Video Game Empire

Chapter 199: go north

The debate over the arcade and arcade industries lasted for a month in Japan before gradually subsiding. [First Release] The final result was that the government announced the establishment of a special strategy committee to study youth education issues. Touhou Games also followed the trend and donated 100 million yen to the committee's fundraising foundation.

At the same time, the Japanese government recognizes that the arcade industry has become a breeding ground for vices such as intellectual property piracy and underworld money laundering, which needs to be more strictly controlled. Amendments to the current Casino Control Act will soon be made to bring the arcade industry under police jurisdiction and subject to the law.

This change will undoubtedly normalize the arcade industry in Japan at that time. The impact on Dongfang Game Company is that in the future, the new game consoles will need to be approved by the police department in the future.

"Our situation in Hong Kong is similar to that of Japan. As a responsible company, Oriental Game Company should propose to the Hong Kong government a way to learn from Japan. Let the arcade halls in Hong Kong, like dance halls and night-clubs, be included in the special management of the police. This is of great benefit to maintaining the healthy development of the entire game industry!" After the latest news came back from Japan, Li Xuan called Du Wenqiang to his office and instructed.

He thought for a while and then said: "The previous attack on us by Japanese newspapers also exposed many deficiencies in the game industry. This is an emerging industry, and the institutional norms are not perfect. In the European, American and Japanese markets, such as the film industry, which belongs to the entertainment industry. It is already relatively mature and has a complete grading system. Directors can create boldly and freely, and even if there is blood, violence, eroticism, etc., they can pass the grading system. Minors are excluded from the audience.

Can we join other game companies in the United States and Japan to establish a game supplier self-discipline association? Responsible for self-rating all game content! This not only takes care of the creative freedom of game creators, but also fully considers the social impact. We are a foreign company. You should take the initiative in these aspects, otherwise, once you are excluded, it will become very embarrassing, and it is easy to be strangled! "

Du Wenqiang nodded vigorously and agreed: "Mr. Li, your proposal is good! But I guess that big companies such as Sega and Namco Palace may not like us. We can start with small companies and win enough support. After that, talk to those big companies!"

For more than a year, Dongfang Games has been like a dazzling sun in the game industry, killing the Quartet in the field of handheld, home and arcade. Several large companies such as Sega are direct competitors to the Eastern Game Company, and naturally they will not give them a good face. But for small companies. Oriental games are the object they need to look up to, and they will not regard it as a competitor at all, and naturally there is not much hatred.

On the contrary, the myth that each game of Dongfang Games almost never fails makes it very prestigious among small companies. In particular, more and more small and medium-sized companies, seeing the platform value of game handheld and home game consoles, hope to cooperate with Dongfang Game Company to become the third-party game supplier of the two platforms. Now Dongfang Game Company can get a lot of responders when they call up.

"We also don't ask to control this association, as long as we can ensure that our own interests are not violated! Since Taidong Company released "Space Invaders", there has been no very good work. Although it is still considered a big game The company, but in fact the confidence has been somewhat insufficient.”

Li Xuan tapped the beat lightly with his fingers and continued to analyze, "We can properly hold Taidong Company. First reach an offensive and defensive alliance with it. The Namco Club was bought by me last year for the game "Pac-Man". Copyright, and later this game was a big hit in the United States and Europe, and it has sold more than 120,000 units so far. They must be vomiting blood!

But Nakamura Masaya, the president of Namco Palace, is a very calm old man, and he must not be impatient. As long as we can get enough support from game manufacturers. Show your strength, it won't be too difficult to convince him! As for Sega's Nakayama Hayao, it should be as you said. Hate us to the core.

They were the ones who suffered the most from the rise of our company. Therefore, Sega must be placed last. As long as all other companies agree to establish a practitioners association, if he refuses to submit, he can directly threaten to exclude Sega from the association! "

Du Wenqiang nodded. Compared with the Japanese market, the United States is much easier to deal with. At present, there is no particularly strong game company in the American market except Atari. The famous Xue Leshan in later generations was still a family workshop, and Electronic Arts (EA) had not even been established. And Atari's prestige in the US game industry has been greatly shaken due to its previous failure to contain game consoles, and Oriental Games has been qualified to compete with it.

The establishment of a supplier self-discipline association is a very cumbersome matter, requiring companies to negotiate and win over. But if Dongfang Game Company can do this as a leader, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the company's status in the entire game industry. Du Wenqiang was very excited to take on this task, ready to go back and collect relevant information first, then formulate a detailed feasible plan, and finally put it into action.

