Video Game Empire

Chapter 167: Late Spring Offensive

ps: I got two 165 chapters before. It is very troublesome to modify the chapters. This chapter is directly 167 chapters!

Li Xuan gently hugged Zhong Chuhong who was about to clean up the table, and said softly, "Let's put it away, let the Filipino maid clean up tomorrow!"

Zhong Chuhong didn't insist either, letting her man hold her hand, and the two sat on the sofa. (First appearance) Li Xuan looked at his girlfriend so quietly, Zhong Chuhong tried to speak several times, but gave up again, and finally turned his head to the side with a snort.

Zhong Chuhong seems to have noticed about Li Xuan and Lizhi. Several times Li Xuan spent the night at Lizhi's place, and his bodyguards received calls from Zhong Chuhong to check people. Those followers naturally did not dare to betray their boss, and they made a few excuses to prevaricate it. But they may be good at fighting and killing, but lying is really not a strong point.

Bingxue's smart Zhong Chuhong soon found out a little from the answers of the bodyguards, and after a little investigation, she guessed the truth by eight or nine points. Her boyfriend raised a vixen outside, it's not normal for her to give Li Xuan a good face. After Li Xuan came a few times and had a closed door, he simply went directly to Lizhi's place to stay overnight.

Li Xuan's intention was to neglect her, which made Zhong Chuhong a little sad but also a little more frightened. She was afraid that Li Xuan would really turn his head and leave her. So Zhong Chuhong decided to change his strategy, stop being petty, and push the man further and further away. Today, I specially sent the Filipino maid out, and I personally cooked a candlelight dinner for Li Xuan. Fried egg with steak in sauce, simple but heartwarming, the two seem to be back when they first met.

Li Xuan knew what Zhong Chuhong wanted to say, and he also felt that he was a bit of a jerk. But who made him not control the brothers below, naturally he can't have weak legs at this time. Otherwise, there will be no happy birthday. Men are always like this, eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot. Li Xuan could not escape this weakness.

He saw that Zhong Chuhong deliberately turned his head, but just smiled. Simply turn on the TV and tune to the ATV Chinese station. Today is Friday, and that week happens to be the first episode of Who Can Be a Millionaire. After more than half a year of preparation, ATV finally turned the idea proposed by Li Xuan into a complete and wonderful variety show.

Before Li Xuan personally went to the scene to observe the trial recording process, he felt that it basically reached the level of similar programs in later generations. So under the nod of his big boss and original planner, "Who Can Be a Millionaire" is about to start broadcasting.

The time was exactly eight o'clock, and the TV advertisement of Dongfang Game Company's home game console was playing on the TV screen. There is nothing particularly creative in the content of the advertisement, just two children sitting in front of the TV with happy faces, playing games with gamepads. The focus of the entire advertising screen is the games that were released with the game console.

Among them, "Tank Wars" and "Mario Brothers" have five consecutive seconds of wonderful game screen. The wonderful footage of the editing brings the essence of both games to life. It's heart-wrenching to see. I wonder how many people in Hong Kong will buy game consoles after watching this advertisement?

Immediately after the advertisement ended, a loud, banned music suddenly sounded, and then the screen turned, and the TV screen was covered with various profound symbols and formulas of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, all of which were compressed together to form a human brain. in the shape of a small ball. And the empty space on the screen was immediately filled with countless new words, poems, and ancient sentences, and these words were quickly sucked into the human brain. In the end, the human brain-shaped sphere became larger and larger, taking up fills the entire TV screen. It exploded suddenly with a "touch".

The screen flashed, and the ball had turned into a few large characters in the art style of "Who Can Be a Millionaire". Afterwards, thunderous applause came from the TV, and the camera appeared in the audience cheering and applauding. After sweeping a group, it finally settled on the center stage of the recording studio.

"I once heard a grandpa say to me, what is the use of studying other than university entrance exams? There are only two universities in Hong Kong, and only a few students are recruited each year. Going to university is like crossing a single-plank bridge with thousands of horses. People will be squeezed into the water. It is better to come out to work early and make money a few years earlier!

