domestically.

Penguin's ambitions are much greater. They want to replace the status of the steam platform, but this is a very difficult thing.

WEGAME has also been born for more than a year, but not to mention the international market, even in the domestic market, they can’t compete with the steam platform, not only that, but also some peers, such as cubes.

Wang He had a premonition that if he could win Tianhe Network, it would be an exaggeration to say that it would open up the international market, but it might be possible for the WEGAME platform to gain a large amount of user traffic and narrow the gap with the Steam platform.

But the idea is good. He has used the largest resources he can apply for, but he still can't impress Chuhe.

"We don't require monopoly, but WEGAME still hopes to maintain the monopoly of domestic platforms like the previous cooperation." Wang He said: "Of course, WEGAME will be responsible for the promotion, promotion, and release of the game. .”

"Of course, we had a very pleasant cooperation before." Chuhe nodded. The specific cooperation matters will be discussed at that time, and Chuhe believes that WEGAME will not be stingy.

As for changing partners, Chuhe has no such idea for the time being, mainly because there are basically no platforms as powerful as WEGAME in China.

Naturally, Fangfang had contact with Chuhe, but the conditions offered by the other party were far inferior to WEGAME, so Chuhe naturally would not consider them.

After the contact with WEGAME ended, Chuhe began to contact the physical release of the game.

In the previous famine, digital games were used and no physical distribution was carried out. It was not until the acquisition of Longzu Studio and the production of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" that Tianhe Network opened up the distribution channels of offline physical games.

And this "Jianghu", as a masterpiece of Tianhe Network, will undoubtedly be released offline.

Including the collection of original paintings, as well as figures, etc., you need to place an order in advance.

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