Li Xuan had already set foot on the charter plane of Beifei Continent at this time. The Hong Kong delegation to the mainland organized by Mr. Huo Yingdong has been completed, and a Boeing 737 passenger plane of Cathay Pacific has been chartered to fly non-stop from Hong Kong to Beijing-Beijing.

A total of 12 people participated in the northbound delegation, in addition to many Hong Kong billionaires, they also included celebrities from the political and academic circles. For example, the number one Chinese boss in Hong Kong politics, Mr. Zhong Siyuan, the chief member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, and Professor Ma Lin, President of CUHK, and others.

The reason why Li Xuan readily agreed to Mr. Huo's invitation was because he was unwilling to give up this rare opportunity to communicate with senior leaders in the mainland. In the past, he may have also worried about whether he would be labeled as a "pro-communist" political label.

But with the continuous improvement of the influence of Oriental Company in the world, Li Xuan has had the opportunity to get in touch with top political figures. For example, when he was in the United States before, he was fortunate to have lunch with the new US President Ronald Reagan. When Li Xuan was campaigning for Reagan, he threw $1 million to support his big sponsor.

During the lunch, in addition to expounding on the old-fashioned issues such as the new government's firm implementation of tax cuts and support for corporate development, Li Xuan also took the opportunity to consult with him on the US's next stance towards China. Obviously, after taking the US presidency, Reagan no longer had a tough stance on China in order to cater to hawkish voters during the campaign, and began to become moderate and friendly.

Now the number one enemy of the United States is still the red giant Soviet Union on the other side of the Iron Curtain. China, which has tense relations with the Soviet Union and has a long border, is undoubtedly an excellent **** for the United States to contain this number one enemy. Not long ago, China decisively dispatched troops to teach a lesson to Vietnam, the younger brother supported by the Soviet Union, and undoubtedly gave the United States a vote.

The friction on the Sino-Vietnamese border is still intermittent. All of this has made a positive change in the US government's China policy. It is no longer regarded as a beast, but an object that can be drawn. The U.S.-controlled Batumi Commission has begun to relax the embargo on materials to China, and the long list of embargoes has been continuously reduced.

The main markets for the products of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. are in Europe and the United States, which makes Li Xuan have to pay attention to his position in many cases. But now that the US's China policy has been relaxed, he can finally relax a lot without having to tighten the strings as before.

"This is Professor Chen Bai from the University of California, Santa Clara, and his father is General Chen Jitang!" Ma Lin introduced Li Xuan to a man with a square face and a pair of short-sighted glasses sitting next to him.

"Hello, Professor Chen!" Li Xuan said politely.

To people in other places, Chen Jitang is just a Cantonese warlord in the history textbooks of the early Republic of China, but people in eastern Guangdong Province are much more familiar with him. He has ruled Guangdong for eight years, set up education, supported industry and commerce, and really did a lot of practical things. Now there are many older generation of Guangdong people who still miss Chen Jitang.

“Professor Terman of Stanford University in the United States put forward the idea of ​​“Golden Triangle” in the 1950s. This triangle relationship is formed by universities, industry and government departments. Can the mainland also learn from the Silicon Valley model and start a new type of research institute? University, to promote the business community to invest and set up factories around the school, and then the government will give policy support to gradually develop an advanced electronic industry, so as to promote China's modernization cause!" Chen Bai explained his school-running ideas to Li Xuan.

His father, General Chen Jitang, attached great importance to education when he was governing eastern Guangdong in his early years, and Chen Bai could be regarded as inheriting his father's legacy. In fact, as early as ten years ago, he personally met Jiang Jingguo in and stated to him the idea of ​​establishing an experimental university in Hsinchu, but unfortunately it died in the end due to various reasons.

In September last year, he returned to China to give lectures at the invitation of Academician Qian San-qiang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During this period, he was fortunate to meet Deng-Lao in the Great Hall of the People, and explained to him that he hoped to combine theory and practice, and to build a school that could The desire of the University of Science and Technology for students to apply what they have learned.

After a year of perfect revision, Chen Bai finally came up with a feasible proposal. This time coincided with the Hong Kong delegation going north together. He decided to go north together and take this opportunity to personally present it to the state leaders. After listening to his idea, Li Xuan couldn't help but light up, and he had some new ideas. But he wasn't in a hurry. And wait for Chen Bai's proposal to be submitted first, and then discuss with him in detail after receiving specific instructions from the central leaders.

After three and a half hours of flight, the plane finally landed at Beijing-Beijing Airport. The mainland government attaches great importance to the Hong Kong delegation to the north, and specially sent a deputy prime minister to greet them, and held a brief but warm welcome ceremony for everyone at the airport.

It was the first time that Li Xuan saw the scene of a group of children wearing red scarves jumping and shouting "Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!" (To be continued..)


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