I didn't object at the time. Just say it in your heart, read more books. Learn more, it will be useful one day! Today, I stand here and say loudly that reading is useful, because knowledge is wealth, and knowledge changes destiny! "

Chen Boxiang unknowingly walked to the center of the stage, he suddenly pulled the prominent red cloth, revealing a boxy glass box inside. The people at the scene let out a "呲" sound, as if they were taking a breath of cold air. At this time, the camera kept getting closer to the transparent glass box, and countless spectators sitting in front of the TV in Hong Kong could not help but burst into exclamations.

Inside the glass box is a hill made up of stacks of Hong Kong dollars.

"I repeat, knowledge changes destiny, and knowledge is wealth!" Chen Boxiang pointed at Qian Shan next to him, and said with impassioned words, "Tonight, whoever can answer the eleven questions in my hand, he can bring Take this million Hong Kong dollars! Who can become a millionaire, let us speak with knowledge!"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly warmed up! The audience in front of the TV in Hong Kong also suddenly became enthusiastic!

"Ara's hosting is not bad!" Li Xuan took the opportunity to hug his girlfriend's waist, and Zhong Chuhong leaned on his chest very obediently and obediently. It seemed that the two of them had not had any trouble just now.

"Alek hosted "Happy Tonight" on TVB before, and Ms. Zhou Liangshuyi took the lead in digging him up!" Zhong Chuhong glanced at the TV and said.

"I heard that you recommended it!" Li Xuan said, scratching her Qiong nose.

"Well, I think A Lak is quick-witted and eloquent!" Zhong Chuhong nodded.

Chen Baixiang is interested in making movies. He has a good relationship with Zeng Zhiwei. From time to time, he will come to the Asian film and television company to stop by, and Zhong Chuhong and him also become familiar with each other. After Li Xuan had dinner with Chen Baixiang last time, he never saw him again. My impression of him is still on the line of the previous life, "My admiration for you is like a surging river, and it is like the Yellow River overflowing out of control".

"Who is the author of "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai"? a Cao Xueqin b Pu Songling c Shi Nai An d Xiao Xiaosheng?"

At this time, the first contestant started to answer the question after self-introduction. This is his second question.

"b Pu Songling!" The thin man who answered the question said without hesitation.

"No change?" Chen Boxiang asked again.

"No change, this question is very simple. I am very sure that my answer is correct!" The man nodded and said.

"Congratulations, you have accumulated a bonus of 5,000 yuan now! Do you want to continue? If you can answer the next question correctly, the bonus will rise to 10,000 yuan!" Chen Baixiang asked with a smile.

"Continue!" The thin player said without hesitation.

"Can I ask what work you are doing now?" Chen Baixiang was not in a hurry to start the next question. Instead, he began to ask the players about the situation with great interest.

"Working as a sales clerk in a department store!"

"How much is your monthly salary?"

"900 yuan!" The man said embarrassedly, this monthly salary is indeed not high.

"Then the bonus you get now is almost equal to half a year's salary, do you want to continue? If you answer the next question correctly, the bonus will double, if you make a mistake, everything will be in vain! Give you three more seconds to think about it, yes Choose to take it as soon as you see it, and be safe, or choose to go ahead and fight for a fortune. Say your final answer!" Chen Baixiang's typhoon is very good, and he controls the rhythm with ease.

It is a pity that the first player who chose to continue failed on the third question. The third question asked what the score was for the 1978 World Cup winner and runner-up. This player is obviously not a fan, which made countless Hong Kong fans sitting in front of the TV sigh for him, wishing he could go up and help him answer the correct answer.

The first player left the stage sadly without winning any prize money. The TV commercial started playing at the right time. It was still the same game console commercial that had been played before the show started. The game console is the first sponsor of the "Who Can Be a Millionaire" show, which has just started airing and has no ratings guaranteed. Many brands that are interested in advertising offer low prices. Therefore, Li Xuan simply decided to let Dongfang Game Company pay for the advertising time of the first two episodes of the program, and bombard the newly listed game consoles with three-dimensional advertisements.

The game console of Dongfang Game Company officially went on sale globally a few days ago, and advertisements for the game console began to appear on TV stations around the world. In fact, Dongfang Company does not pay much attention to the sales volume in the Hong Kong market. Because the price is so high, a game console retails for as high as HK$700 in Hong Kong. Ordinary families simply cannot afford it.

But this is actually the lowest price in the world, because the wholesale of the Hong Kong market is all entrusted to the sales company of Li Xuan's eldest brother Li Ke, who will then send it directly to the sales store owner. There is only one layer of distribution in the middle. In markets like Japan and the United States, most of them have two or three layers of distribution links. The retail price is basically set at 199 US dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 1,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Dongfang Game Company is also making every effort to build its own sales network. In order to achieve a flat distribution channel, it is best to eliminate all the intermediate distributors that eat up profits, and let the company ship directly to the final retailer. But it will take at least a year or two to build a complete sales network.

"I heard that Dongfang Game Company spent 10 million yuan to shoot a 15-second commercial? Why didn't you play that commercial!" Zhong Chuhong raised her head and asked with interest.

This news was specially released by Dongfang Game Company to the cooperative media. In the past few days, it has become the two most concerned lace news together with the one million grand prize of ATV's "Who Can Be a Millionaire".

Li Xuan nodded. The advertisement was shot by Dongfang Game Company specifically for the North American market. The total investment was as high as 2 million US dollars, which was indeed more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Of course, the remuneration of the protagonist of the advertisement accounts for the bulk of it.

"The ad was aimed at the American market. It was about a father who had been away from home for a long time and found that his young child was very unfamiliar with him after returning home. So the father bought his son a game console. , play games with their children, and finally harvest the children's laughter, making the father-son relationship as close as ever!"

Li Xuan continued to explain: "The protagonist of the advertisement invited Mr. Austin Hoffman, the best actor of last year's Oscar, to star in the starring role, and he took half of his salary! Of course, in addition to shooting the advertisement, he also included A one-year endorsement contract for consoles!"

The Kramers, starring Austin Hoffman and Meryl Streep, tell the story of a family's upheaval when their wife runs away, highlighting the love between father and son. story. This warm film released on Christmas Day in 1979 not only broke the box office of 100 million yuan, but also won five Oscar awards including the three most important awards including best picture, best actor and actress.

Game consoles are the first choice for many American fathers when buying gifts for their children, especially their sons. And "Mrs. Kramer" describes the relationship between father and son in a large space. It's a pity that this movie has been released for more than a year. Otherwise, Dongfang Game Company can use this to hype it up. But Austin Hoffman, who plays his father, is undoubtedly a good fit for this video game ad, which depicts the relationship between father and son.

"Hollywood's endorsement fee is so high!" Zhong Chuhong smacked her tongue playfully. The Asian film and television company she is currently managing is producing three films at the same time, all of which are low-budget films, one with an investment of 1 million and two with an investment of 2 million. The total investment of the three films is only equal to the salary of one Hollywood movie star.

"If I had asked him to shoot an advertisement last year, the price would have been even higher! Hoffman has been on vacation since filming "The Kramers", so his popularity has declined a bit!" Li Xuan said while rubbing his girlfriend's hair.

"What do you think the wireless station controlled by Uncle Shao will react to ATV's 'Late Spring Offensive'?" Zhong Chuhong's thinking jumped.

After Li Xuan took over the TV station from the British, ATV's offensive has been aggressive. In the second half of last year, ATV, with sufficient funds, shot a number of well-made TV series in one go, and gained a good reputation. In terms of ratings, it was almost tied with the wireless and At the end of last year, President Zhou Liang Shuyi recognized Shao Liushu's "save king" temperament and used a wave of silver bullets to dig a lot of people from the wireless station. It was at that time that Chen Baixiang came to ATV. Of course, under the suppression of Huang Xizhao, Zhou Liang Shuyi's poaching was relatively restrained. At least the two TV stations are still in healthy competition on the surface, and they have not completely torn their faces.

After the New Year, ATV is no longer satisfied with only relying on TV dramas and TVB to compete in the arena, and is determined to completely defeat TVB's ace program "Happy Tonight", and the first killer released by ATV is "Who Can Become a Millionaire". You only need to answer 11 questions correctly to win a prize of 1 million Hong Kong dollars. Since ATV began to promote its upcoming new variety show, the discussion in Hong Kong has become more and more enthusiastic.

Li Xuan is too lazy to guess what the reaction will be on the TVB. At least the show "Who Can Be a Millionaire" is completely popular. Every Friday night in the future, countless viewers will firmly lock their TV sets on ATV. Chinese station.

There is a "late spring offensive" on ATV's side, and there is another "late spring offensive" on Dongfang Game Company's side. It's just that Atari is facing the challenge over there. I don't know how Atari should react to the powerful game console? (To be continued..)


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